84 TAE MARINE REVIEW ( gem The Welin Quadrant Davit Approved by the U. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors. Adopted by several Governments and most of the more prominent Steamship Lines. Two Men will Swing the Heavi- est Lifeboat Clear in 20 Seconds A. P. LUNDIN, Manager 17 Battery Place, Whitehall Bldg. NEW YORK Sole Agents for the MILLS ENGAGING and DISENGAGING GEAR . Approved by the U.S. Board of Supervising Inspectors =a LYNN BROBS., Agents for Great Lakes, Port Huron, Mich, 4 ga) eee and CAPSTANS The Hyde Steam and Power Windlasses and Capstans are the best in the market. They have been selected for most of the vessels now building for the Navy Department, Revenue Marine, Light-~ house Board and United States Coas Survey. They are being furnished for the majori- ty of the highest class Steam Ships, Merchant Vessels and Yachts now building. HYDE WINDLASS COMPANY, Bath, Maine. Jenkins Bros. Pump Valves are made from various compounds, each of which is best adapted for a particular kind of work. Our many years of experience has enabled us to so perfect these compounds that we can_ confidently recom- mend our Pump Valves as the very best obtain- able. When ordering, give all particulars of service, and we will supply pump valves which we will guarantee. JENKINS BROS., New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, London, 3 General Electric Qompany Thomson astatic measuring instruments are particularly adapted to marine _ work. Simpleand rigid construction. 855 Sales Offices in all large cities. Principal Office: SCHENECTADY, N. Y. ARMSTRONG SOLID BLOCK LIFE PRESERVERS Standard for Material and Workmanship. Each Preserver inspected and stamped jby U.S. Inspector. YACHT FENDERS----BUOYS ARMSTRONG CORK COMPANY BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, PITTSBURGH, OHIOAGO, ST. LOUIS BALTIMORE, OINOINNATI. Howard H. Baker & Co. SHIP CHANDLERS and SAIL MAKERS 18 to:\26 Terrace, BUFFALO, N. Y. | Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co. HOBOKEN, N. J. FIGHT DRY DOCKS 600, 800, 1,000, 1,200, 1,400, 1,800, 2,000, 10,000 TONS. General Repairs on Wooden and Iron Vessels. FT. OF 17th STREET Telephone 700 Hoboken HOBOKEN, N. J.