"THE. MARINE. REVIEW a7 Modern Marine Boilers|| MIARINE BOILERS i | | Marine Wie Repairs Newburgh Steam Johnston Boiler Works Brothers P. DELANY Ferrysburg, & CO. Michigan Hewburgh, H. Y. Taylor Water Tube Boiler Co. Vertical Tubes, section- al, large steam spaceand liberating area. Fire box, combustion chamber, and course for the furnace gases similar to the Scotch Mariner Free circulation type. Send fer full description 322 Franklin St. DETROIT, MICH. STEAM 350 VESSELS ALMY'S PATENT SECTIONAL Water Tube Boilers Bear Evidence of Their Excellent Qualities GP ALMY WATER-TUBE BOILER CO PROVIDENCE, R. I. MARINE BOILERS "OF ALL TYPES DULUTH, MINN. 'Manufacturers of BOILERS, ENGINES: Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mig. Co. 6e2oeoe AND MACHINERY Special facilities for Marine ' Work. Repairs promptly attended to Night or Day. KINGSFORD We carry a complete FOUNDRY & line of Marine and Engineers' Supplies. MACHINE TELEPHONES: OrFrice AND Works, 615. WORKS, RESIDENCE CALLS: M. A. RYAN, Pres. and Gen'l Mgr., 776-R. Oswego, N. Y. j. H. OPPERMAN, Secretary, 519-R 5 E. KRIZ, Superintendent, 551-M. ED PLAS AASHTO A Flandy Little Chart o ie ee : 10%X15 INCHES. Mounted on Linen. a Price Postpaid, 25 cts. Clearly showing every port on the Great Lakes from Clayton to Duluth. . It is small enough to fold up and carry in the coat pocket or pigeon hole of a desk, and is also very suitable for framing. ee With this little chart near at hand, you save the trouble ot stepping to a chart case and taking out a great big three-foot square chart that is awkward to handle. | The Most Accurate Small Chart Ever Published. FOR SALE BY "THE MARINE REVIEW, - - CLEVELAND.