VoL. XXXV. CLEVELAND, JUNE 6, 1907. NO. 23 NEW UNITED STATES DERELICT DESTROYER Queenstown, April 18.--The British steamer Asuncion de Larrinaga from Galveston, Marc 28, for Manchester, passed Browhead today and signaled that she had on board the crew of the Norwegian bark Ennerdale. ° The Ennerdale, which left Gulfport, March 12, for Buenos Ayres, was passed waterlogged and abandoned April 4 in latitude 29.25, longi- tude 79.46 by the British steamer Lord Iveagh, which arrived at Norfolk, April 9. The Asun- cion de Larrinaga evidently rescued the crew of the Ennerdale. Reports. like the foregoing, appearing almost daily in the columns of the press, keep us constantly reminded of the fact that there are as great, if not greater, dangers to be encountered at sea, than heavy weather or icebergs. ~ There are many such vessels, "waterlogged and abandoned," drifting'aimlessly along with the current year after year, some of them covering many thousand miles in their journeyings, .a constant menace to the ships in whose track they may be, nearly totally submerged and with decks awash. ; The fast mail flyer, traveling at 20 knots an hour, with collision bulkheads, water-tight compartments, and all the latest safety devices, might be able to continue on her way after coming in OUTBOARD PROFILE. OF DERELICT DESTROYER. contact with one of these ocean wander- ers, but the average old tramp ship, not x 15*PLA BASE LINE SECTION AT FRAME "80 LOOKING AFT. aL. BASE BASE 20*PLi 8X31 3 TIMBER SECTION AT FRAME © 29 LOOKING FOR'). SECTION AL SECTION AT FRAME"35 LOCKING FOR'D. sithilarly equipped, packed with freight from stem to stern, stands a poor chance SS LORS OOo Sle BASE SECTION AT FRAME™¢0 LOOKING AFT. , " My a Vy MY is 9.0% 35x 35X 9.8 0S 17 FORKL SOgOL 14™AT ENDS Na NK LINE BASE 31x 31x 9.38 °DBLE SECTION AT FRAME*45 LOOKING FOR'D, O re) LINE VIEWS OF DERELICT DESTROYER. 34% 34% 9.0 SINGLE