either from local attraction. or' ctr rent, or probably from oth. -But he knows, or should know, in which lo- calities the former is found, and he judges accordingly, so that he can safely assume whether it is one or the other, or: both: In any case he knows, whatever the cause, the direc- tion in which it is carrying him and he can alter the course accordingly. EXAMPLES ON BEARINGS, 1. Vou, ere steering N by B.y at. the rate of 1134 miles 'per hour, and at 9:30 Twin River. Ph Light house bears by compass NNW 34 W and at 9:47 the same lighthouse bears Hire. 7; WNW 3% W. How far and in which direction are you from the light- house? What kind of a bearing is this? 2. You are steering W. 4% S at the rate of 12% miles per hour; at 10:02 Beaver Island lighthouse bears NW % W and at 10:21 the same light- house bears N % W. How far and in which direction are you from the lighthouse? % 3. You are steering N Y% E at the rate of 914 miles per hour; at 7:41 Pt. Betsey bears NE by N and at 7:56 the same light bears NE by E% E How far and in which direction are you from the light? What kind of a bearing is this? 4. You are steering N % E at the rate of 934 miles per hour, and at 8:17 Milwaukee North Pt. light bears NW ¥% W and at 8:40 the same light. bears WSW ¥% W.. How far are you from the light and in which direc- tion? .What kind of a bearing is this? 5. You are steering North at the tate of 11 miles an hour and at 1:15 Twin River Pt. lighthouse bears NNW and at 1:48 the same lighthouse bears NW. How far and in what direction - are you from the light? By continu- ing the same course north how far would you be off the light when abeam? What kind of a bearing do you call this? "TAE MarRINE REVIEW 6. You are°$téering N 14° Wat the rateof"8'-miles' an hour, and at 9:20 Big Pt. Sable bears '(NNE % E and at 9:41 the samé light bears NE by E 1% E. How far have you run and in which direction are you from the light? What kind of a bearing is this? ' 7. You are steering S by E at the tate of 12 knots and at 2:01 Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal lighthouse bears abeam, or W by S, and at 2:17 the same light bears NW by W. How far were. you off the light when you had it abeam? 8. Pilot Island light bears N by Ww 1% W and at the same moment Cana Island light bears WSW. Where are you and what, would be the correct magnetic course from your position to a point 2 miles south of Poverty Island lighthouse? Supposing the Dev. on that course is 9° westerly, what would the compass course be? 9. If your boat makes 1134 miles per hour, how long does it take her to make a mile at the same speed? 10. Find out how long it takes to run a mile in each of the following cases: 1214 miles' per hour; 127% miles; 9 miles; 954 miles; 11% miles; 10% miles; 1314 miles; 834 miles. 11. lf. it: takes your boat an hour and 53 minutes to make 25 miles, how fast are you running per hour? 12. If it takes you 6 hours 33 min- utes to run 7414 miles, what speed are you making. 13. You are steering SW: % W at the rate of 10% miles per hour. At 6:04 Pt. Betsey lighthouse bears S 4 W and at 6:30 the same lighthouse bears E by S. How far are you from the lighthouse? What would be the correct magnetic course from there to Milwaukee? Supposing the Dev. is 8° Wly, what is the compass course to Milwaukee? What kind of a bear- ing do you call this? 14. The lighthouse on South Mani- tou Island bears W by N and at the . same moment the lighthouse on North Manitou Island bears N % W. Where are you? 15. Cana Island light bears SW % W and at the same moment Pilot Island light bears NNW. Where are you and what course would you steer to a point 3 miles south of Poverty Island light? 16. Manitowoc pierhead light bears W % S and Twin River Pt. light- house N by W, how far are you from Sheboygan North Pt., and how should it bear from you? What.would be the true course from point of posi- tion to Manistee piers? What kind of a bearing is this? 17. You are 'steering S by E and 31 at'10:05 Manitéwoc pier light bears abeam, and at 11:50 Sheboygan North Pt. light bears abeam. What time is your boat making per hour; the dis- tance between lights being 23 statute miles? How many knots is she mak- ing per hour, and what should a log registering nautical miles show be- tween the two places? Supposing that the log registered too many miles, what is the trouble with the log; sup- posing it did not indicate enough miles, what is the trouble, and how would you remedy it? Also, what was. the bearing by compass of Manitowoc. light when you are abreast, and what is the relative bearing of prehoy eae light when abreast?' : 18. At 101%4 miles per hour how long will it take your boat to run from Chicago to Pt. Betsey? What should a log registering nautical miles show on this run? 19. If it takes you 7 hours to run from Manitowoc to Pt. Betsey, a dis- tance of 74 miles, how long should it take you to run from North Manitou Island light to Greys Reef Hehehe, a distance of 65 miles? 20. If it takes you 8 hrs..23 min. to run 93 statute miles, how long had it ought to take you to run 53 nauti- cal miles? ~ 21. You are making 111%4 miles an hour going up the west shore. It has just cleared up when Twin River Pt. lighthouse bears 23% pts. before the beam, the time is 3:10 and at 3:33 the same lighthouse bears 234 pts. abaft the beam. How far were you from the light when you passed it? 22. A steamer making 18 knots makes how many feet in 1 minute, and how many feet in 3 seconds? How many ieee in a nautical mile? : 23. You are bound down the west shore of the lake in a heavy NW | wind, and you figure on taking the north passage to the Straits after you get down to Wiggins Reef gas buoy. . You are 114 miles off Whitefish Pt. Shoal buoy when you pass: it, and you want to shape a course that will head you on to Fisherman Shoal. gas buoy. The true course is NNE &% E, Var. %-pt. Ely, and the Dev. 3-pt. Ely, and you figure that you are making %%4-pt. leeway and you hold her up that much on the course. What is the compass course to be steered to make the desired true course of NNE % E. Your boat is making 11% statute miles per hour, and according to the course you should be 3 miles off Cana Island. when -abreast of it. It is 17 miles from Whitefish Pt. to Cana Island. As you go along on the course you