'TAE MARINE REVIEW THE PATENT | ve FEED WATER HEATER : Combines the greatest efficiency in the smallest = iS space at the least cost. Condenses all the auxiliary exhaust steam in heating the feed thereby relieving the main condenser. Requires but one feed ee Delivers feed water at approximately the temperature of the ae the heater. The copper coils are very elastic, 'overcoming ie C age due to expansion and contraction. These tubes are a : accessible and can be readily removed or replaced; they are sta a ' ard and interchangeable. an The Multicoil Heater is absolutely automatic in action and once adjusted needs no further attention. QUIGGINS PATENT EVAPORATOR With its light weight and compact construction it combines (exclusive feat- ures that make it superior to any other evaporator. Made to fit any space. No extra room required for scaling. Scaled readily without removing coils. Its capacity can be increased 25% without increasing space. Write for complete description of these Engineers' Necessities. The Griscom-Spencer Company FORMERLY The James Reilly Repair & Supply Co. 90 West Street _ NEW YORK CITY The Rogers' Steam Boiler Heater, Purifier, Oil Separator and Circulator This effective combination---a RoGER'S PATENT. coming factor in the manufact- HEATER PURIFIER OIL SEPARATOR ae CIRCULATING DEVICE ure and operation of boilers--- _ PURIFIER now in action with great suc- cess---should have the careful PURIFIER ---- ee ing engineers. THIS WE CLAIM It heats the feed-water. Purifies the feed-water. Separates the oils and greases { a eee =F from the feed-water. ; © TT Discharges the feed-water at : the bottom of Scotch and marine ie boilers, thus causing a circula- = tion and bringing the temper- i ature very close, bottom and ef top, the action of the fire being -------------- much above the bottom of the DISCHARGE boiler. Dispenses with unequal ex- pansion and contraction to the greatest extent, thus eliminating leaky girt seams, furnaces, front and back-head seams, and deterioration of shells. Absolutely safe and purely mechanical. Will prevent pitting. 240 M019 --_-- i large boiler repairs, Cheapest and easiest to operate. These claims are substantiated by many leading concerns, 'whose convincing testimony, together with our circulars, will be mailed on request. Address Rogers, 202 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. MUL TICOIL. = attention of owners and operat-