Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin St NEW VOrK Scare wpas drew ted ee 765.60 Sherman, Brown, Clements Co., 78 Murray St... New, York. i474... 600. ce, 468.00 Vermilye & Power, 17 Battery 'Pl New York os ie Oe ee ipa os 743.78 Central Metal & Supply Co., 609 KE. Lombard St.;° Baltimore; - Md. <,......4. 745.00 Schedule 307 Supplies and Accounts. Class 239--League Island--100 sq. yds. Sheet Gum, James Boyd & Bro., 14 N. 4th St, Philadelphia,;= Pal). cera ee a, $880.00 Diamond Rubber Co., 1076 Broadway, New Yotk ost vusic eee es 495.00 So R. Eletcher, 26. Cortlandt"St," New VOrk cb at hae ose cn ons es 543.00 Mallinson & Crossman, 23 Warren St., New: York 3) Gs wees Cato ma oi ae 545.00 Osgood Sayen, Arcade bldg., Philadel- pia," Pa Sn oak tence mires een 550.00 Clement Restein, 103 N. 2d St., Phila- delphia, Pace vias tus cone saa enon 490.00 Gutta. Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 Diane Sty New. York. 5205. oben 584.00 Class 241--Annapolis--400 Ibs. Power Plant Facking. A. W. Chesterton & Co., 64 India St., Bostonse: Mass: are eae ea ne es "$180.00 Fairbanks Co., Baltimore, Wiis OSS ies 264.00 H. W. Tohns-Manville Co;,; Stn NeW Monk i435 seek oe ers ae 200.00 Larkins Metallic Packing Co., Lewis bldg... Pittsburey; Pa. See ees 300.00 R. Levick Sons & .Co., 721 Chestnut - St.= Philadelphia, Pa v.05 Cue 280.00 Mechanical Rubber Co.,. Cleveland, O.. 300.00 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Liberty St. New. VOL ca shee tee ees 172.80 Double Service Packing Co., 430 Wal- Hit ote, niladelpiia,. Pas es = a 240.00 W. G. Stevenson, 110 Race St., Phila- Gelphia, has ees von 5 oe aie at anya 260.00 William R. Thompson, 704 Lafayette Aves: Brooklyt Ngoc Ya. 2 ie COULD Class 242--Annapolis--75 sq. yds. Packing. Fairbanks Co:,. Baltimore, Md... 2. ao: $312.00 H. W. Johns-Manville Co., 100 William St New (York sora eae aayenteccee 350.00 Double Service Facking Co., 430 Wal- nut St.; Philadeltuhia, Pacse03 ites 274.00 Thomas Summerville Co., Washington, Ws Cee a ae ee ee 384.25 Class 243--Annapolis--75 sq. yds. Rainbow Packing. James Boyd & Bro., 14 N. Fourth So} Philadelphia; oRa, sw aes eee $294.00 Diamond Rubber Co., 1076 Broadway, Nie | MOIS ee es rae erate 245.00 Fairbanks Co., Baltimore, Md.......... 330.00 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 Duane: Sts New: Vorkt2.4 4k oe 280.50 He AV. Johns- Manville Co., 100 William St. New) Morke: ese ees 265.00 R. Levick Sons & Co., 721 Chestnut St; Philadelphia, "Pa. oot. en 353.50 Mechanical Rubber Co.. Cleveland. Os Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Liberty Sta 0 New. (Votkie s vai oe aids Bae 2/0:19 Double Service Packing Co., 430 Wal- nut St, 'Philadelphia; Pa... 2... es 222.00 Feerless Rubber Mfg. .Co., 16. Warren Ste New York oes Oi ence aceasta 350.00 Thomas Sommerville Co., Washington, WN Oe apes Urangrenecessr eo eiareus epelets 335.00 W.-G. 'Stevenson, 110 Race St., Phila- Gelphaas (Pas as tects esis cape tei es 210.00 William R. Thompson, , 704 Lafayette Ave. Brovkivag Ne Ybor. ce ie 252.00 Central Metal & Sunply Co.,, 609 E. Lombard St., New York...........-. 313.75 CANAL CIRCULAR NO. 387. Bids received by the general purchasing officer of the Isthmian Canal Commission for material and supplies, opened Sept. 18, con- tained the following: Class 2--Eleven Pneumatic Hammers. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., 95 Lib- erty St., New York..........+-.++:- $500.00 Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co., Cleve- dade, OS i Fo es is lees se icess 360.00 Columbus Pneumatic Tool Co., Colum- 2 hoe. 00 bis, 0: Dayton Pneumatic Tool Co., Dayton, O. 470.00 Excelsior Equipment Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 576.50 eRe ie Sew cettet eee wb. em a. 02 SIPS BY A060) 0.8 Independent Pneumatic Tool Co., First Nat. Bank bldg., Chicago...........> 418.00 Ingersoll-Rand Co., 11 Broadway, New GTI oe oe me ine alee pie elem RerW es oe 450.00 Standard Railway Equipment Co., 90 West: St New Yorkies: posses oss 520.00 Pk, Witte Hardware Co., 106 Cham- hers Sta: New: YOrks « 2.40 cae one nee ee 625.00 Class 3--Two Pneumatic Fiston Drills. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., 95 Liberty Sho New York i555 e595 meee tet ee $120.00 Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co., Cleve- tend Ose ais ins ek oe ek ee 118.50 Columbus Pneumatic Tool Co., Colum- bus, -O. iw wie. Ow ele DO. O28 we Oe 8 88 e F 300.00 . * TRAE Marine REVIEW Excelsior Equipment Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 184.00 Independent Pneumatic Tool Co., First Nat.: Bank) bide.," Chicago... 7331.5 os 104.00 Ingersoll-Rand Co., 11 Broadway, New VOU ro oe. ae eve ces Ceres 150.00 Standard Railway Eee Co:, 290 West Sti) New York, 0.05.00... ae 140.00 Cifiss 4--One Pneutnatic Riveter. Chester B. Albree Iron Works Co., 1115 Market St., Allegheny, Pa....$1,453.00 2,618.00 Excelsior Equipment Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 845.00 Class 5--One Yoke Riveter. Chicago Fneumatic Tool Co., 95 Liberty St... (New York 0a. f2 5 ares $250.00 Excelsior Equipment Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 688.00 Ingersoll-Rand Co., 11 Broadway, New MOP cs cau gies ee Dons b. oeeoune 426 150,00 Class 7--One Pneumatic Geared Hoist. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., 95 Liberty te "New Vork 22. c ull ie oe A000 Excelsior Equipment Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 499.00 Fox Bros. Co., 126 Lafayette St., New York «ae ea eee ee ae 404.00 Pilling Air Engine Co., Detroit, Mich.. 385.00 F. T. Witte Hardware Co., 106 Cham- bers: St. (New--Yorktia.s22. ee 500.00 Class 23--500 Boiler Tubes. Central Metal & Supply Co., 609 E. Lombard '/St., Baltimore, Md.......$1,325.00 ' Excelsior Equipment Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 940.89 Pox. Bros, & Co,., 126 Lafayette St, New. YOrk'<). acer ayes co See 761.54 Handlan-Buck Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. 687.35 E. F. Keating, 452 Water St., New VOR eee VeS Shei ee eee ee eee, 993.75 Motley, Green & Co., 66 Broad St., SINGii Motk teas BGs ances clan We mane 71550 *U. S. Steel Froducts Export Co., 24 State Sta New YOrks. ch) el ea as 695.63 G. & W. Mfg. Co.,. 26 Cortlandt St., New WORK eis ee Gre ew cea ey 926.80 *Contract awarded. Class 24--500 Brass Condenser Tubes. Excelsior Equipment Co., Pittsburg, Was eer he hc eee ce cies eee 32c. per Ib. Fox Bros:- & Co., 126. Lafayette: St., INOW VOR cg nak ae oo we a wees $506.52 G. & W. Még. _Co., 26 Cortlandt » St. ING WES YORK. oo rns si ca aves V teen acne 627.43 Class 25--16 Gross Water Gage Glasses. L. Barth & Son, 30 Cooper Sq., New Gre een Secret ase eats acest See $105.48 Excelsior Equipment Co., Pittsbarg, Pa. 100.80 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 J.iberty St New) VOT kis Coe ei seis ayes Hs EOL OS National Electricat. Supply Co., Wasb- Tot One = DS Ch eg was Cane ss cia tomas 93.30 H. A. Rogers 'Co: ete Foun Sto New: VOrk oo onc a enw) ee ae a SAAT BIDS FOR NAVAL SUPPLIES. Bids received at the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, for material and supplies, opened Sept. 17, contained thie following: : Schedule 252--¥auipment. Class 24--Puget Sound--1,640 Ibs. Drawn Brass Tubing American Tube Works, 95 Broad St., . Seamless New. = York ao) cons ose ieee ae cis $348.99 Berry & Aikens, 36th and 'Wharton = - Sts: Philadelphia .sRas ncn ees as 459.20 Benedict & Burnham Mfg. Co., 99 John Stic Ne Wen MOL sc caret egies ie 875.56 *National Brass & Copper Tube Co., 41 Park. 'Row, New York oo. oe ou 348.99 Pacific Hardware & Steel Co., 253 Broadway, (New. York 6 ...0.G24 34a 369 00 Central Metal & Supply Co. 609 E. Lombard St., Baltimore, Md. wk Rt awen 393.60 *Contract awarded. Schedule 257--Supplies and Accounts. Class 167--New York--3,400 ft. Rope. American Steel & Iron Co., 21 State St, New "York (43.3665 5 ee ees $465.18 511.54 Berry & Aikens, 36th and Wharton Ste), Philadelphia, Wan. ie cee kes 576.80 Ge &- We. Mie. Co, 26 Cortlandt. St., New YOR es Or os Pee a oe ea 349.00 Montgomery & Co., 105 Fulton St., New More (Se Nees Se eye eerie ates ee 377.00 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin Ste News: Yorks 76 06 eae eve eee ee 385,80 New "Jersey Foundry & Machine Co., 9 ; Murray: St. New. Yorks...) 3... 5. s, 374.40 Vermilye & Power, 17 Battery Place, Neve OY One oat ss Meee ee ae 375.80 H. E. Boucher Mfg. Co., 91 Maiden Lane, New York. 0.022... 62 ce ee 428.00 FS) "Banks & . Co.,'7 73" Warren St; New NOtk 35 Fe56 5 oa vena sees» 372.80 Class 187---New York--Boat Knees. G. soe & Bro., 965 Elk St., Buffalo, We $49 w 'D. Gill & Son, 701 President St., a ; 33 Baltimore, Midd via ae i ae eae 367.50 Thomas Kells Sons Co,,, 240: India (St, Brooklyn; VN. Wears. pee es ee 2.50 Charles A. Reagen, foot of Chestnut St. Philadelphia, "Pai. ene. as cer. 35.0.00 Watson & Pittinger, 420 Carroll St., e Brooklyn, IN, Ys George R. Johnson, Baltimore, Md..... 342.50 Class 189---New York--Large Number of White Oak Knees. G. Elias & Bro., 965 Elk St., Buffalo, NOON og oe on eee rs Os $6,700.00 W. D. Gill & Son, 701 President St., Baltimore, Mdi2 nee ee 4,852.50 George R. Johnson, Baltimore, Md... 4,808.50 Charles A. Reagen, foot of Chestnut Sti,.Philadelphitag) Pacey isc. cee ee 3,200.00 Stokes Bros. Co., 30th below Chestnut St, Puiladelphia, "Pa ict eee 5,581.50 Watson & Pittinger, 420 Carroll St., Brooklyn, Neo Me oe oa eee 4,022.50 Class 211--New York--665 lbs. Flax Packing. Excelsior Equipment Co., Pittsburg, Pa.$209.25 R. W. Geldart, 2 Stone St., New York. 124.02 Manhattan Supply Co., 127. Franklin Sty New: Vor: 36 ns oy ae eau ees 134.20 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Liberty StyuiNews Yorkie: Vere erage 118.73 Sninney, Wise & Co., Lynn, Mass..... 202.50 Class 229--New York--1,000 lbs. Black Ma- tine Glue. William Wirt Clark & Son, 546 Monu- nent: St.,* Baltimore; Mid. 3 25 2.45 & $127.50 Abram L. Hirsch, 368: Greenwich Ste NEW YOR oie suite esa eee nee tre 174.50. Simon & Elting, 194 Front St, New : NOPE cee ow be rae oe ot ce ees 150.00 Old Dominion Paper Co., Class 237--New York--Large ' Quantity Cop- per Tubing. American Tube Works: 95 *Broad Sty Boston, Mass. Benedict & Burnham Mfg. Co., 99 John: StesiNew oY orks sooo. ue 1,968.85 Bridgeport Brass Co., 255 Broadway, Newa V Ofc cccn Veet tea ene 1,932.84 Excelsior Equipment Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 2,120.50 Merchant & Evans Co., 517 Arch St., Philadelphia! Vas aces ee ee ee 2,039.00 Central Metal & Supply Co., 609 E. Lombard St., Baltimore, Md....... 2,031.00 National Brass & Copper Tube Co., 41 Park Row, New vork 49 ace 1,886.31 Rome Brass & Copper Co., Rome, N. Y.2,039.00 Class 239--New York--54 Brass Cocks. Jereuson Mfg. Co., 221- Columbus Ave., BOston,< NLASS aes seers oi cee etek Gene $261.36 A. B: Sands & Son Co., 20 Vesey St., Newer VOtk ow cet ee me ee ee 1.00 Central Metal & Supply Co., 609 E. Lombard St., Baltimore, Md........ 198.60 Class 242--New York--50 Hose Valves. Chapman Valve Mfg. Co., Indian Or- chard®. MaSSo) kee fee es eae rete $638.50 Kennedy Valve Mfg. Co., 57 Beekman : Stu Newsy Yorkin soe ea ares Supe eo AU Lunkenheimer Co., Cincinnati, O....... 575.00 A. B. Sands & Son Co., 20 Vesey St., NewecinOr kr osu coer ethers 740.00 | Class 246--New York--297 Oars. New, York Boat Oar Co., 69 West St.7 New GVOrlew eh ee ee en $1,047.25 Class 247---New York--3,000 sq. ft. Cork. Armstrong Cork Co., 105 Fulton St., RENTEWUE OODKGS Ae Serica cou aero gen Lip ees $ 495.00 Berry & Aikens, 36th & Wharton Sts., Philadelphia, Ba. co ie ewes + 1,800.00 Excelsior Equipment Co., Pittsburg, Pa. oe Class 248--New York--Four Sets Complete Diving Apparatus. A. J. Morse & Co., 221 High St., Bos- tony Wass yee aes gem eae « $4,370.40 A. Schrader's Sons Co., 32 Rose St., , Newo Voki oes care os eames ds aris 4,341.50 ' Schedule 276--Supplies and Nee Class 301--Brooklyn--20,000 Yards Hammock Canvas. James R. Michael, 1280 Broadway, New York cps Seas ee ees ms $18,000.00 -Thomas M. Turner, 86 Worth St., New. MOrk es i hee eee parce 17,800.00 Schedule 280--Supplies and "Accounts. Class 386--Norfolk--500 ft. Steam Hose. S. R. Fletcher & Co., 26 Cortlandt St., New York Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 Duane: Sts New. Yorke toi ees pee 870.00 A. J. Hemphill, 199 Fulton St., New V ork Gare 0 ee ie lore oe et ee ee 325.00 Keasby & Mattison, 100 John St., New ~ NOtle os ooo ia ee ae eee ee 192.00 Class 387--Norfolk--100 Lbs. Garlock Spiral Packing. Crandall Packing Co., 136 Liberty St., New SVotk 3 04 a ae ee $125.00 Double Service Packing Co., 430 Wal- : nut St, Philadelphia,. Pa. 5... 0... 92.00 Garlock Packing Go;; 604: "Arch St; PHriladelohiay hae ce es os eee 132.30 J. Edw. Ogden Co., 147 Cedar St., New MOL es ee sheets ea es pees 150.00 Norfolk, Va. 127.00. -