ence lines where none occur. The device is as near perfection as pos- sible. The Corrector is marketing. age prepaid. Cleveland, Q, now ready for The price: ts: $150, poste Address, Marine REVIEW 3 NEW DAKE STEAM CAPSTAN. The Dake Engine Co; of Grand Haven, Mich., have lately brought out a new steam capstan which is ex- tremely simple in construction and is 'TAE MarRINE REVIEW WORK AT FORE RIVER. The steam collier Malden, built by the Fore River Ship Building Co., for the Massachusetts Steamship Co., was given her official speed trials on Friday, Nov. 29, 1907, and attained a speed slightly in excess of 12 knots, averaging 11.7 knots for four hours. The Malden is the sec- ond of a fleet of three vessels and will be delivered during the coming week to the owners. The Everett is already in service and on a recent trip to Baltimore averaged 11.3 knots, including 10 hours slow down on account of fog and thick NEW DAKE STEAM CAPSTAN, unequaled for ease in handling and power, as well as compactness. It has no dead center, and is made for two pulling speeds regulated by the throw of the reversing lever. The working parts being entirely enclosed overcomes all danger from dust or dirt. It can be simply placed on the deck and bolted down, steam and ex- haust pipes connected, and it is ready to work. The company makes only one size. Size of engine, 10 H. P. Distance from deck to center of cap- stan head, 28 in. Size of steam pipe, 1% in. Size of exhaust pipes, 1% in. Over all dimensions of bed, 42% x 45 in. This capstan is spoken of very highly by those who are using it and the price is very reasonable. weather. The third boat, the Melrose, will be delivered about Jan. 1. The steamer Creole has just been docked at the large dock at the navy yard, Boston, where the bottom was cleaned and painted and a new set of screw pro- pellers fitted. She will be standardized on the Provincetown mile course on Mon- day, Dec. 2, 1907. If this trial is success- ful, the vessel will be loaded to 24 ft. 10 in. main draught and given a 24-hour trial on which.she must average 16 knots. The keel of the battleship North Dakota will be laid on' Dec. 16. This vessel being longer than any vessel previously built by the Fore River Ship Building' Co., made it necessary to increase the foundations for the building ways. These have been constructed of concrete and 59 are nearly completed, a very large amount of steel material has been received and a very considerable amount of shop work performed so that when the actual work of construction commences, it will be pushed forward very rapidly. Transfer Tug No. 21 for the New Eng- land Steamship Co. will be launched on Dec. 5, 1907. Preliminary work has been begun on four submarine boats of the Octopus type 105 ft. long and three of an im- proved type 135 ft. long, It is expected that the preliminary speed trials of the scout cruiser Birming- ham, fitted with reciprocating engines, will . be held during the early part of February. AN INTERESTING EXHIBIT. The American & British Manufac- turing Co., Bridgeport, Conn., will: have an interesting exhibit at the Na- tional Motor Boat and Engine Show, Grand Central Palace, New York, from Dec. 7 to 14. The company will exhibit the famous racing boat Den. This 30-ft. boat holds the American record for one mile, time 2:07, made at the Hudson river races in Septem- ber last, besides which on preceding days she won the 30-mile and 150- mile races on record time. The Den, C.. HH. Herreshott design, motor, is rated 72-80 H. P., and is a marvel of power, simp icity of design and com- pactness, the starting device, a mul- tiple disc clutch with reverse mechan- ism, being integral on the crank case. This same sized motor in the 70-ft. cabin cruising yacht Alabama also holds the record in her class. The company will exhibit both these engines and also the new 40- H. P. marine motor of the same mod- el. An exhibition will be made of one of these 40-H. P. motors running with cylinders sliced, showing the pis- tons and valves in action. The New Britain Machine Co., New Britain, Conn:, has issued 4 little folder. descriptive of the New Britain band saw filer. Ever since the band saw machine was introduced the sharpening of the saw has been a vexing problem. This little catalog gives a complete description of the filer, showing how sharpening may be accomplished by any novice in a man- ner that has never been surpassed and at a trifle of the cost of ordinary - sharpening machines. The life saving stations at North Manitou Is!and, South Manitou . Isl- and and Sleeping Bear. Point, Lake Michigan, were closed last Saturday for the season.