TAe MaRINE REVIEW 77 _oeele M. SULLIVAN DREDGING OF ALL KINDS THE REMOVING OF DEEP WATER EARTH AND ROCK A SPEGIALTY. = 721 West Ferry St. BUFFALO, N. Y. G. H. Breymann & Bross CONTRACTORS FOR PUBLIC WORKS Dredging, Dock Building, Etc. Great Lakes Dredge @ Dock Company RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS Foundations, Bridges, Piers, Breakwaters, Lighthouses, Tunnels, Pneumatic and Submarine Work. Dipper and Clam Shell Dredges Es- pecially Equipped for Rock Work and for Very Deep Dredging. General Contractors on all MARINE WORK Providence Bldg., DULUTH, MINN. CHICAGO | DULUTH CLEVELAND TOLEDO 8, 6 AND 7 MARINE BUILDING | TOLEDO, OHIO. SAULT STE. MARIE COMP ANY Contractors for Public Works. DREDGING, PILE DRIVING, --AND SUBMARINE PIPE LAYING. Ganal Street, West of First Avenue, a Milwaukee, Wisconsin. i | Butfalo Dredging Co. GENERAL CONTRACTORS ON SUBMARINE WORK SSN ES EAR a A ts ESE : - Office D. S. Morgan Bldg. BUFFALO, N. Y. - aa g Dunbar and Sullivan DREDGING Company BUFFALO, N. Y. REMOVE SUBMARINE ROCK OR EARTH