ae 26 TAE MarRINE REVIEW _ SAILOR'S LOG BOOK bd LAKE MICHIGAN, A number of changes have been made in the pier ranges at St. Jo- seph, east shore of Lake Michigan. These lights have been re-established, but without change in characteristic; the front light has been moved 8 ft. lakeward from its former position on the north pier. This light is now shown from a steel tower 31 ft. above jake 'level, The rear, light. of :the range has its intensity changed and is much stronger than before; it is now a fourth order light. It has been moved 94 ft. lakeward and is shown from a steel tower 53 ft. high, the fog signal being located beneath it. The range has the same true _ bear- ine as of old, H x75 5¢ S...The fog signal was formerly in the structure containing the front light. The olden wooden structures have been removed. | The rear light was changed in order that it answer the double purpose of showing the harbor range and as a -eoust light. It was done to take the place of the bluff light, which was to have been discontinued, but as this procedure was so bitterly opposed the government has been prevailed upon to stay its order for the present at least. On of about Oct, -23, a 10-inch steam fog whistle, which will sound 1 blast of 5 seconds duration every 30 seconds, thus, blast 5 seconds, si- lent interval 25 seconds, will be es- tablished on the outer end of the 'south pier at Holland (Black Lake), east shore of Lake Michigan. STRAITS OF MACKINAC.--New Shoal gas buoy ~No. 3, moored in 26 ft. of water, on the NWly side of New Shoal No. 3, and about 2% miles NW % N from Waugoshance lighthouse, reported extinguished, has been re- lighted. LAKE HURON, LAKE HURON -- GEORGIAN BAY -- PARRY SOUND APPROACH;--SPRUCE ISLAND SHOAL-- LIGHTHOUSE CONSTRUCTING -- TEMPORARY LIGHT EXHIBITED.--The Canadian govern- ment gives notice that a lighthouse is in course of construction on the southern extremity of Spruce Island shoal, Parry Sound approach, Geor- gian Bay. On Arfg. 31, 1907, an oc- tagonal cribwork foundation, 13% ft. tien, was sunk in 17, ft; of water ea50 tt. SW x S 4% S true (SW: &% S Sly mag.) from the southern ex- tremity of Spruce Island. During the work of construction the contractors will maintain a fixed red light, vis- ible from all points of approach, on the upper part of the scaffolding. Mariners are cautioned to keep to the southward of Spruce Island Shoal gas buoy and to slow down to steerage way when passing the construction work to prevent\risk of damage from excessive wash. GEORGIAN BAY. Lonely Island light exhibited and temporary light withdrawn. The Canadian government gives notice that on Oct. 15, a. third order dioptric group flashing white light showing 1 group of 3 flashes every 7% seconds, thus, flash %4 second, eclipsed 1 sec- ond, flash % second, eclipsed 1 sec- _ ond, flash %4 second, eclipsed 434 sec- onds, will be exhibited from a new lighthouse erected on the northern end of Lonely Island, Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, and the temporary fixed white light shown from a pole on the site of the old lighthouse will be' withdrawn. The new light will be elevated 195 ft. above lake level and should be visible 20 miles. It is ob- scured by trees on the summit of the island over an arc of /91%4° from N 33° W true (NNW 3% Wly mag.) to © NM. 46° 30 E true (NE 5% E mag.). The tower is a white octagonal wood- en building, 57 ft. high, with sloping sides, surmounted by a circular iron lantern painted red. It is located on the edge of a cliff 300 yards back from the northern shore of the island and 80 ft. northward of the site of the old lighthouse which was de- stroyed by fire. NORTH CHANNEL--MANITOULIN ISLAND-- LITTLE CURRENT RANGE LIGHTS.--The Ca- nadian government gives notice that a mistake has occurred in its Notice to Mariners regarding the bearing of this range. Instead of being North correct magnetic it should be South correct magnetic, that is. south going in on the range and north coming out. The true bearing of this range is be E, LAKE ONTARIO, KINGSTON HARBOR--REARRANGEMENT OF BUOYS.--The buoys in Kingston har- bor have been rearranged as follows: Four red spar buoys mark the west side of Carruthers shoal and Frederick shoal, that is, they mark the eastern edge of the western channel. Two black spar buoys mark the east side of Carruthers shoal and _ Frederick shoal, that is, they mark the western edge of the eastern channel. PRESQUE ISLE PT.--FOG ALARM ESTAB- LISHED.--A fog alarm, consisting of a diaphone operated by compressed air, has been established, at Presque Isle point, Presque Isle peninsula. The dia- phone will give, during thick or foggy weather, one blast .of six seconds' duration every minute. ~ The fog alarm building stands 50 ft. to the westward of Presque Isle lighthouse. It is a rectangular wooden building with a high brick chimney. The sides of the building are painted white and the roof red. The horn, elevated 24 ft. above the level of the lake, projects from the south end of the building. LAKE ERIE, HEAD OF WELLAND CANAL AND AP- PROACHES -- PORT COLBORNE -- BUOYAGE.-- Mariners are notified that in buoying the approach to the Lake Erie en- trance to the Welland canal, the har- bor of Port Colborne and the Wel- land canal are treated as the head of a river with the current running down into the canal, or, conversely, vessels leaving Port Colborne are supposed to be going against the current up the lake towards its head. The buoyage is therefore arranged so that red buoys are found on the starboard hand and black buoys on the port hand of ves- sels running out of the canal into the lake. This notice is issued because some mariners have complained on not find- ing Port Colborne treated as a closed harbor. with red buoys on the star- board hand and black buoys on the port hand in entering from the lake. MOUTH OF DETROIT RIVER--SUNKEN WRECK.--The schooner George G. Houghton sank in the mouth of De- troit river on Sept. 9, 1907. The wreck lies about 300 ft. north of Bar point lightship. There is about six feet of water over the rail and 10 ft. over the deck; the stern of the vessel in 26 ft. of water is somewhat in the channel, and the wreck is a menace to navigation. A light; placed by Capt. Jas. McKinley, of the tug Am. Eagle, marks the wreck. Peach Orchard Point gas buoy No. 2, moored in 15 ft. of water at the elbow of a rocky shoal extending NEly from' Peach Orchard Point, westerly side of the entrance to Put- in-Bay, northerly side of South Bass Island, reported extinguished, has been relighted. LAKE SUPERIOR, SUPERIOR ENTRY.--Dredging is now in progress at Superior Entry and the depth of the 'approach will be in- creased to 30 ft. for the entire 350 ft. width on the prolongation of the channel between the piers, CAUTION TO VESSEL AND TUG MASTERS IN DULUTH HARBOR.--The attention of the United States Lake Survey at De- initial tiirnmaaa