12 THe Marine REVIEW VERY LITTLE STEAM OR AIR REQUIRED To produce the LOUDEST and MOST HARMONIOUS TONES, LUNKENHEIMER WHISTLES are extensively used « P a 'fos re \, f 3 Y SS * F PF y Me Ve /; Nn | The Carnival of the QUEAK DEVI Ls Use our No. 205 Lubricating Graphite and relieve friction, save power and stop the squeaks. It is a perfectly pure, soft, adhesive graphite powder, not flake, but air-floated and gritless. It smooths out some mighty bad kinks, because it "stays put"' and makes smooth, mirror-like, almost Frictionless Surfaces Its use is rapidly increasing among locomotive and stationary engineers, autoists, mill-men and machinery users. A sample san sent free on request, will give you new THE LUNKENHEIMER CO. i tter lubrication. : ideas about better lubrication. Please name your dealer Largest Manufacturers of High Grade Engineering Specialties in the marine service, Can be adjusted for very ; A === = === = = -- tRiee low or high pressures, We manufacture a very large variety of Whistles. All sizes. Write for our attractive whistle booklet. Your local dealer shouldj have them. If not, write us. Ask for Booklet L 1, 1 in the world. : : GENERAL OFFICES THE UNITED STATES GRAPHITE CO. ca WORKS - Cincinnati, Ohio, U. S. A. SAGINAW, MICH., U. S. A. 66-68 alton St. a a 35 Great Dover Ef Ashton. Highest Grade Pop Safety Valves and Steam Gages Guaranteed to give Unequalled Efficiency, Durability and Perfect -Satisfaction. Special Features in valves. Outside Pop Regulation. Cam Lever Attachment. 'Jessops Steel Spring. Gages have Non-Corrosive Movements. wo Accurately Graduated Dials. Seamless Drawn Springs. Specify the Ashton and Get the Best. THE ASHTON VALVE COMPANY. 271 Franklin St. - BOSTON, MASS Branches : New York. Chicago. Philadelphia. San Francisco.