34 , BIDS FOR PURCHASE OF U. S: S.. SARATOGA. Bids were opened Sept. 25 at the Navy Department for the purchase of the U. S. S. Saratoga, but owing to the fact that the highest bid was but $2,000, whereas the esti- mated value is $4,300, all bids were rejected. The bids were as follows: John H. Greg- ory, Perth Amboy, N. J., $2,000; Daniel C. O'Connor, 29 Howard St. Boston Mass., $1,250.61. BIDS FOR REPAIRS TO LIGHT TENDER. Bids received at the office of the Inspector of the Fourth Lighthouse District, Philadel- phia, Pa., for making certain alterations to - the tender Sunflower, were as follows: Item 1. Item 2. é 'Air Venti- ; Ports. lators. *Kensington Ship Yard Co., : Piiladelphiay: Pareto wes ce en $128.00 $495.00 Navy Yard, League Island, Pa. 185.00 313.00 New York Ship Building Co., Camblen, (Ne We oi vee os os ss Both items, $2,100 * Accepted. BIDS FOR REMOVING WRECKS. Bids for removing wreck of Julia A. Decker from Salisbury Beach, Mass., and canal boat F. W. Avery from Great Chazy river, N. Y.; received by Maj. Edward Burr, Corps of En- gineers, U. S. Army, Boston, Mass., and opened Sept. 19, were as follows: For Removing Wreck in Newburyport Har- bor, Mass. Nathaniel E. Gordon, South Port- ian: Wien oy ee eas wee eee ere $ 546.00 Johnston & Virden, Lewes, Del....... 620.00 Edwin Canney, Pigeon Cove, Mass... 839.00 John Cashman, Quincy, Mass........ 1,000.00 G. M. Wan Sant, Atlantic City, N. J.. 1,485.00 Betts Bros. & Co., East Boston, Mass. 1,690.00 W. H. Wyman & John A. Johnson, Boston, Mass. 2,250.00 For Removing Wreck in Great Chazy River. John J. Fitzpatrick, Plattsburg, N. Y...$275.00 eee eee we ee te eet et toe Bert F.. Goodsell, Alburgh, Vt........ 439.00 G. M. Van Sant, Atlantic City, N. J... 447.00 Daly & Hannan Dredging Co., Ogdens- putes N: oY BSP yp uroisie Wake gee 500.00 John Cashman, Quincy, Mass...... ee OU0200 Nathaniel E. Gordon, South Fortland, We ee Sa, ah es ay Uo wees 783.00 BIDS FOR BREAKWATER AT BAR HARBOR, ME. Bids received at the U. S. Engineer's office at Portland, Me., for construction of break- water at Bar Harbor, Me., opened Sept. 10, were as follows: ; Per Ton. Philip H. Doyen, South Portland, Me. $1.27. E. S. Belden & Sons,' Hartford, Conn. 1:13 Sylvetser I. Hill, Chebeague, Me...... 1.23% IMPROVING ST. MARY'S RIVER. Abstract. of proposals for furnishing about 600,000 ft. B. M. of fir timber, received in _response to advertisement dated July 25, 1907, and opened Aug. 26, 1907, by Col. Charles L. B. Davis. Appropriation: Improving St. Mary's river, Michigan (general improve- ment). Amount available, $908,000. Esti- mated cost Method A, $35 per M.; Method B, including freight, $28.30 per M. Name and Address Price per M ft. B. M. of Bidder. Method A. Method B. H. B. Waite Lumber Co., Minneapolis, Minn. .... $28.90 *$12.40 Somerville Bros., Napa- MATLC; OW ABR 8 LAG ae eae cos aisles 12.40 Carstens & -Earles, Inc., ; Seattle; Wash. <5. <3 PA Reg ial i 12.45 J. G. Newbegin, Tacoma, VBI. oon ery heh fie slau) eevee 12.90 The Herron Co., Seattle, BRAS ee is ces 12.90 Lumber Manufacturers' Agency, Centralia, Wash. 29.50 13.00 z . Lewis Lumber Co., ARUIG | WVASIO Se ue iia alate ae 13.50 Foster Lumber Co., Ta- OMe WAG oe oe iic a 33.85 14.05 Great Western Lumber & Timber Co., Aberdeen, RVe re eer ol ecleng 14.85 ; for 36'& 34' pcs. 12.85 : ' balance. St. Paul & Tacoma Lum- Der Co., Tacoma, Wash, ...:,. 15.06 G. Elias & Bro., Buffalo, 'repairing dikes THE Marine REVIEW Wee We ie ee ks eS 38.50 15.50 G. W. Gates & Co., Post- lads Ole, hes eres aha 16.00 Emery D. Weimer, Luding- tO s MACNN iene dr ae ee ae 17.00 Chas. Este Co., Philadel- PUTA AE ae se art past brates wi caress fin %s os 17.50 Peninsular Bark & -.Lum- ber Co., Sault Ste. Ma- fie MCU. erate coe os 35.50 17.50 * Accepted. DREDGING GREAT SALT POND. Abstract of proposals for dredging' en- trance channel to Great Salt Fond, Block Island, R. I., received in response to attached advertisement dated July: 29, 1907, and opened Aug. 28, 1907, by Lieut--Col. J. H. Willard, Corps of Engineers, at Newport, R. I. ' Rate per No. of Names and Addresses cubic yard proposal. of Bidders. Cents. 1.. Maritime Dredging Co., New Nore Clty soo ase 37% 2; John: A, Seeley, New York CT ee irae Cah cle bie acc PK ERA 3 74. Seo Packard } Dredging Co., Providetice,. "Rel ewn k 28% 4. Chas. M. Cole, Fall River, AVIAS Ee es eeclele caves pos orc ce es SZ ' * Accepted. DIKES IN HUDSON RIVER. Abstract of proposals for furnishing rubble stone and quarry spalls for constructing and in Hudson river, N. Y., re- ceived in response to attached advertisement dated Aug. 15, 1907, and opened Sept. 2, 1907, at New York City, by Col. John G. D. Knight, Corps of Engineers. 2,000 10,000 cu. yds. cu. yds. rubble quarry 'Names and Addresses stone spalls No. of Bidders. CUuyvG. cu. vd. 1. Bouker Contracting Co., 21- 24 State St, New York CU ees Tew ee ap "S154. $1759 2. William D. Fuller, New Bathimote, No Ys. vies. 1.69 1.69 EXCAVATION IN CAPE POR POISE HARBOR. Abstract of: proposals in Cape Porpoise harbor, for Me., opened Aug. 30, 1907, by Maj. George A. Zinn. Price per No. Bidders. cu. yd. Amount. 1. Eastern Dredging Co., Boston, Mass... ....:. . $ 9.60 $50,169.60 2. Simon J. Donovan, East Boston, Mass:-....... 12:25 588792:50 3. poh a Fitzpatrick, Plattsbure: oN. V3.3. 13.62 71,178.12 4. . Johnston & Virden, Lewes, Del... 020. 11.65. »:60,882.90 BREAKWATER NEAR BAR HAR- BOR. Abstract of proposals for construction of breakwater near Bar Harbor, Me.. opened at Portland, Me., Sept. 10, 1907, by. Maj. George A. Zinn, Corps of Engineers. Amount avail- able, $30,000. Originally estimated Price cost No. ton. ton. 1) Philip: Hi: "Doyen, South Portland, Me. sccee ss a7 "2. BooS Belden = &. > Sons, Hartford, Conn) o.6. 26: TAS S110 3. Sylvester 2 i, Hill,.- Che- Peague OME Mk ee 23% * Accepted. JETTY WORK AT GALVESTON. Abstract of proposals for jetty work at Galveston harbor, Texas, received in response to an advertisement dated Aug. 1, 1907, and opened Aug. 31, 1907, by Capt. John C. Oakes, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, at Galves- ton, Tex. South Jetty. North Jetty. Name and 84,000 tons 20,000 tons Address riprap riprap No. of Bidders. --§ Per ton. Perton. Total. 1. David M. Picton, Galveston, Tex. $3.80 $3.20 $383,200 "2, Chas. Clarke & Co., Galveston, Rex cata areie OOF 3.09 367,560 3. Christie & Lowe, New Orleans, La. 3.90 3.50 397,600 *Recommended. rock excavation © GOOD WORDS FOR THE COURSE FINDER. Captain R. W. England, of the steamer R. W. England: "Your Course Finder and Deviation Log are good things, and should be on every boat. They are very practical and easily understood." A. C. McMahon, Kingston, Ont.: "Send me five Course Finders. The book is taking well and those that have seen it speak very highly of it. They all say that it is so practical, something, I should judge, is very seldom the case with the ordinary works on navigation. The Deviation Log Book and Deviation Diagram are meeting with much favor. Those of the marine men who have seen them think very well of them, and all say that they should be on every boat." Capt. George J. Bennett, steamer Robert L. Fryer. "Your Course Find- er is all right and it is bound to find its way on board of every lake vessel when it becomes better known." Capt. E. L. Sawyer, of the steamer. Masaba: "Your Course Finder, Devi- ation Log and Deviation Diagram, have been received and I am so far much pleased with them. They are just what we need--something clear and plain and easy to understand. It gives a man lots of confidence in his work to know that he can keep him- self located in all kinds of weather. I see no reason why this work should not be in the hands of every master. and mate on the lakes." \ ORE SHIPMENTS. Ore shipments for September were 6,217,653 gross tons, notwithstanding © the difficulties encountered through heavy weather. . The' October move- ment is large and it is probable that 6,000,000 tons will be moved during the present month. This would bring the season's movement up to Nov. 1 to 36,000,000 tons, so 'that a total movement of 40,000,000 tons may easily be looked forward to. Ship- ' pers are busy taking care of contract tonnage and the world business offer- 'ing is. not considerable. Following are the ore figures: Sept. Perct. Sept. Perct. Port. 1906. of total. 1907. of total. Escanaba . $33,681..-17.37 . 642.251 11:93 Marquette... ...30.411,582)°-7.58 Ab7. 684° 6.72 Ashland 384,968 7.09 407,572 6.56 Superior ...... 869,678 . 16.02 1,155,464 18.59 Da sega es 1,750,116 32.23 2,203,638 35.44 Two Harbors..1,179,636 21.73 1,291,044 20.76 5,429,660 100.00 6,217,653 100.00 \ 'Lo Oct. 1, Per ct: To Oct. 1, Per.ct. Port. 1906. oftotal. 1907. of total. Escanaba - 4,270,294 15.17 4,473,417 14.64 Marquette... 2,120,519 °7:53 2.342.149 7.66 Ashland « 4;036,020::.; 9.36°°257292 331 801 Superior «- 4,448,174 15.80 5,571,918 18.23 Duluth - 8,334,388 29.61 9,406,283 30.78 Two Harbors 6,341,357 22.53 6,043,108 19.78 28,150,755 100.00 30,559,206 100.00