"TAE Marine. REVIEW 35 Kaizenstein's Self- Acting Nletal Packing ou For PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, lo etc. of every description for Steam Engines, Z Pumps, etc., etc. Adopted and in use by LS the principal Iron Works and Steamship is Companies in this and foreign countries. FLEXIBLE TUBULAR METALLIC PACKING, for slip-joints on Steam Pipes, and for Hydraulic Pressure. For full particulars and reference, ad- dress L. KATZENSTEIN & CO. General Machinists. 358 West Street, New York. Good Jobbing Accounts Desired for | Republic ee a i i Mechanical S 'wit be ay Rubber Piliae Goods Ne Ee The Hepublic Belting and Supply Co. 'CLEVELAND, OHIO | Mannfactarers. LE ATHER BELTING Geol MGrde 169 Jackson Boulevard CHICAGO ILLINOIS INSURANCE HULLS and CARGOES DIRECT REPRESENTATIVE OF LEADING AMERICAN AND FOREIGN UNDERWRITERS that Lasts The a Bee eu iS h "MARINE SPAR Resists the destructive action of salt or fresh water, moisture, etc.. BETTER than any other make of Spar Varnish in - the market. | It works freely, dries hard and is exceed- ingly durable. WRITE for our (free) spindle finished with Oceana and test for yourself, the wonderful water-resisting properties of this specialty. Sinhdicd Varnish Works THE LARGEST VARNISH WORKS IN THE WORLD 2620 Armour Ave., NEW YORK CHICAGO: LONDON BERLIN BRUSSELS Canadian Branch: International Varnish Co., Ltd., Toronto 29 Broadway, eg Fitting Out THAT'S OUR TRADE VESSELS E supply everything that a vessel needs. ---and our guarantee goes with everything we sell. Let us submit a bid for fitting out your ship this spring. THE UPSON-WALTON CO. CLEVELAND, O,