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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 10 Oct 1907, p. 32

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32 / take a 4-pt. bearing of Cana Island lighthouse to verify your position; at 10:30 Cana Island light bears 4 points from the course and at 10:41 it bears abeam. How far are you off the light? Evidently you allowed too much for leeway, or your compass is a little off, or may be the wheelsman let her work up too much; but at any rate you are in too much on the course to fetch right. The distance from abreast Cana Island to a point 4 miles (the distance you should be off Pilot Island when abreast) abreast of Pilot Island on this course is 15 miles, how much will you have to alter your course from the distance you found you were off Cana Island to fetch you the 4 miles off Pilot Island? When Pilot Island bears 4 points from tHe course it is 11:40 and at 12:01 it bears abeam. How far are you from Pilot Island? What is the first bearing by compass of the 4-point bearing you took of Pilot Island and what is the second bear- ing by compass? From this last po- sition it is just 8 miles to Fisherman Shoal and the course you are steering brings you right on to the shoal. You wish to pass 11%4 miles outside of the buoy, how much will you have to alter your course in order to do it? From Fisherman Shoal you wish to steer a course right through to Pt. aux Barques leaving it on your port beam at a distance of 4 miles. true course is NE % N, no Var., Dev. 4-pt. Ely, and leeway %-pt., what is the course to be steered by compass? You should be 434 miles off Poverty Island light when it bears abeam. How could you tell how far you were ou? At 3:25. Pt. aux Barques bore N % E and at 3:56 it again bore N by W % W. How far are you from Ft: aux Barques, and in which direc- tion, and how far will it be from you when abreast? SEPTEMBER LAKE LEVELS. - The United States Lake Survey at Detroit reports the stages of the great lakes for the month of September, as follows: Feet above tide Lakes. water New York. Oo eo ys oe aly Se west see's 603.13 MUA E FEIT ON 5 oi ea)re scree se ise ss 581.39 Te a a aia'y: ciele 8 os bse 4 eas SA2.0 0 MOST ok oe eis oe vie obit ei sia ele tessa 6 gem 246.52 During the past month all of the lakes have lowered except Lake Su- perior, which made an unusual rise for this time of year. During October, Lake Superior should hold its present level; all the other .lakes should fall somewhat as follows: Lakes Michigan and Huron 23% in., Lake Erie 3% in. Lake On- tario 41%4 in. It must be understood The. THe Marine Review that these are averages, and an un- usually wet October would' check this, and a 'very dry October ent cause greater lowering. During September, Lake Superior rose 214 in. and is practically at the average September stage of the past ten years. It is 2% in. higher than last year, and 6% in. higher than in 1890, but 2%4 in. lower than in 1905, and 8!4 in. lower than in 1876. Lakes Michigan and Huron fell % of an inch during the month, but are still 614 in. above the average Sep- tember stage of the past ten years, 314 in. higher than last year, 7 in. higher than in 1895, but half an inch lower than in 1905, and 2 ft. lower than in September, 1876. Lake, Erte: fell:.3 in, during the: month, but is still over 6 in. above the average September stage of: the' past ten years, 5 in. higher than last year, a foot and a half higher than in 1895, but an inch lower than in 1904, 1%4 in. lower than in 1890 and 14 in. lower than in 1876. Lake Ontario fell 4 in. during the month. It is, however, 814 in. above the average September stage of the past ten years, than last year, and 214 ft. above the stage of September, 1895, but 434 below that of 1905, and 10 in. below the water of 1876. BIDS FOR NAVAL SUPPLIES. Bids Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Departent, for material and. supplies for the navy 'yards, opened Sept. 24, contained the following: Schedule . 265--Ordnance. J Constructing Tow Ferry Slips at Torpedo Station, Newport. received at the Class Darling & Slade, Fall River, Mass..$ 7,470.00 By Rolt, 39 Cortlandt St., New York 10,333.00 Realy "Beattie, Fall River, Mass. 7,071.00 Schedule 287--Yards and Docks. Class 44--Pensacola--Two Centrifugal D'Olier Engineering Co., 121 S. 11th Sto Pitladelpmia. Packs ose sie aie eo $650.00 Pumps. Motley, Green & Co., 66 Broad St INOW OURS eee ii sce s sony eves 700.00 ' 860.00 Vermilye & Power, 17 Battery Pl INGE ODI Ste ern i gee ep Gioia ees 291.00 Henry H. Worthington, 114 Liberty Ste iNew VOni ae sir ie os care salsa eis 622.00 Central Metal & Supply Co. 609 E Lombard: St... Baltimore, Md..40.2.... 226.00 Class 45--Pensacola--Nine Valves. Bridgeman Bros. Co., 1426 Washington oe Pniladel pita. ia aisc ces sass 5:< ie > $337.00 James B. Clow & Son, 342 Franklin Ste MICRO Ee sree 6s. ve day a 252.00 M. J. Drummond & Co.; 182 Broad- way, New York 196.50 Excelsior. Equipment Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 382,75 Fairbanks Co., New Orleans, La....... 181.75 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Liberty St., New York 23 Central Metal & Supply® Co., 609 E. Lombard: St.;. Baltimore,. Md. .....'.'.. 548.00 Schedule 297--Equipment. Class 79--Boston--Four Life paler Armstrong Cork Co., Fittsburg, Pa....$24.00 Frye-Fhipps Co., 25 Pearl St., Boston, WSS ee eu ose er eal: Scie obispo 8 8.48 David: Kahnweiler & Son, 2 Dover St., DCW VOM cs Cec ie blake 30.00 Class 81--Boston--Two_ Boat Stoves, Joseph N. Early, 127 Reade St., New NODE er A tay ey are es oxic c wale ss $ 55.90 Pambanks. Co. > Boston. . Mass.:¢... 2... 123.00 Schedule 299--Ordnance. Class 132--Washington--About 900 lbs. Gar- lock Packing. Crandall Packing Co., 136 Liberty St., half a. foot « higher New NOtk 80 vi oats eee ok oc es $721.60 Double Service Packing Co., 430 Wal- fut Ot; Philadelphia, "Pa week 563.75 J. Edw. Ogden Co., 147 Cedar INGW. OT i cc. hea via eae tales 902.00 Class 133---Washington--800 ft. Rubber Hose. Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 Duane «St, New YOtk.. 7s... ces. $255.00 James B. Lambie Co., ye Ca Oe pares ras tera eee ce ure oo Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 ree St., New York 246 Class 134 -- Washington -- 200 Ibs. Leather. Henry Frank, 40 Spruce St., New York$ 81.00 E. F. Houghton Co., 240 W. Somerset St... Philadelphia, Pas. o.28 cpa. Michigan Leather Co., Detroit, Mich... 70. 00 Class 136--Newport--11 Bronze Globe Valves. Hydraulic Bridgeman Bros. Co., 1426 Washington Ave," Phijadelphia, 2 Pa... 3.05 cose oe $342.00 Fairbanks Co.; ,. Boston, -Mass, .. 0.3... 741.00 R. W. Geldart, 2 Stone St., New York 382.00 Hartman Co., 1235 N. Front St., Fila- delping. 2 Paiste fae wares ae ae as 473.20 Lunkenheimer Co., Cincinnati, O....... 460.00 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin Sts eNew UV Orke oo aca ee ies a 529.00 William Powell Co., Cincinnati, O.. 423.02 Central Metal & Supply Co. 609 E. Lombard St., Baltimore, Md......... 694.00 Schedule 301--Steam Engineering. Class 151--Brooklyn--10,835 lbs. Brass Tubes. American Tube Works, 95 Broad St., Boston; Mass oss) fee cet oe a $2,204.92 Bridgeport Brass Co., 99 John St. NEW OV Of re arc oe a ee 2,351.19 Benedict & Burnham Mfg. Co., 99 . John. :St,.) New. York. i500... 2.275129 National Brass & Copper Tube Co., 41 Park Row, New (York. soc. 25 3. fe: Central Metal & Supply Co., : Lombard: St., Baltimore, Md....... 2,383.70 Rome Brass & Copper Co., Nee ee Oe ee yee wae ice gr ts 2,214.67 Class 152--Brooklyn--About 3,300 lbs. Seam- less Drawn Copper Tubing. Central Metal & Supply Co., 609 E. Lombard: 'St. Baltimore, Md....... .. $1.058.11 Class 153--Brooklyn--14 Brass Safety Valves. American Steam Gage & Valve Mfg. Co., 108 Camden St., Boston, Mass. .$120.96 Ashton Valve Co., 271 Franklin St., Boston, Mass ee iss See aise 121.80 Knox & Bro., 96 John St., New York.. 217.00 Lunkenheimer Co., Cincinnati, O...... 153.30 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin SOs New York) 22.5 often e cates 135.10 Vermilye & Power, 17 Battery Pl INGW. SVORIE fo oe se os eas Gis we oe als os 175.14 Central Metal & Supply Co., 609 E. Lombard St., Baltimore, Md......... 133.00 Class Gages, American Steam Gage & Valve Co., 108 Camden St., Boston, Mass. 2.2.5... $116.06 Ashton Valve Co., 271 Franklin St., Moston. « WiaSh sun hac whe essed ste cco ete 104.44 R. W. Geldart, 2 Stone St., New York 78.40 Knox & Bro., 96 Tohn St.. New York. 105.00 James P. Marsh & Co., 284 Washing- ton Sty Chicago. ins 2 ae ee 80.50 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- erty: St New pV ORK... se i ee 109.20 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin St. News VoOrk 02.1.5 Sein eona ne 94.50 J. B. Roache, 350 Fulton St., Brooklyn, ING VE SoG eat Gina Sey eee ae 81.64 Charles J. Tagliabue Mfg. Co., 153 Fulton' St.) New York? -.i's.2 cee. 78.40 Vermilye & Power, 17 Battery Pl., New. (York? c ona Coens wee eee ces 88.20 Central Metal & Supply Co., 609 Lom- bard) St.; "Baltimore, Mdv: 4.0... 133.00 Class 155--Brooklyn--14 Sets Heavy Brass Fittings for Water Gage Glasses. Ashton Valve:.Co., 271 Franklin St., Boston: 'Masset } soak ete ee ae ee $84.00 Jerecuson Mfg. Co., 221 Columbus St., BOStOie: MASS. eS une ees ce as 6 ees 83.16 TLunkenheimer Co., Cincinnati, O........ 27.30 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin Sti New York 2.62200 ee ee ek 21.00 Central Metal & Supply Co.. 609 E Lombard Sti, . Baltimore; Mid. .2.0..2.. 28.00 Class 187--Brooklyn--14 Open Bucket Steam Traps. R. W. Geldart, 2 Stone St., New York.$330.00 Kieley & Muller, 34 W. 13th St., New Viole a cae eb cael oe sy ese Montgomery & Co., 105.Fulton St., New_ Work es a ee ae ae ee ee 330.00 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin : Sti iNew "Vor. Ses i een ee, 359.20 Class 158--Brooklyn--14 Brass Reducing Valves: R. W. Geldart, 2 Stone St.. New York.$458.00 Lumley Dodson Co., Norfolk. Va.:.... 707.18 Montgomery & Co., 105 Fulton = St., New. Vorle en fe oe ee 460.40 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Liberty Bt, New. Mork 27.2.2. es. 763.84

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