"THE MaRINE REVIEW 38 M. SULLIVAN DREDGING OF ALL KINDS THE REMOVING OF DEEP WATER EARTH AND ROCK A SPECIALTY. 721 West Ferry St. - BUFFALO, - - os ON, Y. G. H. Breymann & Bro's CONTRACTORS FOR PUBLIC WORKS Dredging, Dock Building, Ete. 5, 6 AND 7 MARINE BUILDING Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS Foundationg, Bridges, Piers, Breakwaters, Lighthouses, Tunnels, Pneumatic and Submarine Work. CLEVELAND DULUTH TOLEDO | Dea gake ie _ SAULT STE. MARIE NORTHERN DREDGE || © Hi STARKE DREDGE & DOCK CO, | COMPANY) Contractors for Public Works. Dipper and Clam Shell Dredges Es- pecially Equipped for Rock Work and for Very Deep Dredging. General Contractors on all MARINE WORK Providence Bldg., DULUTH, MINN. DREDGING, PILE DRIVING, AND SUBMARINE PIPE LAYING. Canal Street, West of First Avenue, Wisconsin Milwaukee, - - Buffalo Dredging Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS ON SUBMARINE WORK Office D. S. Morgan Bldg. BUFFALO, N. Y. Dunbar and Sullivan DREDGING Company _ BUFFALO, N. Y. ~ REMOVE SUBMARINE ROCK OR EARTH