30 THE Marine REVIEW INDEX OF ADVERTISERS The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For.addresses see advertisements on page noted The dagger (t) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. ® fAkers Steering Gear Co...... -- { Dixon, Joseph, -Crucible Co.. Boekwood -Mfe.. Cou... 3 asic SO. ROOt; a WE O a ee ce pee Ag Almy Water Tube Boiler Co.. 37 | Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Lorain Coal & Dock Co....:. 49 | Ross Valve Co.......... seees 90 American Blower Co........ e252 Oe seed eu obra a eae Pao) Ladin; An Pir sos eine Uc cen 52 ; ene American Injector Co......; edb Douglas, Goa) Ir. euiecs . 48 | Lunkenheimer Co. .........-. 11 | Safety Car Heating & Lighting IMIBPICAN: SEINO Sei y sss veh ee ss 47 | Dein, Thos.,' & Sons, <css 5. 43 COs ie sales ss Gece. ee eea es 5 American Sawdolet Co........ 37 | Dunbar & Sullivan. Dredging MéCarthy "ho Rie 48 | Scherzer 'Rolling Lift Bridge American Ship Building Co.. 4 COS as ve os 39 | McCurdy; (Geol 2G 35 CONS Coes een cee shoes bess 43 American Ship Windlass Co.. 2 McKinnon Iron Works....... 51 Schrader' §, As Son, Inc... -50 (rmetrone Cork Co.......... 52.1 Elphicke, ©. W & Gorcc 4 48 | MacDonald, Ray: oG:. 3... cise 48 | {Scoville Check Valve .Co....% -- *Armstrong Manufacturing Co. -- | *Emerson Shoe Co........... == | Mallory "eine «es wees os cece 47-| toeneca, (hain Coes tc ctag5 <3 -- wAsmtOn. Valve 2 CO. eae eos . -- | tEmpire Shipbuilding Co...... -- |*Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes 48 Plane « WOEKS osc Gis o 8s 47 Miche io es a =|) "Shelby Steel "Tube Co...... -- wAtiantic: Works,..dnc.. ..-..s -- | Falls Hollow Staybolt Coreas 41 | *Marine Mfg. & Supply Co... -- | Sheriffs Mfg. On cay orl eon y 43 ; BixtS, Bice SONSe ee ees 50 | Marshall, Alexander .......... 48 | Shipping World Year Book.. 50 maucock . & Penton. eis 66s. c<« 49 | Fletcher, W. & A., Co 47 | Martin-Barriss Co. 43 | Sigcers & Siggers..., 2.6.14 37 ee pes Et, © Bo... Be) Robe, M. ) Wes oces cae acl. 50 | Maryland Steel Co.........-+- 10 nit nay & Dock Co., Stan- Belcher, Fred P............. 48 | Fore River Ship. Building Co. 47 | Maytham, Frank ............ 48 eta 3 Bk * R ee ane Ss - hurstenayy,. MoO, eo. Ag Mehl' "Bdward 6.20... 6. es . 48 Saath on ae Conte tes iis a *Boston *& Lockport Block Co. -- | General Electric Co.......... 52 eos ee Pach Ooo ee: a es ae. R noe ae 48 Poe CE CC, | Gilchrist... Albert J... a: . 48 Mc s Aol, oe 'Son, ee 49 Standard Varnish Works...... 35 Bowers, L. M., & Co........ 52 | +Goldschmidt 'Thermit| 'Co....1 -- | Mosher Water-Tube Boiler Co. 37 | Starke, C. H., Dredge & Dock Bracnder, Phvip 90s 6s 43 | Goulder, Holding & Masten... 49 osner Stet Ee Oe 2 Co. ' 39 Breymann, G, i; &. Bros:.... 39 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Nacey & Hy HG eee ee 49 Stratford, ee" Gabaa | 'Ge: 41 Brives, MATVIN <5. Gees s oes « 38 Con ee 41 | {New Bedford Boiler & Ma- Bane Siena mnany. 8 Brown & Cov. ss. | ness .:::+ 48 | Great -Lakes Engineering Wks. 12 chine Co. ....ssseeeneree "eo einwan, By & "Co... ae ees Hester Register... +++ 49 per oe oe Sane Sudiwan. Mo es ss 39 Soe Se ree Se ete ae reat Lakes Towing Ce try Doc On sseeseees j Oo Wis pee ene {One ss : New York & Cuba Mail S. 8. neg She Building oe uflalo Dry Doc Weert Oral ToHm Dee A CO as ck eee see ce ee es . tBuffalo Ship Chandlery & Fo ae a Cove i. New York Shipbuilding Co.. 7 | Tavior Water-Tube Boiler Co. 37 Supply Co. ....... ene sas =, | tilerdy. & Dischinger Co.:... -- | tNicholson Ship Log Co...... -- Tietjen & Lane Dry Dock Co. 50 Bunker, E, A......s.ee esses 52 | Hawgood, W. A., & Co...... 48 | Northwestern Dredge Co...... B2 | Siotadu Eee! Col. rc. oe Rares Vite Wioat €o.......: eh el De Re Cal oe aa Northwestern Steam Boiler & Toledo. Ship Building Co...... 5 Chase Machine Co..i.c. ss. os: 36 | Holmes, Samuel ...........- Mie Com 2. Pita can 37 | +Toledo White Lead Co...... ee Chicago Ship Building Co.... 4 | Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley O'Gaonor, J. 4... ae) dieu, FG. a es 43 Cleveland & Buffalo Transit ; a ee % & Cos cei SOster Mig' Co: ee, = | Truscott Boast Mig. Co.....2.. 2 Oe ro hae Cas 4 utchinson Ovsceecrecers : . Cleveland City Forge & Iron e Hyde Windlass - Co.:.. sc 2x <5 52 ee a nae SCI Ee SMe 23 - Was Walk Coo oo ee 35 SN A ee aes ae? tIdeal Pump Governor Co.... -- Ee een io? se eee See S48 *Collingwoo hipbuilding ° Co. -- Gok ce : : Penberthy Injector Co........ 11 Pe ee oe a -- tntemaiepal Mercantile Marine eo Pickands. Mather & Co.c..= 4) | Vemee & Jove Co... . 48 Continental Iron Works...... 2 eR SU Cre URES Pittsburg Coal Co......... et 2 AMeiker TRodbe, "& > Gon 3 Cory, Chas.; -&) Son. ove. . 50 |} Jenkins. "Brothers: 3. ceescne ss 52 | Prindiville & Company........ Re Ne Tite EGS ee "49 Cramp, Wm., &. Sons, S. & Jenkins, Russell & Eichelberger 48 oS : Mee Fale ee ee 48 ho 8 Co ee eek S Johnson Bross" sce, ier occ 37 | Quintard Iron Works Co,.... 50.1 Werner & Se ce as Saha -- Co.....50- 49 Kahnweiler's Sons, David..... 51 | Red Star Line....... see eee 47 \*Watson-Stillman Cov: .. 6335 Le urr, obert ...-+. ae teres Katzenstein, L., & 'Co.......- 35 | Republic Belting & Supply Co. 35 | +Wheeler Condenser & Engi- Dake Engine: Co. .... 253... 6+: 3-l:Kadds« Joseph. a 49°) Richardson, ~W.. Cixi. ccs ea. 48 pomeeting (CO 0... s. 4s yes. Se Dearborn Drug & Chemical Kingsford Foundry & Machine Ritchie, oHe.28i, .& SONS. acs -- | Willcox, Peck & Hughes...... 38 WS oe oe nk 3 WOrKS © epee ae as 37 | Roberts Safety § Water- See {Williams Gauge Co.......... aS Delany. (Pe Cores ies ei. $7 | Srenier, Ci: Boe ee ee 48 Boiler Cor cies ta ce Rees 11. J Walliams;--D.> Bae Valve sGouwa< 2 Delaware River ,Iron S. B. & Roelkers sHoR) Poe Coc e cee BO: lop Walliams, Goa -Hy, Cone. ess: --_ Wee WOtke 6 ih cs a 51|*Le. Mois Scientifique et In- Pikogers. Steam © Oil* Separator. ---| Wood, We "Vin -os0 5s os wv ce es 49 Detroit Ship Building Co..... 4 dustrial aes oo ay nee _ CORO eA ees Bert osts '.. -- | #Woodhouse Chain Works..... --_ Pes : CORY IG OLIN DOCKING ENGINES ||| HOISTING ENGINES The Latest and ||| Mooring Winches ||| Of all kinds and sizes the Best Late st Improved |||| and for all purposes Positively guaranteed - Types especially for ship use FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO THE CHASE MACHINE CO. ENGINEERS:°MACHINISTS CLEVELAND, 0. **The up-to-date manufacturer of to-day realizes YY C O A Saisie . ° . ur tm thi thin the importance and value of space in his trade d Designing Depar ent makes Just s 8 pie AeA exer Claes adod-fideroenr in the pres possible, All you have to do is to give us a suggestion paration of his copy."--Printers Ink. and we put it into attractive shape.