40 ofj;the frame, spacing is all that is needed, in. marking the, bottom, of, the, girder plates; 2 --4+ o2 _ The molds used for the girders are six in number, viz., the girder stiffen- ers, butt laps, intercostal top angles, | bottom angles, intermediate stiffener Viele bey _ Sy Cet | Lect Ny A) 1 aaa 4h 1 1 PLAN OF FOUNDATIONS t. on , " OF Gis Gayl oa OO AIR FOUND. \7 O 1 1 40 1 x 173174 «(175 176 PLAN OF FOUNDATIONS FIG. brackets and holes for watertight bulkheads. a The intercostal top angles and in- termediate angle brackets are marked with tee-shaped molds and continuous bottom angles are marked with two strips measuring two frame spaces in ' length, one strip for the girder rivet holes and the other for rivets con- necting the angle to channel floors. Flanged plate intercostals are riv- eted to the girder between the plate and angle and to stiffeners and clips on channel floors and flanged to the shell plating. - A mold tee-shaped is made for these intercostals, allowing an inter- costal to be marked for each side of the vessel from same. All the inter- costals throughout the midships are marked from two molds, one for in- tercostals on inside shell plates and the other in way of outside plates, the only changes being made at the lap butts, where a change of holes is nec- essary and molds are used for that purpose. The deep floors are made as shown by midship section for the girders to. pass through continuous as: well as the bottom angles. A mold is made for the plate floor in the bottom which is in one piece from the center keelson to the bilge, the top and bot- tom angle is in one piece also, from the center keelson to bilge. Six molds are necessary to com- plete the plate frame, viz. mold for floor, two molds for top angles to TIO Moss Afolalolofolofofotat: 178 179 * THe Marine KeEvVIEW ~ take ,the .tank top,plating and floor, plate rivet holes, two frame, .one' for, shell, and the other for floor plate rivet holes, and a tee- shaped mold for the girder stiffeners. Molds are also made for the water- tight divisions in the tank and the 472 ae Og 68 © oh HO)? THRUST BEARING FOUND. 183 be MARINE REVIEW 10. collars are molded at the same time. It is tecescaty that all the deep - floors, including the wate:tight divi- sions, should be erected along with the channel floors in order to get the girders in place, seeing they pass through all the plate floors. The tank top stiffeners and 'intermediates are left off until the girders are in place when the whole bottom is completed ready to receive the tank top plating. The tank top plating, as shown by Fie 6, is continuous. . One mold. is 7 . No-4-175 hy, b oe ihe go) molds. for, 148 frames all look, , aft, frgm the, stem, £0 frame 136,for a length of 377, ft, which simplifies the work, seeing -that the turning of the frame occurs; beyond midships. At this point solid molds are made for all the parts so 'that it is almost impossible to get mixed up in the turning of the frame, seeing the parts are all. caré- fully laid out on the mold loft floor. Fig. 6 shows the arrangement of the bottom framing, tank top plating, center keelson and hopper sides, side stringers forward, frame 22, floors from. 30 'to' 38, watertight floor and partition, floors from 152 to 164, frame. 159 and section through engine room. The hopper sides are laid out from the mold loft floor, one mold being made for A strake, one mold for B- and stripes used for C strake, seeing it takes sheer on top, being connected to the main deck stringer angle or top of hopper. : The top side framing is in two pieces, being cut at the main deck line and bracketed to main deck as shown on midship section. Molds are made for each piece to the height of the main deck, viz., frame, hopper stiffener, braces, brack- ets, clips, intercostals and channels between the web frames. At the bottom of the frame the bilge bracket is continued high enough to receive the top side frame so that the mold for the frame is made from the tank line to the main deck. Three molds are made for the frame, viz., one for the web, shell and inside rivet holes. Two molds are made for the hop- i OUTBOARD EONGIT. Wo.5-17.5 nd j 24 OFF -- ; a / Cen. Line of Boilers | Belt on Fr./# 159 Le a ee 1s : , yA i. 8 | 13 Es i ole & | 3 qi : ! bic 1213 a < oO ee ee NS Z.--._|||Tank Top |" Ie TI : | | No.1-17.5 * \aft. Saddle 4 No.3-17.5/" 159 161 3 SECTION THRO, SADDLE a SECTION AT FR. 159, LOOKING AFT. MARINE REVIEW BiG, ti made for the rider plate, one for A and B strakes, and one mold for C, which serves the purpose of marking all the plates amidships until they be- gin to taper at the ends when a mold is made for each two plates or they are templated from the ship. per stiffener, one for the hopper plat- ing and another for brackets on in- side flange. The channel braces are all laid off with two molds, one for. the web, marking the rivet holes for frame and bracket plate connections, and_ the