62 erecting a very extensive addition to their present office building in Car- teret to accommodate the increased force and to provide room for the ex- ecutive offices. The drawing room will be enlarged and occupy practically ' the entire upper floor of the office building, while additional room will also be provided for the engineering department proper. A kitchen from which luncheon will be served at noon will add to the comfort and conveni- ence, and also give that opportunity for the heads of departments to meet daily which has been found of such value and help in similar large establish- ments. The Marine Mfg. & Supply Co., 157- 158 South street, New York, has just issued Catalog A descriptive of air ports, dead lights, ventilators, etc. This com- pany has been specialists in manufactur- ing marine air ports for the past 50 years. Obviously the catalog cannot reproduce patterns of all of them, but the variety is complete for every form of vessel from a coal barge to a battleship. The com- pany has also put out Catalog C descrip- tive of their steering apparatus, steering wheels and rudder attachments. This catalog is complete including sizes and prices. The concluding pages are de- voted to a hydraulic ash ejector which, it is claimed, will eject more ash with less water than any other ash ejector made; and a canvas pick-up buoy for small yachts and can buoy for large ves- sels. This is a very convenient arrange- ment for vessels which have to come to the same mooring place frequently. The M. T. Davidson Co., manufactur- ers of pumps, pumping engines, condens- ers, evaporators and ash ejectors, has just issued a catalog descriptive of its prod- ucts. The catalog opens with a descrip- tion of the Davidson steam pump which is of the single cylinder type. This pump is economical in the use of steam and will start from any point of the stroke and make its full stroke under all condi- tions. It will pump any fluid giving a steady and uniform delivery under light and heavy pressures, low or high speeds. A good description of the pump is given with line drawings. In addition every part of the pump is illustrated individu- ally and cataloged by number, so that no confusion whatever can occur in order- ing any part. Pumps, condensers and ejectors are all beautifully illustrated, the catalog being complete in every particu- lar. The Williamson Bros. Co., engi- neers, founders and machinists, Phila- delphia, Pa., has just. issued a catalog devoted to their products including steam steering engines, tiller steering gears, electric steering gears, telemo- tors, hoisting engines, locomotive 'tillers and condensers. 'positive clutch on crankshaft. TAE. MarRINE. REVIEW cranes, boat cranes, evaporators, dis- Steering en- gines have been a specialty with this company for the last 20 years. The best proof that they have withstood all tests is the fact that steamship builders and owners who have used them continue to order them year after year. Such cases are numerous. The catalog opens with a description of spur-geared' hoisting engines. These engines are of three kinds, cone friction drum, link motion and Com- plete destriptions of the three kinds are given with illustrations. Excel- lent descriptions are given of the Pond rigid turret lathe are: First, the wide faces of the turret enable the heaviest facing and multiple turning and forming tools to be rigidly at- tached; second, that rigid facing tools and short boring bars can be used, the design of the cross carriage being such that it can be run under the chuck entirely out of the way of the turret; third, the turret' indexes and clamps automatically and has rapid power tra- verse in both directions, making the machine easy and quick to handle; fourth, separate lead screws are pro- vided for turret and carriage; fifth, the tools in the standard tool equip- ment are provided with very wide NEW TYPE OF MOORING ANCHOR. company's winch engines. Complete description is given of the locomotive steam crane with two superb illustra- tions. The part devoted to steering gear and steering engines is very complete both as to letter press, sec- tional drawings and photographs. The Niles-Bement-Pond Co., 111 Broadway, New York, has issued a fine catalog descriptive of the Pond rigid turret althe. This machine is designed for providing work ordinarily done on engine lathes and is espe- cially adapted to such work as gear blanks, fly wheels: and gas_ engine cylinders, increasing the production from 50 to 150 per gent over ordinary engine lathe methods. It can also be used for heavy bar work, such as wrist pins, projectiles and other simi- lar work. Two sizes, 21-inch and 28- inch, are regularly built. A separate department of works is devoted exclu- sively to the manufacture of this ma- chine. Among the advantages of the adjustment so that pieces of various sizes and shapes can be successfully handled without the use of spécial tools. MOORING ANCHOR. The American Ship Windlass Co., Providence, R. I., has recently developed a new type of mooring device which is intended to hold more than the ordinary type of mushroom anchor in a soft or muddy bottom. The anchors were de- veloped for local trade and are locally known as saucers. As they drop over- board the air is expelled and the suction produced by the hollow hemisphere is enormous. It requires a great deal more power to lift this anchor after it is once set than the mushroom type of mooring. A great advantage in this type of moor- ing is that the long shank is done away with, so that if the boat is moored in' shallow water there is no danger of its riding on to the shank and punching a hole in the bottom.