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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 15 Aug 1907, p. 29

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ming each other in a fog. If these fe- sults are attained, we shall feel that we have been instrumental in leaving navigation a good deal safer than we found it. COST OF DRILLING AND BLAST- ING SOFT SHALE ROCK UN- DER WATER, USING DRILL BOATS AT ASHTABULA HAR- BOR, OHIO. \ The following costs of drilling and blasting shale. rock under water at Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio, have been furnished by Mr. FE, C. Brown Jr., Assistant Engineer, Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railway. The work recorded in subaqueous excavation, the finished grade being about 21 ft. be- low lake level. After drilling and blasting, the excavati®n is carried on with dipper dredges. This work is being done to provide new channels and slips for the new ore docks of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern: Railway Co. at Ashtabula Harbor. - The drill boats are about 85 ft. long by 30 ft. wide and are held in posi- tion by four spuds, one at each corner. They are equipped with Ingersoll- Sargent steam drills supported upon vertical frames having trucks to per- mit of the drills being moved hori- zontally along the edge of the boat. The drills are raised and lowered dur- ing the operations of the drill by hydraulic lifts. The boilers furnish steam fot operating the drills, the pumps connected with the hydraulic lifts and the electric Henting plant and other machinery. Drill boat "A" is equipped with three drills and drill boat "B" with two. The amount of explosive used is about 34 lb. of 45 per cent dynamite per lineal foot of drilled hole. A hole is charged by inserting sticks of dyna- mite, with the exploders and battery wires attached, into the bottom of a long pipe, the battery wires leading out through a slit in the side of the pipe. This pipe is lowered into the drilled hole, the dynamite shoved down with a ramrod, and the pipe with- drawn, a wire spring clamped to the dynamite preventing its coming out of the hole. The wires are then attached to the battery and the -dyna- mite is exploded. The operation of the other drills is not interrupted during the time of firing. About % lb. of 45 per cent dynamite is used per cubic yard of blasted material, place measure. In this'class of exca- vation it is not necessary to drill the holes more than from six inches, 'to one foot below grade. Referring to the performances. of the drill boat "B" it will be noticed that Wrte MARINE REVIEW the cost of drilling and blasting at night was much less than by day. This is due to the fact that the work is done in the open lake wthout pro- tection -Irom wave action 'and "still weather prevails more often at night, making the operation of the boat less difficult. During the day, a day breeze often springs up as the sun comes up and goes down as the sun sets. Often- times. this breeze is' fresh enough to stop operations. WORK WITH DRILL BOAT "A." Drill boat "A" worked days. only, The average depth of holes was 6.15 feet and their average distance apart was 6./ feet. and the prices of materials were as follows, a ll-hour day being worked: Foreman ; Drillers ' Helpers : Fireman ' Blacksmith 238" so uci pation. fever sa sn 3.00 Blacksmith's - helper, ce teres 2.20 Coal, per ton: sik PE te cee ee ce 2.70 Dynamite, 45. per.cent,.per 1b... «1.4. 6 115 Electric: .détonators,. per dozen 9s... 3; 76s. 730) Tug service per: transiers 34 sa 5.00 The following is the record of work for the month of May, 1907: ROCK DRILLED AND BLASTED 4,744 cU. YDS. PLACE MEASURE. Total. Per cu. yd. 2,134 lbs. of explosives at : LOE CHQ SS aves tanh wien 320.10 $0.067 30 transfers at, $5 by tugs. -150.10 .032 BO. tONs.-COAl "dee he.7 0s wie ck 89.10 .019 - Labor, drilling and blasting. 320.10 .067 Lay time, due to bad weath- and breakdowns. -..... 107.68 .022 Repairs i oy eras stew baste Coes 147.04 .032 Miscellaneous: scout. oe a. 14,24 -003 Electric' detonators «7... 3 23.20 005 Interest and depreciation... 180.00 -038 4,744 cu. yds. drilling and blasting, at 28.5.(cts.....0, $1,351.46 $0.285 The drilling: was done with 334 to 4-in. drills, the total depth of hole drilled being 2,853 feet. The total amount of explosive used was 2,134 Ibs., or 0.75 lb. per lineal foot of hole. The number of drills sharpened was 38, so that one drill was sharpened for each 75 lineal feet of hole drilled. WORK WITH DRILL BOAT "B." Drill..boat "B"' was worked day and night shifts. On the day shifts the average- depth of holes was 9.1 feet and the average distance be- tween holes was 6.6 feet. On the corresponding figures The rec- night shift the were 9.5 feet and 6.6 feet. ords of cost for the day .shifts and the : night shifts for the month of May, 1907, are given separately. RECORD OF DAY SHIFTS. ROCK DRILLED AND BLASTED 6,460 CU. YDS. PLACE MEASURE. Total. Per cu. yd. 3,219. Ibs.. of explosives at TOs GONtS: sant yeals pueeek $ 482.85 $0.075 7 transfers by tugs at $5.. 35.00 -005 At fons coal "at: $2:70...(.45 °- 110: 70. 2017 Labor, drilling and blasting 451.03 .071 Lay time due to bad weath- er and breakdowns ...... 168.30 .026 REpPAItS: 4, Sis ik 105.20 .016 Mascellansous:. scone. eis «ai 4.80 -000 Electric. detonators': ......... 22.00 -003 Interest and depreciation on DIANE ed hens Coney emeays 150.00 .023 6,460 cu. yds. drilling and blasting at 23.6 cts...... $1,529.88 $0.236 The wages paid labor. 'on Saturday noon 29 The drilling was done with drills, 'the total depth of the hole drilled being 4,004 feet. The total . amount of explosive used was 3,219 Ibs., or 0.804 1b. per lineal foot of hole. The number of drills sharpened was 68, so that one drill was sharpened for each 59 feet of hole drilled. RECORD OF NIGHT SHIFTS, 334-inch ROCK DRILLED AND BLASTED 6,805 CU. YDS. PLACE MEASURE, 2 Lotal. Per cu, yd. 3,148 lbs. explosives at 15 CtSs ees Fae ene ee 472.20 .. $0.070. 7 Aransters by tugs: at $5... 35.00 .005 39 tons Coal at? $2.70 os 105.30 .015 Labor, drilling and blasting 370.48 .054 Lay time due to bad weath- er and breakdowns ...... 193.52 -029 Repairs eae rec ie eee as 38.18 -006 Electric, detonators 2420.00 22.20 -003 Interest and depreciations One plant ois sewer ees 150.00 -022 6,805 cu.. yds. drilling and ; blasting at. 20.4 cts...... $1,386.88 $0.204 The drilling was: done with 334-in. drills, the total depth of hole drilled being 4,218 feet. The total amount of explosive used was 3,148 Ibs., or 0.75 lb. per lineal feet of holé: ees do ing-C ontracting. if 191) BIG ELECTRIC PLANT AT ERIE. Negotiations have been cdinpleted, it is announced, whereby the General' Electric Co. will establish an extensive plant at Erie, Pa. Plans are not yet complete, but it is understood they will call for the erection of two main buildings, each 175 x 800 feet, with the usual auxiliary buildings. Work on the new plant will be begun as soon as railway connections can be estab-. lished. It was stated some months ago that this company would locate large works in Erie, but this was later denied. It now transpires that the project was blocked temporarily by: differences betwen this interest 'and the Erie Terminal Railway Co. These, however, have been cleared away and work: will proceed. Vessel owners were gratified to learn of an improvement this week in thé «condition of jGapt. J. 4 Weeks, fleet captain of the Gilchrist Transportation Co., who has been quite ill with typhoid EGVers 6 The steamer Calumet, building at the Wyandotte plant of the Amer- ican Shipbuilding Co. for the Lack- awanna Steamship Co., was launched last' "and... was christened by Miss Jane Atterbury -- of Detroit. The Calumet is the third of a fleet of eight building for the Lackawanna Steamship Co, to be launched. 'The Calumet is 440 feet over all, 420 feet keel, 52 feet beam and 28 feet deep. She . will be com- manded by Capt. .Harry Howard of Bay City, Mich. Her engineer will. be Frank Steadley of Detroit.

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