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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 3 Oct 1907, p. 40

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(pane Francisco;.;.Cal., the repairs to the army transport Sheridan, the cost of which aggre- gated $12,500. 40 ency of-all-typés~-of development, with the exception "of ee large mail and passenger./ 'steamer,' °has been towards reduction in number' of parts, economy of labor, rather 'than of ies ¥ 3 'Crawford & Reid, Tacoma, Wash., recently 'launched a tug for Capt. Ar- thur Weston, of Olympia, Wash. ~The William E. Woodall Co., Bal- 'timore, Md., is rebuilding the steamer 'Louise, owned 'by J. J. Callahan, New- port News, aig eae A fire recently at Brewer's Ship Yard, at Mariner's Harbor, Staten 'sland, destroyed one of the frame "buildings. Tarr & James, Essex, Mass., launch- ed a fishing schooner for Cunningham & 'Thompson Sept. 24, she being chris- tened Arethusa. Frank S. Bowker & Son, Phipps- burg, Me., will have the three-masted "schooner Rs M. Bickford ready for launching about Oct, 15, The Fore River Ship Building Go. Qui incy, Mass., has completed the work. of fitting new propellers to the Morgan Line steamer Creole. Cramp. .& Sons Ship & Engine Building Co., Philadelphia, has length- ened. the aneho Allianca, owned by the Panama Railroad Co., 36 ft. .- John Weaver & Son, Orange, Tex., have the barge which they are build- ing for the Hamburg-American Steam- -ship Co,-almost ready for launching. - The dredge Bristol, recently com- 'pleted at Green's yard, Chelsea, Mass., has been delivered to her owner, the JucS. Packard : Dredging" Co., Provi- dence, R. 1: 'The Moore & Scott Iron Works, have completed ~The: Maryland Steel Co., Soatiowe Point, Md., has completed the dredge Culebera for the Isthmian canal com- "mission and she is now on her way » to the isthmus. The Marine Slip at Darmouth, N. S., has the Norwegian coal carrier Universe on the ways for repairs to 'injuries sustained' from her stranding ~in July at White Head. »eoP.sDelaney & 'Co.,, Newburg; N. Y., recently installed one of their boilers on board the side wheel steamer Wil- liam Fletcher, owned by the New York Harbor Towboat Co. ~The new revenue cutter Andros- THe Marine REVIEW weight, to a _ probably unconscious realization of the principles' 'ef ~de- sign' which I 'have ventured > fo 'put forward-as-the best; and: particularly in the-case of bulk carriers to 'the "THE WORK IN COAST SHIP YARDS -- have begun work on a _ new three- coggin, built by the Shooter Island Ship Yard, Shooter Island, N. Y., has been sent to Wilmington, Del... to have her boilers installed. The Fore River Ship Building Co., Quincy, Mass., has the contract for ' repairing the Metropolitan Steamship line steamer Herman Winter, which was recently in a collision. The Harlan & Hollingsworth Corp., Wilmington, Del. has delivered the ferry boat Nassau to the city of New York. She is intended for use on the Thirty-ninth street ferry route. -- Joseph McGill, of Shelburne, Nova Scotia, launched a 70-ton schooner for J. H. Longmire & Sons, of Bridge- town, N. S., Oct. 1. She will ply be- tween Bridgetown and St. Johns, N. BE. : John H. Dialogue & Son, Camden, N. J., launched the tug Goliath, build- ing for the Ship Owners' & Mer- chants' Tugboat Co., of San Francisco, last month. The Goliath is. 136 ft. long. : The Harlan & Hollingsworth Corp., Wilmington, Del., recently had the ice breaker John Weaver, owned by the city of Philadelphia, at its plant to remedy a defect in her steering gear. : The Harbor Commission of Na- tional City, Cal., has granted the peti- tion of "Mar C, A Meyer for locating a ship yard there, which will concern itself chiefly with the building of metal boats. Booz Bros., Baltimore, Md., are rebuilding the tug Gerry, which was sunk and raised by the' Merritt & Chapman Wrecking Co, She is owned by the Standard Dredging Co,, Wil- mington, Del. William E. Woodall & Co. Bal- timore, Md., launched a comet light- er last moni for the Chespeake Steamship Co. for use at Norfolk, Va. The vessel is 125 ft. long, 28 ft. beam and 8% ft. deep. Perey & Small, Bath, Me., are bus- ily engaged upon the construction of two new schooners,.one a five-master and one with six sticks. The former is expected to be ready for launching in about two months. I, L. Snow & Co., Rockland, Me., 'delivered in 120 d closest possible approximation to an open boat--a design which. seems to be not only: 'thé Child - of" the! "ages, but the father of! the ideal Ratu puch vessels. q masted schooner for the general coast- ing trade, which is to be on the lines of the Helvetia and. Wawenock,; re- cently built at the same yard. The Union Iron Works, San Fran- cisco, Cal, has recently been engaged in repairing the Pacific Coast Steam- ship Co.'s steamers Senator and Queen, over $150,000 worth of work being done on each of them.' The Harlan & Hollingsworth Corp., Wilmington, Del., float known as No. 3 for the Jersey Central Railroad last week, and it has since been towed to New York. The float has a capacity of 28 cars. The Portland Ship Building Co.,, Portland, Ore., launched the steamer Bailey Gatzert for the Regulator line recently. This vessel is a wooden passenger steamer of the stern-wheel type and has an excursion capacity of 625 passengers. The Moran Co., Seattle, Wash., has the contract for repairing the steamer State of California, owned by the Pacific Coast Steamship Co., the re- Pairs consisting of the installation of a new set of boilers at a cost of about $115,000. The Spedden Ship Building Co., Baltimore, recently had the tug Rob- ert H. Smith, sold by them to the Isthmian canal commission, hauled out on the ways for the purpose of fit- ting a new propeller. Some changes were also made to her deckhouse. The Robert Palmer & Son Ship Building & Marine Railway Co, No- ank, Conn., has launched the ferry boat Berth: Amboy for the B. & O. Railroad, for use at Tottenville, S. I., and her machinery was installed me W. & A. Fletcher Co., Hoboken, my The Maryland Stee] Co., Sparrows Point, Md.; has been awaeded contract by HF: Hodges, general purchas- ing agent of the Isthmian canal com- mission for the construction. of three steel barges of 4,000 tons each, to be ays, the price being $59,495, : The Mathews Ship Building Co., Hoquiam, Wash., launched the steam schooner Saginaw, built for the Hart- launched the car Sa a i eae aaah sla oe ais Ag ia a AA a a

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