36 THE Marine REVIEW INDEX OF ADVERTISERS. The star "*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on page noted. The dagger (+) indicates that advertisement appears once a month. Rakers Steering: Co... 0... 0: --; Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Lockwood Mfg. Co........ wee 50:4 Root WOO tie eee 749 Almy Water Tube Boiler Co.. 37 CO oA. eee 43 | Lorain: Goal & Dock Co:..°.'.. 49. |Ross 'Valve Co:. 60... are. 50 American Blower 'Co......... 2 Douglas, Ce TON eitas oes 48 |}bundin, AxiP i.e. oi es 52 ' American: Injector Co......... 11] Drein, "Thos. "& Son... a. 45) bunkenhéimer Cos.) ec... il Safety Car Heating & Light- avg ieee os pits hiro a eae & Sullivan' Dredging' ee ie Hig 66. es . e merican Sawdolet Oars sree Ose Veterpyiece sae ke he wee aha cCarthy, Ro IN Salers aierace tere a 6 1 ft Brid American Ship Building Co.. 4 ap McCurdy, Geos lee cua. 35 oe Ro Bigics ae, 43 American Ship Windlass Co.. 2 -Elphicke, ° Gg. We ik Coss. ' 48 | McKinnon Iron Works....... oe Sctratecth AL Sons tne: 2. 50 Armstrong Cork: .Co; 2 82.. 52 |*Emerson Shoe Co...--....... =o i MacDonald, Ray (Go5 00 0c. 43 | +Scoville Check Valve Co... -- Ger Sean Manufacturing Co. --'| ¢Empire. Shipbuilding Co..... -- ee ie ee ee 47 +Seneca Chain Co...:.....e- ce shton alv Oe ee cen a Mari ton. (Cou, Ba ity, Atlantic Works ......0...... 47 | Ealls Hollow Staybolt Co..... 41 Mich, / ee Me eae TAtlantic Works, Inc........ -- et ne aaa 2 +Marine Iron Works.......... -- | Sheriffs Mig. Co PeOee. Uo er... 50 | yrittineg Miz. & Supply: Co. Zé | Shipping World Year' Book... 50. 2 ai f ae 53| Marshall, Alexander .:....4. 0. 48 Si & Siggers 38 srantiage fe seagate oe . Fore River Ship Building Co. 47 MartiiHerriec Ca 43 elit Ga gy anette Beker, Fred B. ee real gaa IG ce ©: | Maryland 'Steel Co.......+... 18 | ggStamley Be cages gd Boland, Js Vie ee ee Gh oars 48° | General Electric Gos... 3 0.53. Se | dei iacy haa cucu ey neta mooth-On ZB. CO... cseeae *Boston \ & Lockport Block Gilchrist, "Albert: Jeo o.23. 000: 4g | Mehl, Edward ............0+s : Hopence Mig, Coors ck: Se CO ee eee. ' -- | ¢Goldschmidt Thermit Co..... aa oe wank Dock Coenen: 4g | Spencer, H. R.wseseeeeeeeeeee 48 tBoucher Mfg. Co., The H. E. -- | Goulder, Holding & Masten.. 49 Morse, ee De eee es 51 | Standard Varnish Works..... 35 Bowers, LM, & 'Co... 2c... 51 | Great ao Dredge & Dock 4 IS tees ee er C. H., Dredge & Dock = Breymann, G. H., & "Bros....' = 39 Os Sdeiglpdinics vale te ss eis AO | pt Oe et ese tere neneeerers Briggs. @ Marvin 62.2. 646.2. 38 | Great Lakes Engineering Wks 12 hoe, Sid "Roe 49°) +Steel "Mill Packing Coy... « ee Brown. & Co. cesec. Cerin 55 48 | Great Lakes Register......... 49 Machine: Co: rt ee poet: ret Geum Cove. & oes : ee nena an tee 1x | Machines, Cos. vache ees pone Hoisting Machinery i Gracon teehee" Ce CO. se. --_ Newport News (Ship Building : Snes eC Me ompany.. "a Seer eer reer eer ereeeee < of ee eece aa oa oc Oe eee i , "9 Pains ete Buffalo Dredging Co........ 39 New Vouk & Guba Mail' 8.8. Sultigan, Me sree ee, 39 Biitalo Dry Dock €o.2235 22 5 Hall, John "Ba. cee e eee reves 48 i +Superior Iron: Works: : 3.4. -- fi EL Neo Ae Oe Co ee 41 Gon coats oe es 47 pee i rae Chandlery & iilards & pielituee: oo = | Wew' "Vork (Shipbuilding Can 7 | Superior Ship Building Co... 4 PBI Oe cies Cees ae oe leg cs ET rat 4g | tNicholson Ship Log' Co..... -- Bunker, E. Aw... eee sees eee 52 a _ & ie Eee 4g | Northern Dredge Co. ....... 39 Taylor Water-Tube Boiler Co.» 37 : Holmes, "Samuel c0.-/...1.1, 48 | Northwestern Steam Boiler & "| Tietien & Tang Dry Dock Co. 50 ee eechine Ge as ne ol eloyt, ees & ae Seas * 2 Mig C0. Vice 37 eas oie Cae cee oe icago" Ship Building Co... |"Hunt, Robert, W.,' & Co...... 4 ; Pee oe ae. Cleveland '& Buffalo Transit flutchinson &° Co... 4g | O'Connor, J. J......ees v2.44, 48 | TToledo oo Lead Co..... ro CO 47 i o> | qOster Miz. 00.. cee. --| Trout, H. Gi. seeeee seen es 5 divde: Windlass, Co..io. os 5 : - B Miz C 2 Cleveland City Forge & Iron { : Otis. Steel Co, ..0 22. oe Sia, 19 ruscott boat g. Co..s... CG oe ee: 51 | +Ideal Pump Governor Co... -- *Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. -- | International Mercantile Parker Bros. Co.........e00s 482| Upson: Walton. Co... oo. 35 _tColumbian Rope Co........ -- Marine Co, ............. 47 | Renberthy Injector Co........ 11 | ¢United States Graphite 'Go. ess Continental Iron. Works..... ee ' ae oo & Cosess.: me ory. Chas, & Son:..c:2:.. Ur Verkints Brose oe ace tak 52 ittsburg Coa Dee aeescevece Vance & boys Cone, 3c ads Cramp; "Wm.; :& Sons S: & Jenkins, Russell & Prindiville & Company....... 49 He COs oie e weiss oes 8 Bichelbergér, . 4.0. ee 48 Wales. 'Thomas. .& Son 3 tCrescent Machine' Co...... ry jounsan Gros" toe. ees ee 37 | Quintard Iron Works Co..... Os AA lomdeibaneuriaitceee ine mgt Curr, Robert ...........+..-+ 49 | Kahnweiler's Sons, David.... 51 : Warner, Dorn: Boo 06 2525 ch 48 Katzenstein, L., & Co....... 39'| Red Star Lines. yo oe 47 A Walby; "Carlton eS) ccs aes 49 Dake Mugine Co... ....... 3 & | Kidd Joseph 5). 49 | Republic Belting & Supply Co. 35 | *Watson-Stillman Co. ....... -- Dearborn Drug & Chemical Kingsford Foundry & Machine pichardson,: .W, C..... 0-35. 48 | +Wheeler Condenser & Engi- NV eee ess ees dee 3 Works 37 ie e ee % Sone. --_ eens ae = ecg eek ae BPR IAT Eas A CO yaa as ne « 37 Toe oberts afety Water-Tube Willcox, Peck ughes....! 3 Delaware Riven Iron S. B. & Kremer, Bags Cy geakores Ae Bother Cow wc. ae. fd "Williams Gauge COse.G. 48 -- Me OWOEKS) ia eae hae 51 | *Le~ Mois Scientifique et Roelker He Byes os ee 50 | -Williams, <D. T., Valve Co.. 2 cot Ship Building Cour 4 badustriah 255% scr wes 43 | ¢Rogers Steam Oil Separates Wood, W. Jinn epenees estes ces 49 ixon, Joseph, Crucible Ooo 43] Levine, & Co...-.6... 200305. 41 COE Oe eee SiS eho, -- | }Woodhouse Chain: Works... -- UWE A CT ICE rum DOCKING ENGINES ||| HOISTING ANTS The Latest and ||| Mooring Winches ||| Ofall kinds and sizes the Best | Late st Improved ||| and for all purposes Positively guaranteed||| . Types -- Ter ba aT mi Cys FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO AVVO AP Ne ey PW Toga lei EB A HAO "*The up-to-date manufacturer of to-day realizes VC Our Ad Desi D signin epartmen thin the importance and value of space in his trade ning P t makes Just this 8 ee diclaee cood iidament in the prec possible. All you have to do is to give us a suggestion paration of his copy."--Printers Ink. and we put it into attractive shape. |