i e3 = - x=, = @ 4 ees =x = -= = es o> 3343934333493 34> 3339343329 6095393939353 53 %3 be Pe PST 2 VOSOO CHEE OS £56 5656396565639 £365 6356569656969 63696 3963S OO "TRAE Marine REVIEW The "Admiral" Improved. Siockless Anchor The leading Stockless Anchor of the age, used by nearly all the large boats in this country, is noted for its great strength and simplicity. The ADMIRAL will not roll. from side to side, nor break the mud while penetrating, as the flukes are parallel with the shank and make a straight pull. The ADMIRAL Anchor is made of open hearth steel. All sizes up to 8,000 pounds, carried in stock. Catalogue and Nodel mailed on request. The "'Admiral'"' stowed in pipe practically no obstruction The Kidd Anchor Pocket was made especially for this anchor. Note how the flukes go farther and better into the hawse pipes--lay better, look better and 'are better from every point of view. CAPT. JOSEPH KIDD, Palladio Building, Duluth, Minn. Agent for Great Lakes. The Admiral Anchor Company CHESTER, PA. S. S. TOMPKINS, Mgr. 11 --,