'12 | TAeE MARINE REVIEW The Word "'Penberthy"' is as Pamiliay to the engineer as the Goddess of Liberty is 'to the American. Public. Actual tests back up every claim we make for ' the "'PENBERTHY"--IT ALWAYS WORKS. The "Penberthy"' line includes:--The old and tried "Penberthy" Autoniatic and Auto-Positive Injectors, Ejectors, Oiland Grease Cups, Water Gages, Gage Cocks and other steam specialties. CATALOG No. 22 SHOWS THEM ALL. The Penberthy publication 'Engineer & Fireman'"' is a32 page journal bright and sparkling from cover to cover--full of subjects interesting to the engineer and fireman of today. SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE CORY Penberthy Injector Co. (Largest Manufacturers of Injectors in the World) Detroit, Mich., U.S. A. BRANCHES: New York, N. Y. CANADIAN FACTORY: London, Eng. Windsor, Ont., Can. Ashton Highest Grade Pop Safety Valves and Steam Gages Guaranteed to give Unequalled Efficiency, Durability and Perfect Satisfaction. Special Features in valves. . Outside Pop Regulation. ~Cam Lever Attachment. Jessops Steel Spring. Gages have Non-Corrosive Movements. site i Accurately Graduated Dials. Seamless Drawn Springs. Specify the Ashton and Get the Best, THE ASHTON VALVE COMPANY. 2/1 Franklin St. - BOSTON, MASS. Branches : New York. Chicago. Philadelphia. San Francisco.