THE MARINE REVIEW LAKE VESSELS SOLD SINCE THE FALL OF 1906. "LIST OF LAKE VESSELS SOLD TO AMERICANS. Str. Alcona, Pittsburg & Erie Coal: Co., Erie, Pas Str. Alva, Chicago & Duluth Transportation Co., Chicago, _ Ill. : Str. Arcadia, Capt, Harry May, Cleveland, ©; Sch. Arendal, Capt. Evan Neilson, Muske- -gon, Mich. Str. Armour, P. D., Pittsburg & Erie Coal Co; Brie, "Pa. Str. Belle (now Fremont), O. C. Hartman, Duluth, Minn. Str. Birckhead, H. P., sold to be broken. up. Sch. »Blaine, 7 G., R. Fitzgerald, Ogdens- burg, Nw Ya Tug Brown, Willie, James Davidas Bay City, Mich. a aay Louise A. Pederson, Buffalo, Str. Burnham, George,' Naugle Pole & Tie Co., Chicago, Ill. Str. Business, Pittsburg & Erie Coat Co, Erie, Pa. Str. Carter, w. dss Churchill Lueck Co:, Alpena, Mich. Inge. Gace, J. 1... John J... Boland -& - Co., ¢ cobadbalo, Ne Y. Str. Chequamagon, Mayor Frederichs, Trav- erse City, Mich. Str. Christie, T. S., Herman H. Hettler Lum- ber Co., Detroit, Mich. © Str. . City 'of "Grand Rapids, W. 4H. Reid, Sarnia, Ont. Str. Columbia, Arnold Transit Co., Mackinac Island, Mich. : Sch. Commodore, Capt. Frank DeSot, Tona- wanda, N. : Str. > Conestoga, Crosby Transportation Co., Muskegon, Mich. Sch. Coyne, Emma L., Richard Harvey et. al., Cleveland, O.. Str, Crescent, Capt. A.C. Majo, Duluth, Minn. Str. Culligan, . Patrick, (formerly George T. Hope); Capt. J. B. Hall, Str. Eastland, Lake Shore Cleveland, O. Str: C€o., Erte; Pa, * - Bge. Favorite, Flanner & Reeves, Toledo, O. Str. Fitzgerald, R. P., Pittsburg & Erie Coal Cos Eney bas: Str. Fitzgerald, William E., S. O. Neff, Mil- waukee, Wis. . Buttalo, N<Y; Navigation Co., Sandsucker Fletcher, James Davidson, Bay City, Mich. Str. 'Fremont (formerly Belle), O. C. . Hart- man, Duluth, Minn. Str. Gault, 'John €. Capt. M. W. Tumphper, Detroit, Mich. Sir. Gordon, BR. J... Capt. S. M. Rose, Mani- towoc, Wis. Sch. Grant Levi, Wilber Anderson, Marinette, Wis Str. Gratwick, W. H., Chicago & Duluth Trans. Co., Chicago, TH "Sch. Hackley, C. H., Win Schlosser, Milwau- kee, Wis. Str. Havana, Pittsburg & Erie Coal Co., Erie, Pa. Str. Hazel, John Deist, Sandusky, O. Str. Hope, George T., (now Culligan), Capt. a B Hall, Buffalo, Noe ¥, Str. Hopkins, A. L., Laurence Brown, Chau- mont, ON. <., and Capt. Albert Dixon, Cleveland, O. E Str. fon: Mutual Transit Co., Buffalo, Mey. oe Sch. Hutchinson, Emma C., Capt. William Strong, Tonawanda, N. =. Bge. Interlaken, Alex R. Sinclair & Co., Huron, Mich. loughby, Huron, O. Str. Iron Age, W. J. Willoug Pringle, St. Bge. Iron, oe Capt. J. ©. De Vicon, G. K., Mershon, Schuette, Park- er & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Tug Kelderhouse, John, Heckler Dredging Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. oo Bee. Kelley, Edward, Pittsburg & Erie Coa Go., Erie, : Pa: : _Str. Kensington, John J. Boland & Co... But a as: Buffalo Transit Co., Buf- a' Boys, hag pepie Schuette, Pakr- Co., Saginaw, Mi os Str. Eton, Frank C., Albert Dickinson, 1 Sir, ee Piaaes W. H. Waggoner, Green age hae: S. C. McLouth, Marine City, Peg Oi heater, Milwaukee- fe hactage Steam- ship Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Egan, Wiley M., Pittsburg & Erie Coal - Sch. Mere Pittsburg & Erie Coal Co., Erie, : : Str. archi Jn D "Je- Oc Nessen & Gos Manistee, -Mich, Str. Mercur, Fred, John Hall, Ogdensburg, N. : 'i Str. Minneapolis, Mutual Transit Co., Buf- falo;< Ny LY, : ee Bge. Moore, W. Port Huron, Mich. ae Mystic, Zenith Dredge Co., Duluth, inn. aoa Str. New York, Cedar © Point Resort CG; Sandusky, O. : a aes Jo2 Boland. & Co., Buffalo, Str. Ogontz, Capt. oe Hiiborn: Cheboy- gan, Mich, Str. Omaha, S. O. Neff, Milwaukee, Wis. Str. Oregon, James Squires, St. Clair, Mich. Sch. Owen, George B., Argo Steamship COs; Cleveland, O. Tug Owen. John, 'Prank Perry, Savit:Ste. Marie, Mich. Str. Peters: (formerly. Jim Sheriffs), J. =O. Nessen & Co., Manistee, Mich. Str. Plankinton, John, Pittsburg & Erie Coal Co, Erie: Pa: Str. Pringle, John C., Burns Bros., Detroit, Mich. . Bge. Rhodes, D. a Thomas McGowan, Jr., Detroit, Mich. Str. Rhodes, Wm. Castle, Mutual Transit Go,, Butialo,- N.<cY. Str: ae Charles, M. A. Callahan, Cleve- land, Tug Robinson, Duncan, Zenith Dredge Co., Duluth, Minn. Str. Ryerson, Carry, William Brinen, Muske- gon, Mich. Str, me Paul, Mutual Transit Co., Buffalo, INE ea Str. Faas Argo Steamship Co., Cleve- lan Sir. Sage, Russell, Capt; M. W. Humphrey, Detroit, Mich. Str: Scranton, Buffalo. Transit C€o.,. Buffalo, « Ni aye ; Bge. Shawnee, Huron & Erie Transportation Co., Detroit, Mich. Str. Sheriffs, Jim (now Peters), J: O. Nessen & Co., Manistee, Mich. Str. Shrigley, James H., Huron & Erie Tran- portation Co., Detroit, Mich. Str: Soper, Albert, Flanner & Reeves, To- ledo,; O. Str. Soo City; Indiana: «Transportation -Co., Chicago, Ill. Sch. . Stafford, Win Schlosser,, Milwaukee, Wis. Sch. Sweetheart, James O'Connor, Tona- wanda, N. Bge. Tempest No. 2, Riley Rurinsion. Bay City, Mich: = - Bge. Tilden, S. J., Edward Hines Lumber Go.;, - Chicago, - Til: Str. Tuttle, 7H. Bb. Gapt. Harris: W. Baker, Detroit, Mich. : Bee. Tyson, Ee. Hh... 5; C. Mchouth, «Marine City, -Mich. Tug Uranick, Muir Bros. & O'Sullivan Co., Seb: Uranus, S. C.~McLouth, Marine City, Mich. Walter, J. A. Calbick & Co., Chi- ov atl cago, . Ill; Str. Walsh, Lizzie, J. O. Nessen & Co., Man- - istee, Mich. Str. Wyoming, Wyoming Steamship Co., Buf- falo, Ve List Ox LAKE MESSELS "SOLD TO CANADIANS. Sch. Aberdeen, William Hackett & Sons, Quebec, Que. Str. Alaska, J; Es Williscroft, & W. J: -Pul- ling, Windsor, : Ont. as Beals, E. P:, ~Adolf Lomer; Montreal, ue. " Str. Benton, F. W. Doty, Goderich, Ont. Str. City of Ottawa (formerly India), Montreal E Lake: Erie-. SS. .Co., Litd., Montreal, ue. Str. Cuba (now Ionic), Northern Navigation Co.;° (ofr. Ontario. Itd., Collingwood, Can. Str. Curlew, George H. Finniout, Port Ar- thur,. Ont; Str. Fisk, Edmund, Great Lakes Dredging Co;;. Port "Arthur; Ont. Str. India (now City of Ottawa), Montreal & Lake Erie. S. Co.,. 'Ltd., -Montreal,; Que. Str. Ionic (formerly Cuba), Northern Naviga- Le Co., of Ontario, Ltd., Collingwood, nt. Tug Jean, Port Burwell Fishing -Co., Port Burwell, Ont. Sch: "Kitchen, J. Bi, K., Alex. R. Sinclair & Co., Post Hope, Ont. Bge. Mae Sophia, "o We. J. Colwill, Sar- nia, } Str, Richards, Rube, E Ww. Doty, Goderich, Ont. Str Rosedale, Re OR Ae B. Mackay, Hamil- -ton, Can: : Str. - Scott; Thomas R., Peninsular Tug & Towing Co., Wiarton, Ont. oo Bge. ' Superior, James Whalen, Port Arthur, Ont. : Sch. Warmington, G. H., F. C. Hall, Tren- ton, Ont. Str Williams, Eliza, James Whalen, Port Arthur, Onte Gs ?<¢ ' Str... Wissahickon, Capt. William Carmichael, Collingwood, Ont. : Str. : Witherbee, J: .G., 'Bernard J. Kaine, Quebec, . Que. . arge' No, 7; James Whalen, Port Arthur, Ont. 2 Scow B-9, James Whalen, Port Arthur, Ont. Scow B- ae -James * Whalen, Port Arthur, Ont. Scow B-12, James Whalen, Port Arthur, Ont. LIST OF, CANADIAN VESSELS SOLD. City of Windsor, Northern Navigation Co., of Co.5 Ontario, Ltd:, Collingwood, Can. St -Cuba, Northern Nav. Co., Collingwood, nt, : Bge. Cyrenian, Sarnia Transportation Sarnia, Ont. Northern Naviga-- Ltd., Collingwood, Dorie (formerly Tadousac), tion. :Co., . of « Ontario, Ont. Tug Menodora, Canadian Dredge & Construc- tion Co.,. Midland, Ont. Tug Minitaga, Great Lakes Dredging Co.; Port. Arthur; Ont. Bge. Naiad, Sarnia Transportation COs, bar nia, Ont. Tadousac (now Doric), Northern Navigation Co., of Ontario, Ltd., Collingwood, Ont. Str.. Where Now, Deseronto Nav. .Co., Ltd., Deseronto, Ont. LIS? -OF LAKE VESSELS SOLD TO PACIFIC COAST. Str. Chippewa, Puget Sound Navigation Co., Seattle, Wash. ; Stra 7Curtis, Ce F..> Miami Lumber. Co., "San Francisco, Cal. : Str. Devereaux, J. H., Capt. Whiteside, San' Francisco, Cal. : Sch. Goodman; W. O., Str. Howard, John C., Dollar Steamship Co., San Francisco, © Cal: Str. Iroquois,. Puget Sound Navigation Gon, Seattle, Wash. Str. Kelton, Minnie E.;. Miami Lumber Co., San .Francisco; Cal. : Str. Lindsay, A. G., Arthur Rupert, Aber- deen, Wash, ; Str. Neff, Lucy,. Miami Lumber Co.,. San Francisco, Cal. : Str. .Winnebago, Coast 'Shipping Co., San: Francisco, Cal. LIST OF LAKE VESSELS SOLD 7LO ATLANTIC. COAST. Bee aden Boutell Steel Barge C€o., Boston, ass Bee Badger, Boutell. Steel': Barge Co., Boston, ass. Bge. Baravia, Boutell Steel Barge Co., Bos- ton, Mass. : Bge. Baroness, Boutell Steel Barge Co., Bos- ton, Mass. "ies Str. Bay City, Boutell Steel Barge Co., Bos- . ton, Mass. : Str. Bay Port, Boutell Steel Barge Co., Bos- 'ton, Mass. Str. Bay State; Boutell Steel. Barge Co., Bos- ton, Mass. ; Str: Bay View, Boutell Steel Barge Co.,; Bos- ton, Mass. Bge. Berkshire, Boutell Steel Barge Co., Bos- ton, Mass, Bge. Bombay, Boutell Steel Barge Co., Bos- ton, Mass. Bee Brittania, Boutell Steel Barge Co., Bos-- ton Mass. str; Carpenter, O.° Q;, W.. H: Brigham, Bos- ton, Mass. Str. Cartagena, F, 3B. Chesbrough, Boston, Mass, Str. Duncan, Maggie, W. H. Brigham, Bos- ton, Mass. oe: Katahdin, Export Lumber Co., New York ity Dir 'Madagascar (now Rendoshay. Bee: Chesbrough, Boston, Mass. Sch. Slauson, Minnie, I,. H. . Morehouse, Hampden Corner, Me. Str, Chisholm, William, Seaboard Transporta- Co., New York. Ravenscraig, Atlantic Coast interests. tion Str.