VOL. 36 CLEVELAND DECEMBER 12, 1907. NEW YORK No. 24 A Practical School of Lake Navigation Opening December 16 Our object is to help men on the lakes to secure advancement. Our instruction is for Masters, Mates, Wheelmen and Watchmen-- anyone who desires a thorough knowledge of Navigation. Our method of instruction is personal; each man receives just the help he needs. , a - Our instructor, Mr. Clarence E. Long, is the most thoroughly qualified man to be secured. | Our rates are low and include books and other privileges ($20.00). The school is open days and evenings. Special courses to meet special needs given when desired. You can enter at any time. Send for Catalog. ASSOCIATION INSTITUTE Young Men's Christian Association Prospect Ave. and E. 9th St., CLEVELAND, O. "Note. Association Institute gives 40 other practical courses, any of which may be taken in connection with Navigation. i iM iy RY I Hu (== Ul i | & mineon Nn NAG ai Hk ta & 4 = nf * ey ak 0 aM (oaceoe IN \ 30 \ ae, it : | i res { I tA T] iH fj uh