TAE Marine. REVIEW Look at this © and then-- se LE i, i THE SIMPLICITY OF THE % f te)" []< Automatic \ . A. Inj e€ cfor as meets the approval of every engineer. The illustration shows the construction in detail and is most convincing evidence why it meets the needs of the steam user better than any other. Every part is accessible and easily cleaned. All parts are inter- changeable. Duplicate parts can be quickly fur- nished and put in by the user. And don't forget that each U. S. Injector is guar- anteed up to the U.S. Standard--z00 percent efficient. That's why it has the practica]) endorsement of the U. S. Government and over 300,000 engineers. Fingineer's Red Book free on request. If you are a steam user you want this vaJuable book. Postal request brings it free of charge. Write now. AMERICAN INJECTOR CO., Detroit, Mich. Manufacturers of "Moon" Automatic Grease Cups 'Never Fail'? Crank Pin Oilers and a full line of Water Heaters, Ejectors, Fire Plugs, etc. | AURE WREATH aes] The World's Standard Boiler Feeder MANUFACTURED BY Penberthy Injector Company, [LARGEST IN THE WORLD] Detroit, Mich., U.S. A. BRANCHES:--- oy York, N. Y, CANADIAN FACTORY--- London, England. Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Navigation In charge of W. J. WILSON, Graduate of U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. F | LEARN RIGHT WHILE YOU ARE AT IT A full and complete course of instruction in Lake and Ocean Naviga- tion and Marine and Stationary Engineering. Also special branches taught tho-e desiring to qualify themselves for better positions in the Marine Service. Students taught by correspondence. Studeots may begin at any time. Diplomas will be issued to all graduates passing satisfactory final examination. Send for Circular. CHICAGO NAUTICAL SCHOOL 124 Year Masonic TEMPLE, CHICAGO, ILL. W. J. WILSON, Principal (Late Lieutenant U.S. N.) Katzenstein's Self- Acting Netal Packing For PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS etc. of every description for Steam Engines, - Pumps, etc., etc. Adopted and in use by the principal Iron Works and Steamship aes NS Companies in this and foreign countries. AS \ FLEXIBLE TUBULAR METALLIC - PACKING, for slip-joints on Steam Pipes, and for Hydraulic Pressure. For full particulars and reference, ad- dress L. KATZENSTEIN & CO. General Machinists. 558 West Street, New York. Unique Gombination Flue Gleaner will cut the heaviest scale and grit without injury to the boiler. PAT. eT The brush is strong, circular sheets of steel which work with a rotary movement, or may be used much the same as an ordinary tube brush on light work---also as a steam jet for blowing soot and ashes from tubes The brush (the only wearing part) supplied in all sizes, and is easily replaced. 12,000 Giving Satisfactory Service. Reliable Agents Wanted. Write us. Uniqus Engineering Gompany 100-2 Hinsdale Street Brooklyn, N. Y. 13