BIDS. FOR NAVAL SUPPLIES. Bids received at ithe Bure i au. of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Wasi ain, D. C., opened Nov. 26, for materials and sup- plies for the navy yards, included the fol- lowing: Class 21--Puget Sound--1,125 Sq. Yds. Sheet ; Packing, American Rubber Mfg. Co., Emery- Ville, Cal. ee $ 6,187.50 Boston Belting Co, 256 Devonshire St.;'. Boston, Mass-307.5 7,750.00 Bowers Rubber Works, 68 Sacramento : St., San Pranciseo, Calo 7] 559:70,00 Diamond Rubber, Co., 1876. Broad- way, New Yoree 7.) ee 5,089.50 Gutta _Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126. Duane St, New -York...00 2 6,300.00 Frank Richter, 212 Jackson St., Se- attle, Washoe a ge 6,958.00 Voorhees Rubber Mfg. Co., 48 Dey es New: Mork i073 ee ea 5,798.50 Richard H. Gray, 1777 Tenth Ave., East Oakland; ©} 45,2 Aa eee aha 7,000.00 Class 22--Puget Sound--4,500 Lbs; Red Rub- ber Packing. Bowers Rubber Works, 68 Sacramento St.,° San: Prancisceo,. Gal, 2 $ 2,250.00 Gorham Rubber Co., 301 First Ave., South Seattle; Wash.) 2,430.00 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 Duane' St., New: York), ....;. 2.475,00 Garlock Packing Co., 136 Liberty St., New: "Yorks. so ee 2,385.00 Jenkins Bros., 71 John St., New York 2,565.00 H. W. Johns-Manville Co., 100 Wil- liam St.) Néw York... oi.0:2.. 2,655.00 Frank Richter, 212 Jackson St., Se- attle;: Washi sows we oe ak 2,115.00 William G. Stevenson, 110 Race St., Philadelphia, Parc3.5 7s can 2,475.00 Class 23--Puget Sound--Garlock Spiral Pack- . ing. Garlock Packing Co., 136 Liberty St., New Yorks 25.58.00. eae $ 4,615.06 Magnesia Asbestos Supply Co., 116 Main... St, "Seattle "Washe vs... a. 4,336.25 Class 58--Puget Sound--3,000 Ft. Upper Deck Hose. Boston Belting Co., 256 Devonshire ' St... Boston. Mass: 4.572. $ 3,000.00 Bowers Rubber Works, 68 Sacramento St. Sam. Brancisco, Calva. 4. 2,310.00 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., : 126, Duane. St.. New. York..4,.2. 2,430.00 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- erty St. New Yorks. ic2.. 2, 2,565.00 Pacific Engineering Co., Seattle, Wash Fas Soa sete fae bis 4,320.00 Frank Richter, 212 Jackson St., Se- attle, Washics5 ics csi eee 2,700.00 Class 59--Puget Sound--1i1,500 Ft. Wash Deck Hose. x Boston Belting Co., 256 Devonshire ; St: Boston, i Wassici aes ..$ 1,200.00 Bowers Rubber Works, 68 Sacramento St. San. Francisco, Gale wer 750.00 Gutta Percha' & -Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 Duane St. New Yorks.:..1. - 840.00 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- erty St, New: Yorks oi) cccgsn'. ca 850.50 Frank Richter, 212 Jackson St., Se- dttle, Wash cise a eee 900.00 Class 60--Puget Sound--2,000 Ft. Rubber Fire Hose. : Boston Belting Co., 256 Devonshire St. Boston Mass... 25.55 8 2,200.00 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg Oy 126. Duane St, New York: ......: > 2,120.00 Pacific Engineering Co. Seattle, Washi sass he he Ore aera ,880.00 Frank Richter, 212 'Jackson St., Se- attle,: Wash. 5. 2 ee 2,400.00 Class 61--Puget Sound--1,000 Ft. Steam Hose. Boston Belting Co., 256 Devonshire Ste Boston: (Mass ieee se es $ 700.00 Bowers Rubber Works, 68 Sacramen- to St.) San Prancisco, (Cal... 7.5... 600.00 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg, Co., 196 Duane St. New sYork.. 32.05. 630.00 Frank Richter, 212 Jackson St., Se- attle, Wash: ..5 006-303. - sees 720.00 Sprague Electric Co., 527 W. Thirty- fourth St., New York..... $435.00. 590.00 Class 62--Puget Sound--90 Ft. Suction Hose. Boston Belting Co., 256 ar so (St... "Boston, Mase sis ee ea os 382.50 Bowers Rubber Works, 68 Sacramen- to St. San> Francisco, Cal. ..-..-: 270.00 | Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 Duane St., New York...... a 280.80 Manning. Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- erty <St., New York. 28. vee .o 306.00 Pacific Engineering Co., Seattle, Washes os vee. PHONG hoes cea pias oar 324.00 Frank Richter, 212 Jackson St., Se- attie, Washs 25 ois i eee usr ee 283.50 William R. Thompson, 704 Lafay- ette Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y....-..- 287.10 Class 63--Puget Sound--4,000 Ft. Unlined Fire Hose. ,Boston,, Belting Co., "TAE: MARINE. REVIEW 256 , Devonshire Sti Boston. Macs, : cic eee $ 1,400.00 Gorham: Rubber Co.; 301 First! Ave., South) Seattle, Wash. ..4...:.:. 95 1,140.00 S. F. Hayward &°Co., 20 Warren Sty New, -Yoreuos) awit eee 1,150.00 Motley, Green & Co., 66 Broad St., New NOt lee aaa en 1,190.00 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- erty St, New VYorkos tists 1,060.00 Pacific Engineering Co., Seattle, We ines cee ete 5,760.00 Frank Richter, 212 Jackson St., Se- attle;. Wash cos 05 5 ajc ee 1,120.00 William G. Stevenson, 110 Race St., Philadelphia: Pal cai eee 1,080.00 Class 64--Puget Sound--4,000 Ft. Pneumatic ; Hose. American Rubber. Mfg. Co., Emery- w Villas "Calon yeein ac Ai ee eins $ 1,050.00 Bowers Rubber Works, 68 Sacramen- 10. 'Sty. San Francisco; > Gale... oa. 800.00 Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., 95 Lib- erty St., New. York ...5; eS Res 980.00 Gorham Rubber Co., 301 First Ave., South« Seattle, Washo va lv... 1,480.00 R. Levick Sons & Co., 720. Chestnut Sti, Philadelphia. Pay... 0 cu. oe 1,480.00 Mineralized Rubber Mfg. Co., 18 ? Cin St. NCW. VOLK, ie aen eee: 1,520.00 Sprague Electric Co., 527 W. Thirty- . fourth St... New Work. ous $985.00 1,033.32 Class 65--Puget Sound--875 Lbs, Flax Pack- ing. Gorham Rubber Co., 301 First Ave., South Seattle nwWashis sn vaeee $6175.00 Manning. Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- erty, "Sti, (NEW Ot kia on ea ea 159.00° Frank Richter, 212 Jackson St., Se- Pathe, Wasi. 6 one LSE a WARINc tc oaica are 262.50 William R. Thompson, 704 Lafayette Ave; Brooklyn, NG WY 4 eis es 160.42 Old Dominion Paper Co., 98 Com metcial Sto Nortolk, "Vavis soe 168.00 Class 66--Puget Sound--Sheet Rubber for Gaskets. American Rubber Mfg. Co., Emery- VALIO; SGAl cna ene pa eal $19,376.87 Boston Belting _Co., 256 Devonshire Sts Bostoms Mass cei ie cee ie ons 27,950.90 Diamond Rubber Co., 1876 Broadway, New York $19,350.00 17,845.00 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 Duane st., «New VOTK. icc. 22,360.00 B. F. Goodrich Co., 66 Reade .St., Niew Of cane eee outuaiean ys 20,425.00 Handlau-Buck Mfg. Co., St. ee jq ce im 0 ui l00' 001 fe-0..0. 01:0) ¢)i0: 0 tei\e.18:,8, 0 0) 0:8 Pe ee eC ae ek ar 0. Frank Atle; (Wash. Pies < sie eile sinse occ) Trenton Rubber Mfg. Co., Trenton, N Gio bieicage wie Gia ce bine sieve ee a lmiee sae 3 23,220.00 22,575.00 St. New JYork =. 2 ..... OR eae 20,300.00 Bowers Rubber Works, 68 Sacramen- to StieSan- Francisco, 'Caluic.., 24,725.90 Class 143---Norfolk--22,000 Yds. Cotton Can- vas. Otto Geotze, 109 Worth St. New Worle) aaa alG Heat ces fetes $ 6,883.25 John H. Meyer Co., 75 Worth St., New Mork 268s eee 7,133.60 Old Dominion Paper Co.,.98 Com-- mercial (St, Norfolk, Va........ 9,059.60 Class 144--Norfolk--16,000 Yds. Cotton Can- vas.' ' James R. Michael, 280 Broadway, Mew Vor is ee or ies oe $ 4,250.00 Thomas N. Turner, 86 Worth St., New MOrk ie et Si wee 4,068.00 Old Dominion Paper Co., 98 Com- mercial St, Nortolk, Vaciee. 04. 3,559.00 Class 145 -- Norfolk -- 20,000 Yds. Hammock Canvas. James R. Michael, 280 Broadway, New NMOrk: (oo Me ie eee $18,200.00 R. M. Wilkinson Co., Box 843, Nor- folly Nal a ete 15,200.00 omas N. 'Turner, 86 Worth St., ie Vork er ee ea 17,800.00 Old Dominion Paper Co., 98 Com- , mercial St., Norfolk, Va....,...- 12,860.00 Class 146--Norfolk--5,000 Yds. Flax Canvas. DeGraw, Elmer & Co., 34 South St. he UNew. NOL ccm calorie on ees cote $2,604.00 O'Jaffee & Pinkus, 103 Franklin St., New York 2,680.00 Class 203---For delivering at Portsmouth, Bos- ton, New York, League Island and Nor- folk navy yards a quantity of Strip and Sheet Gum Gasket. : Boston Belting Co., 256 Devonshire GEG. ig hee 6: 02001878 -W,8\ 6 mi wee a eee. St., Boston, MassS......--ss+++sees $34,160.00 Double Service Packing Co., 430 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa...... 28,162.75 Diamond Rubber Co., 1876 Broad- way, New York......... $24,255.00 22,359.00 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 Duane St., New York......-. 28,028.00 B. F. Goodrich Co., 66 Reade St., New VOrk 54863 cee ee tae ees <t 25,602.50 Clement, Restein & Co., 133 N. Sec- 31,605.00: i ond ;#St3; /Philadelpijay (Pai. .35... 25,572.00 Revere Rubber Co., 95 Reade St., Newer Vigra coy sia ee $1 per Ib. Voorhees. Rubber Mfg. Co., 48 Dey Sty fONeEws YORK: peers eae eee 25,602.50 James Boyd & Bro., .14 N. Fourth St., « Philadelphia, "Paz 775. ee 41,611.50 Class 222--For delivering a quantity of Mis- cellaneous Gaskets at all navy yards ex- cept Key West, Pensacola and New Or- leans. Double Service Packing Co., 430 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. (part)$14,825.96 H. W. Johns-Manville Co., 100 Wil- liam St, New Yorks... 1.0 oae. 23,716.50 Nightingale & Childs Co., 205 Con- gress: St. (part), Boston, Mass... .. 2,577.20 New Jersey Asbestos Co., 52 Dey Sty ciew! > Yous. sige age ade 24,014.65 Gaillott Metal Gasket Co., 97 South Clinton: Sty (Chicago, (ivi... 20,748.50 E. H. Pierce, 32 -Calitornia. St..2 San Francisco, Cale 270. 7 ets es 30,426.25 Class 224--Norfolk--1,000 Ft. Rubber Hose. Boston Belting Co., 256 Devonshire Stee Bostony Mags cance a $ 850.00 Double Service Packing Co., 430 Wal- nut. St, Philadelphia, Fav... 3... 609.00 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126-Duane St... New York, 3.100. 640.00 Handlau-Buck Mfg. Co., St. Louis, MOE re etues oe ea 945.00 Mallinson & Grossman, 23 Warren Sti, New.cY Of s. sa ey bv apetetes relia 730.00 Porter & Moore Co., Norfolk, Va.. 700.00 Voorhees Rubber Mfg. Co., 48 Dey Sti New? Work ace es ce eae 750.00 John D. Westbrook, 265 Water St., New -Notksoo. 3a wees $1,050.00 950.00 BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF REVENUE STEAMERS. Bids received at the office of the United States Revenue Cutter Service, Treasury De- partment, Washington, D. C., and _ opened Nov. 27, for building a revenue cutter steam- er for duty at Puget Sound, to be known as Revenue Cutter No. 20, and for a steamer for duty at Savannah, Ga., to be known as No. 21, were as follows: son Newport News Ship No.20. No. 21. Both. Building & Dry Dock Co., New- port News, Va... $215,000 $217,500 $396,500 Fore River Ship Building Co., Quincy, Mass. joa. New York _ Ship Building Co. Cam- aden, Ne e e 189,000 189,000 346,000 Pusey & Jones, Wil- mington, Del. 2.3. 215,000 216,500 414,450 Maryland Steel Co., + Sparrows Pt., Md. 227,500 230,000 449,500 415,000 BIDS FOR REMOVING WRECK. Bids for removing wreck of the Phineas H. Gay from Broad Sound, Boston Harbor, Mass., received by Maj. Edward Burr, Corps of En- gineers, United States Army, Boston, Mass., and opened Noy. 18, as_ follows: | John Olsen, 3 Long Wharf, Boston, MASS) eke Baa serena oes ceennene as 0.00 W. H. Wyman, 68 Devonshire St., Bos- ton, Masse occas. Ui te ee 730.00 Betts Bros. & Co., 16 New St., East BOStOtis: NLaSS oy een ee a es oe cree 347.00 George T. Rendle, 28 School St., Bos- ton, Mass. 6.6. he ee ee os te 650.00 | BIDS FOR DREDGING IN MAT- TATUCK HARBOR. -- Bids for dredging in Mattatuck Harbor, N. Y.,. received by Col. John G. D. Knight, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, New York City, and opened Nov. 25, were as fol- lows: : i { Cents per SC yds John P. Randerson, 755 Madison Aves "Albany, Nv Ys 2.33 c es Atlantic Dredging Co., 15 Whitehall ; St cNew? York 3.0.4 ee ee 43 3/10 J. Marvin Briggs, 154 Nassau St., New. Mork: (00 0a Ose as eee eee 28 4/10 J. S. Packard Dredging Co., 425 An- gell St.,; Providence, Rv -E....:.... 49 Maritime Dredging Co., 78 Broad St., New /York: oe es ees 23 2/3 BIDS FOR DREDGING IN NEW- PORT HARBOR, R. I. | Bids for dredging in Newport Harbor, R. I., received by Col. J. H. Willard, Corps of