4 THE Marine REVIEW The Hardy Paint & Varnish Company~ (Successors to Toledo White Lead Co,) "Great Lakes" Marine Paint SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Toledo, - - Ohio The Toledo Fuel Go. Toledo, Ohio Steamboats sup- plied with West Va. and Ohio coals from docks or lighter. A. M. DONOVAN, Pres. & GEN. MGR. Armstrong Pipe Cutting and Threading Machines are Portable-- Sizes up to 4" can be carried to the work. For oad or a owes interchangeably--even the 6" size may be turned by an apprentice unassisted. Catalogues free. THE ARMSTRONG MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Bridgeport, Conn. Chicago Branch: No. 23 So. Canal Street. FERRALL'S HUB HOISTER AND Sheave for Same serving the rope. BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK CO. 100-102 CONDOR ST., EAST BOSTON, MASS. The sheaves of these hoisters are fitted with Star Metaline Bushings and Side Bearings, which keep the sheaves from heating, make them m#@cun true and together with the rounded edges of the shells, soon save more than their cost, by pre- MARINE REVIEW OURSE FINDER Contains All the True and Mean Correct Magnetic Courses ; True and Correct Mag- netic Bearings of the River and Harbor Lighted and Unlighted Ranges for All the Lakes; also a Simple Method for Shaping and Making These Courses by any Compass and for Any Boat. A volume that is new and original. Not to be com- pared with anything now on the market. A book that is of practical need. Can be used on every boat and at every hour of the day. Contains no dry nursing like uther publications with similar titles. No other work can take its place Itis the only work of its kind. No master, mate or sailor should be without it, It will save you much anxiety and relieve you of much responsibility. It might be the means of keeping your boat off the rocks and the saving of dry dock bills. It is easily understood and thoroughly practical. Is correct both theoret- ically and practically. By CLARENCE E. LONG. _ The Marrne Review COURSE FINDER is a book that should interest every master, mate and sailor on the Great Lakes. It should be particularly interest- ing on account of its great practical utility and the simple manner in which it can be used. It will be found to be the greatest help and aid to any man who is in command, or on whom the shaping and setting of courses devolves. It answers the same purpose on the small boat as on the large boat. In fact, it applies wherever lake navigation is appli- cable. We send this book on approval to responsible parties. Price $2.50 BOOK DEPARTMENT PENTON PUBLISHING CO. CLEVELAND