327, THE °"ECORSE PLANT OF : THE GREAT LAKES. ENGINEER.., ING WORKS. 'This photograph gives a fine birds- eye view of the Ecorse plant of the Great Lakes Engineering Works showing the steamers. Maryland and Tuscarora in dry dock. To the right of the picture is a large ,000-ton steamer just finished and _ practically -ready for her departure. On another of these. ranges, THE Marine. REVIEW . remains. no reason why any master could: wish for anything better. 'Some prejudiced parties might say: "The lighthouse books: give all the bearings etc.": Yes, very true, but how many masters will take the trouble to correct these bearings for variation, and even if they did, there is somé room for mistakes and plen- ty of them for they have nothing that will verify their work after they iSt. drographic. .Office has just' issued..a A new edition of its Sailing' Directions for Lakes: Erie afid Ontario ant the » Lawrence River. The book has been rewritten in a form to make it attractive, clear and adapted to the use of the mariner, and' includes all information °pertain- - ing to these waters received and pub- lished by that office up to and_ in- cluding Notice to Marirrers No. 26, Ben is the keel ofa 10,000-ton steam- r; between. it and the dry dock is a hull of an -8,000-ton steamer, fairly well: in frame. To the left of the dry dock is the hull of a 6,000-ton pack- age freighter which has since been launched. MORE GOOD WORDS FOR THE COURSE FINDER. ant John Tower, master steamer F. T... Heffelfinger, writes: "Concern- ing Marine Review Course Finder, I must, say this. much: That. in . my opinion it is the best and most pract- ical:, book ever put before the lake mariner, ; lt .-answers.,.the better than anything else, for a ma- jority. of the men onthe lakes do not want to be bothered with the study of ascertaining compass deviations and courses: by. the bearings of celestial bodies. Another thing it is foggy and cloudy-<-about:: half. the. time <-so that>--azimuths .. cannot be: 'used, 'and' >then many masters are afraid to stop their boats long enough to take: azimuths for. fear. that some other boat will take the. dock away from them, etc. The Course Finder will do all this work for them and answers all purposes, and. the Dev:a- tion Log Book is certainly the very ee: ever put before the lake master, ...It is. the first, work of its kind. as swell. as: the best. A master can -ascertain. _ thereby his. compass deviations, without. losing one min- ute's time and do ~it..accurately too; and:as. these river ranges. cover near- ly all.the. points of. the compass, there purpose. before the steamboat ECORSE: PLANT OF THE GREAT "LAKES. ENGINEERING have done it. that this work is the best ever put man --on- "the lakes, and no master should be with- out it. Some may argue that . the variations change two minutes per an- num, but such objections are ridi- culous as it takes 30 years to make a difference of one degree. I gladly in- dorse the work and trust that it will be received with much favor by all practical men as it justly deserves." Capt. E. B. Anderson, masterS. S. Manitoba, of . the Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Owen Sound, Ont.: "Sept. 13. Send me a Marine Review Course Finder on approval, for if it can please an 'old sea dog' like me, it must be good, indeed." On Oct. 13, the captain writes: "I am very much pleased with your Course Finder and it is all you claim for it, and the in- formation in it is as good. for 'the old as the young mariner. It is most practical and useful and answers the purpose admirably.". Capt John Monaghan, U.. S. in- spector. of hulls, Duluth, . Mimu.: "Have finished a careful examination of -the volume entitled Marine Re- view Course Finder, and found in it "many good things helpful to the old as well as to 'the young mariner. [ trust that it will have a wide circu- lation, which it certainly merits." NEW GOVERNMENT SAILING DIRECTIONS. - The Marine REvIEw desires to call the attention of mariners on the great lakes..to..the fact that the U. S. Hy-- Therefore, I say again WORKS. June 29, 1907. This book completes the new Hydrographic Office Sailing directions for the . chain of lakes. There are four separate books in all. The price of this last book is 60 cents. The Marine ReEvIEW has the. agency for all Hydrographic Office . publi- cations. OBITUARIES. Wm. A. Black, chief engineer on the steamer Muncy of the Anchor line, died on Tuesday of last week in a hospital at Erie, Pa. He was taken ill while coming down at Port Huron and became worse so rapidly that he was taken ashore. at Erie. He. was fifty-one years old, and was one of the best known engineers on the lakes. Capt. Wm. Aldred, who has been in command of the 'car,. ferry Great Western belonging to the Grand Trunk railway, for fifteen years, died at Windsor, last Friday of old age. He had been a sailor practically all active busi- He was his life, but retired from ness about twelve years ago. seventy-seven years old. All' bids receéived:: by: Maj. J. G: Warren for constructing service bridge at Lock No: :1,.:Big: Sandy.®tiv- er, Catlettsburg, Ky, have:-been re- jected and the work will-be done by day labor. The amount available was $7,000. Only two bids were received --Midland Bridge Co., Kansas City; Mo.,. at. $8,750.30;.and McKay & Run- -yon, Catlettsburg, Ky., at. $8,738.90.