- 14 : THe Marine Review The Rogers' Steam Boiler Heater, Purifier, Oil Separator and Circulator This effective combination---a Rocer's PATENT. coming factor in the manufact- HEATER PURIFIER OIL-SEPARATOR AND CIRCULATING DEVICE ure and operation of boilers--- PuRiFien now in action with great suc- PURIFIER cess---should have the careful = attention of owners and. operat- Tessie beni bineiertres ing engineers. a THIS WE CLAIM It heats the feed-water. Purifies the feed-water. ea = Separates the oils and grease' SS from the feed-water. Discharges the feed-water at the bottom of Scotch and marine boilers, thus causing a circula- tion and bringing the temper- ature very close, bottom and top, the action of the fire being much above the bottom of the DISCHARLE boiler. Dispenses with unequal ex- pansion and contraction to the greatest extent, thus eliminating large boiler repairs, leaky girt seams, furnaces, front and back-head seams, and deterioration of shells. Cheapest and easiest to operate. Absolutely safe and purely mechanical. Will prevent pitting. QD OO 000000 OF ° \Y He: ree ee ee 000060000000 WY 49: er ee 1000009090005 Ha PA SS ea SS 240 MO19--_ > H } These claims are substantiated by many leading concerns, whose convincing testimony, together with our circulars, will be mailed on. request. Address Rogers, 202 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. ~ Qumntard Iron Works Company Office 742 E. 12th St. NEW YORK MARINE. ENGINES THE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER-TUBE BOILER CO. Manufacturers of = High Grade Marine Water Tube Boilers - Generators of the Highest Quality of Steam OVER 1g00 IN USE Send for circulars i and stock sheet eS) MAIN OFFICB 39 Cortlandt St. New York City Phone 599 Cortlandt Works: Red Bank, N. J. Cable Address Phone, 49 Red Bank '¢Bruniva" - 9 BOILERS MARINE. TURBINES Gas Works Apparatus, Sugar, Cement, Mining, Dredging and all kinds of Machinery. N. F. PALMER, President STEVENSON TAYLOR, Vice Pres. GEO. Q. PALMER, Treas. and Genl. Mgr.