Woodhouse Special Dredge For Steam Shovels, Cranes, Dredges, Slings. , POSITIVELY THE BEST ON THE MARKET Write for testimonial and prices. We also manufacture chain for Ship Cables' Woo dho use Chain Works TRENTON, N. J. : SSS SSSSHSSSGSVSS Sass THe Marine REVIEW Tue Seneca Cuain Co, } KENT, OHIO. -- Manufacturers of High Grade hand made MARINE DREDGE, HOISTING, STEAM SHOVEL, CONVEYOR, CRANE, QUARRY &STUD LINK CHAINS Test certificate furnished, as every chainis inspected, Largest and most complete factory inthe World. : ZZ --s = m= MARINE Resists the destructive action of salt or fresh water, moisture, etc.,. BETTER than any other make of Spar Varnish in the market. 'It works freely, dries hard and is exceed- ingly durable. WRITE for our (free) spindle finished with Oceana and test for yourself, the wonderful water-resisting properties of this specialty. Standard Varnish Works THE LARGEST VARNISH WORKS IN THE WORLD 29 Broadway, NEW YORK LONDON + BERLIN * 2620 Armour Ave., CHICAGO BRUSSELS Canadian Branch: International Varnish Co., Ltd., Toronto | Ships' Hawsers, Jute Department, When you see the name "GOLUMBIAN" on a coil of Rope, you can rest assured itis the best Rope that can be made of Hemp. Factory & Main Office, New York City Office Columbian Rope Co. MANUFACTURERS Or Manila Rope, Transmission Rope, Sisal' Rope Hoisting Rope, Oil Well Cables > Weare now producing all the popu- lar sizes and kinds of Twine made from American Hemp and Jute. AUBURN, N. Y¥. 62 South St.