Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 8 Aug 1907, p. 42

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42 THE Marine REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade.--Continued. DAVITS. Pine, A. OP. ide es. New York. DIVING APPARATUS. Miocee, fF. 4. & Son...:...: Boston. Schrader's Son, Inc., A..New York. DREDGING CONTRACTORS. 'Breymann & Bros. G. H....Toledo. | Buffalo Dredging Co........ Buffale. Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co..., ey sees Bios casi as Buffalo. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co.. ides cass Chicago. -Northern Dredge Co., Duluth, Minn. 'Starke Dredge & Dock Co., C. H... Pee ess sees .... Milwaukee. NO, cl cence ee ss Buffalo. DREDGING MACHINERY. Quintard Iron Works Co.New York. Superior Iron Works...Superior, Wis. DRY DOCKS. American Ship Building Co........ Bae eh bocce pen en Pe iS Cleveland. Atlantic Works ..East Boston, Mass. 'Buftalo Dry Dock Co...... Buffalo. Chicago Ship Building Co.......... a se a ise el a oe Chicago. -Cramp, Wm. & Sons.. Philadelphia. Detroit Ship: Building Co........... ee el tenes ~ Detroit Great Lakes Engineering Works.... Pe NS aes Detroit: Lockwood Mig. Coc: ..... sae. "saa Ses Sele sleeves. East Boston, Mass. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co............ a a eae ses Milwaukee. Newport News Ship Building Co... Bose kee es Newport News, Va. Superior Ship Building Co........ Dee bees aes Superior, Wis. Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co...... eee eee eee Hoboken, N. J. Toledo Ship Building Co...... Toledo. DYNAMOS. Geaeral Electric Co... 6... ec cece Re re Schenectady, N. Y. EJECTORS. Peopetruy injector Co. .........65% eee nn nes einen os Detroit, Mich. ELECTRIC HOISTS AND CRANES. emerar wiectric Co..........ccnee. aes Schenectady, N. Y. Republic Belting & Supply Co....- Pec cece esc Cleveland. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS. Neemere, Piectric CO... 2... cs iiee cess acs eas exe Schenectady, N. Y. ENGINE BUILDERS, MARINE. American Blower Co., Detroit, Mich. American ship Building Co.°....... Dios ove gacis cess Cleveland. "Atlantic Works, East Boston, Mass. Briggs, Marvin.......... New York. Chicago Ship Building Co., Chicago. _Chase Machine Co........ Cleveland. Cramp, Wm. & Sons, Philadelphia. Detroit Ship Building Co., Detroit. Fletcher, W. & A. Co., Hoboken, N. J. Fore River Shipbuilding Co......... WE ies hedccceee Quincy, Mass. ENGINE BUILDERS--Continued. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... ste oC eae sae Detroit, Mich. Hall Bros. 22.2... Philadelphia. Lockwood Mfg. Co..........++-. Nae gO Was os coe East Boston, Mass. Marine Iron Wks. 3...... Chicago, IIl. Maryland Steel 'Co.......2.-seeeeees) eb uied Speers Sparrows Point, Md. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co., Milwaukee. ° Mosher, Chas. D..:.... . New York. Newport News Ship Building Co.... sesvesccvess sot N@wport News, Va: New York Ship Building Co........ DENS a ea! Camden, N. J. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. COP ees Duluth, Mich. Quintard Iron Works Co., New York. Roach's Ship Yards..... Chester, Pa. Sheriffs Mig. Co..,...... Milwaukee. Superior Ship Building Co........ + leg Ube se Vales carga Superior, Wis. Toledo Ship Building Co...... Toledo. Vrout Te Gees ces os Buffalo. ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPH CALL BELLS, ETC. Cory, Chas. & Som...... New York. Marine Mfg. Supply Co., New York. ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES AND SUPPLIES. Hardy & Dischinger Co..... Toledo Penberthy Injector;Co. ....-.-. 0.3 Fe ..Detroit, Mich. Republic Belting & Supply Co........ do i ovarian ceed es as .. Cleveland. Lunkenheimer Co. ...... Cincinnati. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mfg. CO ee cee aie Dulyth, Minn. ENGINEERS, MARINE, MECHANICAL, CONSULTING. Babcock .& Pénton...... Cleveland. Purstenau,: M.-C. .:.3:..,, Philadelphia. Hynd, Alexander ........ Cleveland. Hunt, Robt; We & Co:..: «. Chicago. Kidd, joseph... ....0: 7, Duluth, Minn. Mogner, Chas: 2.7.3...' New York. WNacey, James i....755 . 05 Cleveland. Roemer He Bi oe New York. Root, We. Oo. .cs sia as Chicago. ayood, W. Je.t ol i Chicago. FANS. American Blower Co., Detroit, Mich. FEED WATER PURIFIERS AND HEATERS. Griscom-Spencer Co..New York City. Ross Valve Mfg. Co....Troy, N. Y. Wheeler Condenser & Engineering OO ee New York. FITTINGS: Republic Belting & Supply Co....., Cece ak ee, Cleveland. FITTINGS (BRASS). Wiktjies 2) T., Valve Co......22.. 6 es Hes Cincinnati. FIXTURES FOR LAMPS, OIL OR ELECTRIC. FORGINGS FOR CRANK, PRO- PELLER OR THRUST SHAFTS, ETC. Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co.... Gua hee cdc vole Geka « Cleveland. Fore River Shipbuilding Co......... PERCE OOO Ss cas Quincy, Mass. FLUE WELDING. Hiss S, SONS. . 6.5 hese Cleveland. FUELING COMPANIES AND COAL DEALERS. 'Hanna, M. A. & Co...... Cleveland. Parker Bros. Co., Ltd...... Detroit. Pickands, Mather & Co., Cleveland. Pittsburg Coal Co-....... Cleveland. Smith, Stanley B., & Co., Detroit. Toledo Fuel Company, ...... Toledo, O. FURNACES FOR BOILERS. Continental Iron Works, New York. : GAS BUOYS. Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co.. ea te as ce sce mes New York. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Chase Machine Co........ Cleveland. GAUGES, STEAM AND VACUUM. 'Lunkenheimer Co. ...... Cincinnati. GAUGES, STEAM. Williams Gauge Co........ Pittsburg. Wiltanis, 1. 1., Valve Co... 2.2... 3% be oo ac. eCincinnatr GAUGES, WATER. Lunkenheimer Co...... Cincinnati, O. Republic Belting & Supply Co..... Se Oa ae ee Cleveland. GENERATING SETS. Crenieral Hilectric CO... se. ecs cece eas EN a ea a Schenectady, N. Y. GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co, Joseph........!.. eae es Jersey City, N. J. Toledo White Lead Co., Toledo, O. U. S. Graphite Co...Saginaw, Mich. GRAPHITE PAINT. : U. S$. Graphite Co., Saginaw, Mich. GREASE CUPS. Wiliams; DT. Valve Co:.. 2.53. 04 Wee eed oye cse ys sc Cincinnati. HAMMERS, STEAM. Chase Machine Co........ Cleveland. HEATING AND VENTILATING APPARATUS. American Blower Co., Detroit, Mich. HOISTS FOR CARGO, ETC. American Ship Building Co Pee secceersss..... Cleveland. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co.....; Se eres stasnseseve.. Cleveland. - Chase Machine Co....... Cleveland. ore Vugine Co... : Pee ok dk. Grand Haven, Mich. General Electric Co...... New York. Hyde Windlass Co........ Bath, Me. Natine tron Co:-....:... Bay City. HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON OR STEEL BARS. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co.......... Mee eto hen ccs. Cuyahoga Falls, O. HYDRAULIC DREDGES. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... Peet aii Ole. ec. -sse Detroit. HYDRAULIC TOOLS. Watson-Stillman Co., The......... ey eo New York. ICE MACHINERY. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... eee eee edi ccc: D it. Roeiker ti BR. ........... New York. INJECTORS. American Injector Co...... Detroit. ee ares ee New York. unkenheimer Co. ...... inci Penberthy Injector. Co... oeee PeeWee be kis hoe cx Detroit, Mich

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