a6 'TAE MARINE. REVIEW Admiral. Anchor Co.....s... 9 ) Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking *Le_ Mois Scientifique et Roelker, H. B............... 50 +Akers Steering Geer Co..... _-- ACO yy ate pace pa obras 6 43 industrial au. slewesa. . 43 | fRogers Steam Oil Separator Aimy Water (cube Boiler Co;. 37 | Douglas, (G. Es,) Jrice. es. cess 48>| dievines*&: Cont yoseeee sce 38 COP. ae ead Ce American Injector Co........ 13 |) Dein. Thos., & Son). we... es 43| Lockwood Mig. Co..s........ 50.) Root; We Og... isccc cease cece 49 American (Line -- 52.0. 6505 .». 47 | Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Lorain Coal & Dock Co...... 49: | Ross. Valve: Co... Vela iasaen 50 American Sawdolet eee eo - COs ee eae ae dae eas nk Son acundin,: (AvP. idee 52 f ee American Ship Building Co... afety Car Heating & Light- ee ee ets Opes 62" | Eipnial C. Wack Co... 48 ing Co, veoersursearcsss 5 rio ud Leer wo Seon wae as WE eisen Shed Co yee 2 Breer S R. aS oe *.. e pence Rolling Lift Bridge is oh rong So LO. sw eaeeee ee +Empire Shipbuilding Co..... Bes cCurdy, e0. Usisce cause ee oO. pice teescseecerscece shton Valve Co...:...... . McKinnon Iron Works....... 41 4° Schrader's. A., Son, Inc...... 50 eet Ug Ite 5 ves a Falls Hollow Staybolt Co..... ai Vipul Geet coe c inobag ne Co... -- eee eeeer eres eee Fix's, Ss; SONS ook oie bce 2 4 ee ee ele @iblelele le latone eee eee ee eee eee | Lo es ai) Matine (Iron Coe ia. 41 | Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes 48 Babcock & Penton feces 49 Pee ae. ad ote: 50 +Marine Iron Works........ "=| onelby steel Dube Co... 2. 11 sent e eee ; : aa Ce. a Marine Mig. & Supply Co-:: -- | Sherifis Mfg, Cos 4. .2.22..00. 43. Baker, Howard H., & Co.... 52 | Fore River Ship Building erif Bel ins Fred P , We | Bursteneu, MC ee 49 | Marshall, Alexander ......... 48 | Shipping World Year Book.. 51 Boland. j Beh aee eek tela #2 48 ee a es Meee Satie Ce fees . 43 peers - pigeers ee 47 SA oe eer ccre ren Oe ee lan teel: CO... 2... 10 mit oa oc Oo. *Boston & Lockport Block : ary Bae : : 2 | General Electric Co........+. B2 | Mehl, Edward ss. . sc cccereees 48 Dtanleys By. spaqi as eae 3 Pub uckes Mic. Co The A Ae Gilchrist, Athert: Ws c.5 uc ces 48 | Milwaukee Dry Dock Co..... 5 | Smooth-On Mfg. Co..... bewaies 51 Rodes TM - Cee 52 | tGoldschmidt Thermit Co..... -- | Mitchell & Co............... 48") pSpence.. Mtg, Go...... 00... _ Resvaann "G. H. & Bros..... 39 | Goulder, Holding & Masten.. 49 Morse, "A,..J.,. & Son:...3.. 47.) opencer, HW. Roses iie case ess 48 Briggs, Marvin ..i.......--. ge ee bee eine = Pot ore ae Ce Pe oe 8 OQ. seeeeeecens here e' Goes a ¥ Ak & Howing Dochinery 4 Great Lakes Engineering Wks. 14 Nacey ee Hynd, .:. het 49 Co. ts sels os eee eee e eens 39 Co ee 1 Great Lakes Rewieter..... «+. 9 ee Bedford oiler & +Steel Mill Packing Co....... -- Buffalo Dredging Co......... 39 | *Great Lakes Towing Co..... ed N \ anne Co. wreenes sures ---- | Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co... 43 Ridalo. Die "Dock Co 3 | +Griscom'Spencer Co. .....- oe ewport ews Ship Building Submarine Signal Company... 9 Buffal Shi Cisne & & Dry Dock Cov..c. O Sullivan, Moi ee 39 {Bu Srcely an andlery | Hall, John . 48 ae York AEP Coste .24. |. Sullivan; Dios 40 0 eee. 48 See etree arene Reese ! Sele ere cape Be nie. 8! S:8ne 616 4) 6410 2 icholson ip: Loe Coc. ..5 -- | Superior Iron Works........ --_ Bunker; Be A... 3: Born as 52 | Hanna, MAL & Con... pie Sl | Northern Dredge Co. 1c.4.) 40"! Superior; Sin Buldine Col 14 Hardy Paint & Varnish Co.. 12 | Northwestern Steam Boiler & ue 4 5 Chase Machi Cc 36 Hawgood;. W.: A... & Co...... \48 Mis Coo: ee a7. Rs cn e ee : a tees Go Hea, oT, & Ce. 48 , as ' Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co. 50 Cl 8 a ae Buna T ae Holmes, Samuel? 2.........5. 48 Foledo Fuel Co............. 12 vo uffalo ransi he Hoyt. Dustin' & Kelley....... 48 Orc me Toledo Ship Building Con. 5 al 5 é ee ee ae Hunt, Robert W., & Co...... 49 5 Onnor, Je Js. Pie Sciace ce rout," Fi Ge feos ae. oe ee 43 oo ity Forge ron . 1 Taha & Coo. ano) (Oster Mig. Co...2..... sis == ( Truscott« Boat Mfg. Co..o.. eee sievcland' Tool & Sucly Go. 1g | Hyee Windlass Co.......... ee OE Pte Cor ease a *Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. 9 / Upson-Walton Cov... ses oss 35 #Columbian Rope Co........ -- | fIdeal Pump Governor Co... -- | Parker Bros. Co.....seceeces 4g | Unique Engineering Co...... 13 Continental Iron Works..... 2 | International Mercantile, Fenberthy Injector Co....... 13 | TUnited States Graphite Co.. -- Cory, Chas. & Son. lies 50 Marine Co. ...eeeeeeeeee 47 Pickands, Mather & Co... 41 ramp, m., ons S. ittsburg Coa Orie bc ueee 49 Be Be Contec ce oe. - 8 Jenkins Bros. ...............: 52 | Prindiville & Company....... 49 | Vance & Joys Co.........+.. 48 Cent Machine Co...... o Jenkins, Russell & PCarr, (RODE foie ccs cease Bichelberger. 2... 6...¢.«s - 48 ' 1 j Johnson Bros, ...+..++sse0e+ 37 | Quintard Iron Works Co..... 50 Wane" cones. fe Gone ae me a P *Watson-Stillmarr Co, 24... G1 Dake "Engine Co....2....... 8| Sabtweilers Sons, David.... 51 |} Red Star Line............... 47.| ¢Wheeler Condenser & Engi- Dearborn Drug & Chemical Watzenstein, Liv & Cou... 2. 13 | Republic Belting & Supply Co. 35 neenitip.. Co; (3) oe --_ Wie. 304: tenes 0 JNidd; Josephe=. 2... 04.000. 3 #9: | Richardson; Wa. G..... eeeceee 48 | Willcox, Peck & Hughes..... 38 Delany, Po; & -Co.se.. se. .--. 37| Kingsford Foundry & Machine Ritchie; B. "6.;'& Sons. ..... 35 |: Willams. Gauge Co... v4. _ Detroit Ship Building Co.... 4 Works vies ech sss ie cheats 37 | Roberts Safety Water-Tube Wi00d, Wie Jivec ecco n ween « 49 Dixon, joseph, Crucible Co... 43 |. Wremer, Cy Bucy. i.c 0s w.ce.. 48 Bovlet. Co; esse 37 | Woodhouse Chain Works.... -- DOCKING ENGINES |/\{ HOISTING ENGINES The Latest and ||| Mooring Winches |||| Ofall Kinds and sizes the Best Late st Improved ||| and for all purposes Positively guaranteed Types TOE be RLS FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO THE GHASE MACHINE CO, ENGINEERS:SMACHINISTS CLEVELAND,O. ----ny\ '*The up-to-date manufacturer of to-day realizes YY C O Ad D Sst D : . : ur esigning Department mak thin the importance and value of space in his trade re P anes. Ua this 8 Pere Che ani ok ace Sudiment in the orc. possible. All you have to do is to give us a suggestion paration of his copy."--Printers Ink. and we put it into attractive shape. |