This. is one of the indications, of which there have been many of late, of a contemplated raid upon the coast- wise laws of the United States. Prob- ably the raid will take tangible form next winter. At any rate it behooves coastwise interests to be on the alert. Mr. Samuel S. Sewall of the firm of Arthur. Sewall &, Co.,, Bath, Me., an- swered the Register's editorial as fol- lows: "Réferring to your , editorial. en- titled, 'Coal via Cape Horn' in your issue of July 17, 1907, the statement therein made that. 'there are no Amer- ican vessels engaged at the present time in that trade (coal) by way of the Cape Horn route' is at absolute variance with the facts, which certain- ly should be known to you who as- sume, at least, to keep in touch. with American shipping. ly compendium shows that a_ good number of American ships are now en route from our Atlantic coal ports to San Francisco, Honolulu and Puget Sound. Included in this list are five ships, owned by my firm, carrying 22,700 tons of coal, and we have three more soon due to arrive at Atlantic ports from the Pacific via Cape Horn, and chartered to load 12,600 tons of coal outward again to the Pacific; via this route. My firnt alone, therefore, will transport this year in American ships via the Cape Horn route to the Pacific ports of the United States 35,300 tons of eastern American coal. Very naturally, therefore, your further statement that 'It does not appear under these circumstances that any injury to the American ship owner would result, if in this particu- lar branch of the coastwise trade east- ern shippers of coal were given the privilege of employing foreign, vessels ~ to take forward cargoes.' The result of such action by congress would sim- ply mean the confiscation of all Amer- ican deep water sailin& ships in the interest of foreign ships largely and of eastern shippers of coal to a slight extent, but, at least, to the extent of the sacrifice of one American industry | to another. The administration has already placed foreign ships in compe- tition with our ships by chartering them to carry coal coastwise for the navy department in violation of all existing statutes and needlessly so in respect of the available supply of American tonnage as. is. sufficiently shown by the fact that the navy de- partment has declined to charter sev- eral American ships during the past year, .which were offered at rates as low as those it has since agreed to pay to foreign ships for the same Your own week- we resent "TRAE. Marine. REVIEW voyages. It only remains for the press, led by such as your publication, which is supposed by the public to re- flect the sentiments of American ship- ping interests, to fail to condemn the violation of laws enacted by congress for the benefit of American shipping and to urge the repeal of such laws to bring about within the shortest possible time just such a condition of the American Merchant Marine as will best suit our foreign: competitors. The American 'ship owner is. certainly as much entitled to the protection granted to him by the navigation laws as is the American "manufacturer entitled to the protection granted to him by the tariff; yet we do not find the administration meddling very much with the tariff without the consent of congress. There is-a reason. "Yours respectfully. Sam'. L.. SEWALL." LEAVES TUG EMPLOY. Mr. A. Heath Carr, who for the past five years has -been assistant to Capt. Phillip Broderick, local manager of the Great Lakes Towing Co., resigned this MR vA, . HEATH CARR, berth with the tug company on the first of the month to enter the employ of the Garlock Packing Co. .Mr. Carr will act as marine \salesman for his company. with headquarters in Cleveland. His ex- perience and faithful service with the tug company has made him a favorite with vessel owners, shippers and marine men generally, and his friends are scattered all over the lakes. Mr. Carr is an ideal man for this position and what is the Garlock Packing Co.'s gain is' the tug company's loss. As a token 21 of the high esteem in which he is: held by his former associates the employes of the tug company have presented Mr. Carr, with 'a beautiful. diamond watch charm. The Garlock Packing Co. is one of the largest packing concerns in the United States. ORE SHIPMENTS. The fact that ore shipments to Aug. 1 are 530,373 tons greater than they were to Aug. 1 last year shows the tremen- dous clip at which ore was moving be- fore the dock strike occurred. . The movement during the first two weeks of July was phenomenal and had con- ditions remained normal July would have. established a record movement for ore. As it was, however, the July movement fell 913,655 tons below that of July, 1906. ~The docks at the head of the lakes last year contributed 69.30 per cent of the. movement up to Aug. 1, but this year their percentage has fallen to 44.07. Total shipments to Aug. 1, however, are 17,- 534,741, tons as against 17,004,368 tons for 1906. The August movement will not be record-breaking because things have not quite resumed their normal shape. Carriers were naturally congested at upper lake ports and many had to wait several days after the strike was de- - clared off in order to be loaded. Ht will probably be ten days yet before ships and docks. are working in unison. As far as the mines are concerned, the men are gradually returning to work and each day shows a little gain on the part of the operators... Present indications are that September will be the month of greatest movement on the lakes. Following are the shipments for the month of July and up to August 1 with data for the corresponding periods of last year: July Per cent 1906. of Total. July Per cent 1907. of Total. Escanaba 988,664 20.39 827,097 14.35 Marquette 990,746. 11,97 451,807 7.84 Ashland 657,250 +. 13257 490,596 8.51 Superior 762;/93° V0.3 35917, 76) @. 15.93) Duluth 1,057,319 21.80 1,801,096 31.26 Two Harbors 801,885 16.54 1,274,415 2e-11 Total 4,849,117. 100.00 5,762,772 100.00 To Aug. 1, Per cent To Aug. 1, Per cent 1907. of Total. -- . 1906. of Total, Escanaba 2,812,879 16.05 2,565,505 15.09 Marquette 1,349,805 7.69 1,254,794 7.38 Ashland 1,707,107 9.73 1,679,359 9.88 Superior 3.081.664: 2 17.58, 2.671,.530° 45,71 Duluth 5,151,865 29.38 4,982,331 29.30 Two Harbors3,431,921 19.57 3,850,943 22.64 Total 17,534,741 100.00 17,004,368 100.00 The tug Chicago tripped on the tow lin¢ while towing the package freighter Muncy up the Chicago river last week, rolling completely over and going to the bottom. None of the crew was hurt, Capt. Thomas McGann of Racine, Wis., has purchased the tug 5S, O, Dixon from Edward Gillen. as