'TAE Marine. REVIEW IDEAL NN AUTOMATIC PUMP GOVERNOR is a fire alarm in itself, because, with a nominal head on the fire lines, the Ideal Governor starts the fire pump automatically and at once, without noti- fying the bridge or engine room, by simply opening the hydrant cock, With the Ideal any one or a number of hose may be kinked or shut off and the governor immediately adjusts the pressure to the lines in use. Fire or intense heat do not effect the working of the Ideal Governor. Actual tests have proved the worth of the Ideal. U.S. A. TRANSPORT McCLELLAN The "IDEAL"? Automatic Pump Governor Co. Dear Sir:---We have had one of your governors installed on this ship for seven months, and have found it invaluable. : ; We have the required pressure on the fire line all the time, and the governor so regulates it that the pressure never exceeds what is required. On November last the steamer Rosalie was burned alongside of us, and by having the governor, we were enabled to have all hands to handle the hose and save this ship from destruction. Yours truly, A. D. LOTHROP, Master. Sy For Any Service The Ideal is the only governor approved as efficient by the National Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels. : For any service the Ideal Governor is undeniably best. It handles salt water or solutions, excepting oil-destroying acid, without a particle of scale forming within the governor. No matter how long the pump is idle, the Ideal Governor is always ready for action. It adjusts equally well the most powerful or delicate pressures. No parts to rot, crack or harden. Send us a description of your pumping service and we will show ~ you how the Ideal is adapted to your work. Write for Descriptive Catalog. THE , IDEAL AUTOMATIC PUMP GOVERNOR CO. 15-25 WHITEHALL STREET, NEW YORK