TAE Marine REVIEW 9 Every Time a Man Doesn't Say Anything He Lessens His Chances of pene Calleda Fool But we believe a brief statement of facts eliminates the chances. At practically the same price per person allowed, we can furnish a Raft that will save 75% in deck space, 50% i in weight, : and 90% in cost of maintenance. Our standard sizes range from 6 to 55 persons. 'Tested to 6' X 10' FLOAT. WEIGHT 465 LBS. comply with the 1906 Steamboat Rules and Regulations. METALLIC LIFE BOATS Send for Catalogue. LIFE PRESERVERS. CARLEY LIFE FLOAT COMPANY, F. 4 & 5 Produce Exchange Bldg., New York, N. Y. | 4 S SAVING TIME AND LIVES (FROM THE BRITISH ADMIRALTY REPORT) The Submarine Bell.increases the range at whichthe fog signal can be heard by a vessel until it approximates to Ww rT e C Ki ] n g S t e a =F r the range of a light-vessel's light in. clear weather, and, moreover, its bearings can be determined with quite sufficient accuracy for safe navigation in fog from dis- FAVO RITE | tance far beyond the range of aerial fog-signals, if the vessel is equipped with receivers. To double or treble the distance at which fog-signals Located at St. Ignace this Year.: can be heard is a great advantage to shipping, and the facility of determining the direction of a sound signal is The Mew Wrecking Steamer FAVORITE, in itself a very valuable discovery. Those who wait Alex. Cunning, Master, will be sta- longest will incur the greatest loss in the meantime, both tioned during season 1907 at ST IG; in ships and lives, and through delays to shipping which NACE, MICH: A Long-Distance Tel- would otherwise be avoided. _ ephone will: be installed on board the steamer. When at her home dock, the For rates and information address steamer can be reached by telephone any time day or night, 'Phone Number : 63, and in absence of steamer full infor- SUBMARINE SIGNAL COMPANY mation as to the steamer may be ob- tained by telephoning to residence of 88 BROAD STREET --- BOSTON, MASS. | Capt. Cunning, St. Ignace. ~ The Favorite is the most complete wreck- NEW YORK, 68 Broad St. LIVERPOOL, 10 Duke St. ing steamer in the world and is capable 5 ee ee ee : of going anywhere in all weathers. : BREMEN, Norddeutsche Maschinen-und Armaturen-Fabdrik : 2 Pintsch Gas 'Lighted Buoys BURN CONTINUOUSLY FROM 80 TO 365 DAYS AND NIGHTS WITHOUT ATTEN- TION AND CAN BE SEEN AT A DISTANCE. OF SIX MILES. Brilliant G Steady Illumination. Economical 6 Reliable in Operation, -- Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian and United States Light House Departments for Channel and Harbor Lighting; over 1900 gas" buoys : and.gas beacons in service. Controlled by the SAFETY CAR HEATING & LIGHTING COMPANY United States Express Building, Trinity Place' and Rector Street, NEW YORK CITY