Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 19 Dec 1907, p. 46

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THE MARINE REVIEW Buyers' Directory of the Marine Trade---Continued. Fore River Ship Building Co........ es ae ee Quincy, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works.... i ces Detroit. bogewood Nig, CO... cc ee eck s wee dae ss s. 2,.Hast Boston, Mass. Weanitawoc Dry. Dock Co........... ee os ee cia Manitowoc, Wis. Nistyiand Steel Co... .. vies. cee a ee iss k Sparrow's Point, Md. Piwautcee Dry dock Co... ........2% eat cess Milwaukee. Newport News Ship Building Co.... Poe ies Newport News, Va. New York Shipbuilding Co.......... We a Camden, N. J. Toledo Ship Building Co..... Toledo. SHIP CEMENT. Heray rat & Varnish Co....... er: Toledo, O. SHIP CHANDLERS. Baker, Howard H. & Co..... Buffalo. Upson-Walton Co...... ... Cleveland. SHIP DESIGNERS. Koda, Joseph 22... 62. 2.6.65. Duluth. Nacey G tHynd:........... Cleveland. Wood Wo ys... ses Chicago. SHIP FLOORING. American Sawdolet Co....Cleveland. SHIP LANTERNS AND LAMPS. Upson-Walton Ce. *.. Cleveland. SHIP TIMBER. Nigrtin-oeriss. CO.... 22.) Cleveland. SHOES. Hisecrson. Soe Co... .... Cleveland. SIGNALS--SUBMARINE. Submarine Signal Co....... Boston. SMOOTH-ON COMPOUND, FOR REPAIRS. Peocti-On Nig CO... tc. aes eo ea oe a Jersey City, N. J. STAYBOLT IRON OR STEEL BARS, HOLLOW OR SOLID. Bolla Hollow Staybolt Co..:......: se Cuyahoga Falls, O. STEAM VESSELS FOR SALE. Prolmes, Samuel:........ New York. MeCartny, I. R....... Montreal, Can. STEAMSHIP LINES, PASS. AND FREIGHT. American Line....:...... New York. MostOG> Boston. Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co..... ee a ss bk Cleveland. International Mercantile Marine Co. Fe a esse Philadelphia. Meaory LANG. ....ceess ss New York. mead Star Lin€........0 New York. STEEL CASTINGS. Fotis Steer Co... cise. sss Cleveland. STEERING APPARATUS. American Ship Building Co......... Bh eis Posse Cleveland. Chase Machine Co........ Cleveland. De PONE CO. fic. cece cee uses ae Grand Haven, Mich. Detroit Ship Building Co...Detroit. Tiyvade Windlass Co........ Bath, Me. meecine iron Wks........-- Chicago- Beene Mig. Co......... Milwaukee. SUBMARINE DIVING APPARATUS. Norse S$ Son, A. Js. ... sia Boston. Schrader's Son, Inc. A....New York. SURVEYORS, MARINE. Carr. Roberti... 8. esc. Cleveland Fiynd, Alexanders. 2:..... . Cleveland. Parker Bros. Go., Ltd....... Detroit. Wacey, James. 2... 2.55.35. Cleveland. NVGOU OW Joie ess gions cues Chicago. TESTS OF MATERIALS. Punt, Ropert W. & Co...., Chicago. THERMIT. THREAD CUTTING TOOLS. Armstrong Manufacturing Co.....<. Ds a SS Bridgeport, Conn. TILING, RUBBER. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... ee Cleveland. TOOLS. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... ee ie ie ee Cleveland. TOOLS, METAL WORKING, FOR SHIP AND ENGINE WORKS. Watson-Stillman Co..... New York. TOOLS, WOOD WORKING. Atlantic Works, Inc....Philadelphia. TOWING MACHINES. American Ship Windlass Co........ ee ee Providence, R. I. Chase Machine Co....>... Cleveland. TOWING COMPANIES. Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co.. pe eee ee Kingston, Ont. Great Lakes Towing Co...Cleveland. TRUCKS. 'poston & Lockport Block Co....... Boston, Mass. TUBING, SEAMLESS. Shelby Steel Tube Co..Pittsburg, Pa. VALVES, CHECK. Scoville Check Valve Co..Ashtabula. VALVES, STEAM SPECIALTIES, ETC. Tenkiis Bros: 6s. ce New York. New Bedford Boiler & Machine Co. eee New Bedford, Mass. Penberthy tniector Co..........0.5% Republic Belting & Supply Co...... Pe oe ea Mek ese wees Cleveland. VALVES FOR WATER AND GAS. Menton Valve Co........505. Boston. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... ee i ek ces Cleveland. Ross Valve Mig, Co,...froy,.N. Y. Scoville Check Valve Co.......45. 5. ea oo beck eds beac' «s Ashtabula, O. VESSEL AND FREIGHT AGENTS. Boland, john J... 2 v.65. «3 Buffalo. Douglas; G Le Jf cic 45 cs Duluth. Eiphicke, C..W. & Go... ..... Chicago. Hall, folin Bi... oes cans Buffalo. Helm & Co. D. i... ..: Duluth. Hawgood & Co., W. A....Cleveland. Flolmes, Samittel....:.. :. New York. Hutchinson: & Co... 2.2.4. Cleveland. MeCatthy 7. Roe ee Montreal. Mehl, Biwatd......2222...; Erié, Pa, Mitchell & C6. ..... 2.04.4. Cteveland. QO Connor, J.-J... Port. Arthur, Ont Parker. Bros, Co, Ltt... Detroit. Prindiville- & Co... 7.4.73: a « CHICAZO, Richardson, W. C...¢.45 6. Cleveland. Silivan; D. & Co. ........ Chicago. Wance & Joys Coc... -%. Milwaukee WATER GAGES. Pénberthy injector' Co..2.......25. Ue re Detroit Mich. Republic Belting & Supply Co...... Re ee ee ee Cleveland. WHITE LEAD. Hardy. Paint & Varnish Co...i5 - Bee eee Lotedo,. OQ; WILFORD'S WATERPROOF CLOTH. Banker, Ase. t New York. WIRE ROPE AND WIRE ROPE FITTINGS. Baker, Ho fie 60... .c es. Buffalo. Upson- Walton. Co. 222... Cleveland. WINDLASSES. American Ship Windlass Co........ ee ee Providence, R. I. American Ship Building Co......... OOo eee ee ae Cleveland. Dake Fugine Co. .3.c..:. 6: a Grand Haven, Mich. Hyde Windlass Co.....<., Bath, Me. WINCHES. American Ship Windlass Co........ bey eee oS Providence, R. I. Hydé Windlass Co........ Bath, Me. WOOD WORKING MACHINERY. Crescent Machine Co...Leetonia, O. WRECKING AND SALVAGE COMPANIES. Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co., Wey ees ek cae oe Kingston, Ont. Great Lakes Towing Co...Cleveland. Levine, Aw & Cou... .. ices Cleveland. Parker Bros..Co.; Ltd. ...., Detroit. YACHT AND BOAT BUILDERS. Dreig, Thos. & Son? :. 666s ss es Fe ee Wilmington, Del. Truscott Boat Mie, Co............% Pak cakes St. Joseph, Mich. YAWLS. Drem, Phos. & Son... i... es ee: bee ee ess Wilmington, Del.

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