"TAE Marine REVIEW SECOND CABIN DINING SALOON OF THE LUSITANIA, that it is practically square: The tp- per 'saloon is 62 ft. lone and 65 ft. broad. It 1s in the Lotis XVI style; the walls being white, with gilded en- richments, in harmony with the pe- riod. At one end of the apartment is a sideboard of veneered mahogany, with panels of fine gilt bronze work. The dome, which has a height of 30 ft., is elliptical on plan, the main feat- ure being four artistically-treated floral panels. All the carving of the walls and pillars is out of the solid wood; the dome is plaster work, of a very fine character. One cannot ade- quately describe what this room is like; but it is safe to say it is unsur- passed by anything in the same style. This saloon, like all the other public rooms, is all of Clydebank workman- ship; the wood carving is by Mr. John Crawford, Glasguw, and the gild- ing by Messrs. Waring .& Gillow, Ltd., London. The staircase conforms in style to the treatment of the dining saloon, the black tones of the hoist doors and shaft forming a striking relief. ' The upper dining saloon is entered from the entrance-hall on the shelter- deck. It, of course, follows the same design as the lower or main saloon. 29 Attention is arrested and admiration aroused by the tout ensemble from this level. The artistic success of the architect is complete, because it is im- possible to recognize the usual limi- tations in scope and execution in- volved in the case of a floating struc- Line, NURSERY AND CHILDREN'S DINING SALOON (SHELTER DECK), On the shelter deck contiguous to the entrance landing, there is a nur- sery and dining saloon for children. The scheme of embellishment here also is in Louis XVI period, but it is ad- visedly simple. Both rooms are spa- -clous--the nursery is 20 ft. by 30 ft.; and they are well adapted for the pur- pose, with _stewardesses' and pantry adjacent. In this part of the ship are also ar- ranged the purser's, chief steward's, and doctor's rooms, with their various offices and dispensary attached. The telephone exchange is also situated here, .and. next to it is the printer's shop, where, during the voyage, the. daily bulletin is issued each morning, with the ship's news of the ptevious day and the latest Marconigrams. Tooms THE BUREAU (PROMENADE DECK), Continuing the tour of inspection up the main stairway, the . promenade deck entrance-hall is reached. In it is 'the enquiry bureau, where the travel- ~-.er may obtain all the necessary infor- mation to enable him to enjoy himself on board, and to plan his land jour- ney when he disembarks. The bureau is of mahogany, and the windows are covered 'with brass fretwork of a chaste design. The bureau is fitted with safes, etc., where travelers may lodge their valuables during the voy- age. PROMENADE DECK OF LUSITANIA,