TAE MARINE REVIEW ~ 17 The Republic Belting & Supply Go. GLEVELAND, O. Let us quote you prices on FITTING OUT SUPPLIES For Vessels, Docks VES FITTINGS PIPE BSYEAW SPECIALT | Manufacturers of all Kinds of Leather Belting r) New SO or Mines. E od \e a sl We want to open up accounts with Dealers and Jobbers in Leather Belting and Mechanical Rubber Goods. A Beacucal School of Navigation and Marine Engineering Opening December 16 Practical courses in the Theory and Practice of Lake Navigation for Mas- ters, Mates, Wheelmen and Watchmen; in Marine Engineering for Engineers, Firemen and Oilers. The instruction will be individual so that each student will receive the help which he particularly desires. The in- structors are the best to be secured from both a practical and theoretical stand- - point. -- THE Best INSTRUCTION THE LOWEST RATES Send for Catalog ASSOCIATION INSTITUTE Young Men's Christian Association Prospect Ave and E 9th St CLEVELAND OHIO We represent the Republic Rubber Co.'s line of Rubber Goods and are in position to quote Manufacturers' Prices. "In a run of over 400 miles, in a N. E. gale, with snow and sleet, the log was right to a mile."' So wrote a captain lately with respect to one of our | 'CHERUB * MARK II LOGS Walker's Patent "CHERUB" MARK Il Ship Log. Fitted with ball bearings and a sliding case, to allow of the wheel work being oiled or examined without having to take the log to pieces. THOS. WALKER & SON, Ltd. Makers to the British and Japanese Navies. 58 Oxford St., BIRMINGHAM, ENC.