"TAE. MARINE. REVIEW OV = | : | | | | | | , | | | | MeQrtfur atable Fire Gseape HIS Portable Fire Escape and Jacob's Ladder is an ideal ladder for regular use aboard ship. It combines lightness with great strength, and will neither tangle, nor swing, nor corrode. As an emergency lad- der it is unequaled Even a child can use it. AGENTS: The Upson-Walton Co., Cleveland, O. McArthur's Portable Fire Escape Co. CLEVELAND, 0. ! CES GUA ED CA CED <P > ED GND GE Gr | | | | | | 7 | : | | | | THE TABLE NEVER TILTS N Oo The Crescent Angle Band Saw but you can cut your bevels more accurately and change the angle more quickly than you can do it with any other machine. Boat Builders are beginning to appreciate the advantage of using this machine and we cansend youa little booklet to prove it. Mail us a postal card and we will send the booklet together with catalog describing our complete line of Band Saws, Jointers and Saw Tables. : THE CRESCENT MACHINE CO., | 27 Cherry St., ae LEETONIA, OHIO. Established 1869 Incorporated 1896 Atlantic Works Incorporated Successors to Berry & Orton Company - Adjustable Bevel Band Saw will bevel both ways at 45 degrees Manufacturers of Machinery for Working Wood also Band Saw Blades For ute in Ship Yards, Car Shops, Railroad Shops. Estimates furnished. Send for Catalogue. 2870-72-74-76-78 Gray's Ferry Road Power movement to ' change angles Power feed in three directions Philadelphia, Pa. catemieeaiiana