AVERAGE LAKE FREIGHTS. There is appended herewith the usual annual summary of lake freights for the season of 1907. It will be seen that the freight rate is practically without variety, maintaining a relatively uniform rate throughout the season. For the past three years the contract ore rate has been 75 cents from the head of the lakes, 70 cents from Marquette and 60 cents from Escanaba. During the present year the wild rate did not exceed these figures.: Coal rates were established at 30 cents to Duluth and 40 cents to Chicago. Ad- vances were paid on these figures in spe-+ cial instances late in the season but not sufficient to make a market until the closing days of navigation. The season opened April 25 and closed Dec. 5. Fol- lowing is the summary: TAE MarRINE. REVIEW 1905 ... 46% 41% 334 42 41% 1906 ... 46 42 35 42 42 1907, .. 40 35 30 35 35 Average i a a for 10 yrs.46% 38 38% 45 44 Chicago rate about same as Milwaukee. Coal of all kinds shipped in net tons and handled without charge to vessel. AVERAGE FREIGHT RATE ON IRON ORE PER GROSS TON FROM PORTS NAMED TO OHIO PORTS-- TABLE COVERING WILD AND CONTRACT RATES FOR TWENTY YEARS PAST. Ashland and other ports at the head of Escanaba. Marquette. Lake Superior. Wild Con- Wild Con- Wild Con- or daily tract or daily tract or daily tract Tate, = -rate., tate. rate. tate, -- rate. 1888. $1.05 $2.90 $1.30. S15 S13 $1.25 1889... 1.01 1,00). 1.19 1.10 1.345 01.25 T8905 5. O89 1.10 1.07 1225) 17, 135 1891... 0.84 0.65 1.02 0.90 ay 1.00 1892. .--0.74.-- 1:00, 0.98 PS 115 1325 189322°0.56) 5 0.85).2 O71 100-2 0.77 1.00 1894... 0.46 0.60 0.60 0.80 0.78 0.80 1895: 0-73 0.55 0:92 0.75 lS 0.80 1896.72 0.59 = 070 (0:66. 2095 . O72 05 189772. 0.45. 0:45 0255 0:65 30.57 = 0:70 189802. 0.51 0.452. 20.60 *.0:60 = 0:62 20.60 AVERAGE DAILY RATES OF FREIGHT ON THE GREAT LAKES, 1906. 1905. 1907. cents. cents. cents. Tron ore, Escanaba to Ohio ports, gross ton......-.+++- 60.00 60.75 60.00 Iron ore, head of Lake Superior to Ohio ports, gross ton.. 75.55 76.875 75.00 Iron ore, Marquette to Ohio ports, gross ton......-+.-++> 70.00 70.00 70.00 Wheat, Chicago to Buffalo, bushel...........-.sseeeeeees 17228 1.6719 1.5796 Wheat, Duluth to Buffalo, bushel...-.....-.++sssseereee 21999 2315 - 1.8639 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Milwaukee, net tonm.....-+-++--- 46.05 46.525 40.00 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Duluth, net tom....--+-++sseeees 34.85 33.5 30.00 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Portage, net tOM....-++++++++-e: 41.97 35:3 50.00 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Manitowoc, net ton.....-++--+++:> 41.97 41.525 35.00 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Sheboygan, net tom...---++++s+> 41.97 41.525 35.00 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Green Bay, met fon...--++++++> 41.97 42.425 35.00 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Escanaba, net ton..--..+++++-+0s 41.97 41.525 35.00 Hard coal, Buffalo to Milwaukee, net ton.-.----+++++++** 45.38 44.575 41.062 Hard coal, Buffalo to Chicago, met tom-----+2-::+*:2: 17: a ee SU Hard coal, Butalo te Duluth, Neb Ot ae 0k sae es pees Lumber, head of the lakes to Ohio ports....--- AVERAGE DAILY FREIGHT RATES, TEN YEARS END- ING WITH 1907. : CENTS. Iron ore, head of Lake Superior to Ohio ports, grOSS LOM ..-----+5-- ete ees 82 Iron ore, Marquette to Ohio ports, gross OU i eae cee oe wees tearm ee Iron ore, Escanaba to Ohio ports, gross CO ee 46% Soft coal, Ohio ports to Duluth, net ton 38% Hard coal, Buffalo to Chicago, net, ton... 46 Hard coal, Buffalo to Duluth, net ton... 35 Wheat, Chicago to Buffalo, bushel. <3. . 1.66 Wheat, Duluth to Buffalo, bushels... 213 Lumber, head of the lakes to Ohio ports. 2.52 AVERAGE OF DAILY LAKE FREIGHT RATES ON HARD COAL FROM BUFFALO TO CHICAGO, MIL- WAUKEE AND DULUTH DURING TEN ~ YEARS PAST. : CHICAGO? DULUTH. YEAR-- CENTS. CENTS. BOSS ES ky 5 coo seete oe 28 23 TBO GE oe ea Ge anes was 73 49Y% 1900 ee ee es 48 39% VOOM Aika eee ee 50 38 TOO Des ee ee see oes 42 oO VOOS ee ele rs 48 38 A OO A ess ee we erate ee 43 34 VOOS oe oes oe ee leer 44 34 TOOGS 5 ee ee 46 35 WOOT a ire ee ee 40 31 Average for ten years.....-- 46 65 Rate to Milwaukee practically the same as to Chicago. Hard coal is net tons and is handled without charge to vessel. AVERAGE OF DAILY RATES ON SOFT COAL FROM OHIO PORTS TO MILWAUKEE, ESCANABA, DULUTH, GREEN BAY AND MANITOWOC. Mil- Esca- Green Mani- waukee. naba. Duluth. Bay. towoc. Year. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. ieos 8 264, 23 gai, 28s 1899 ... 69 58 45ce 3 664 67 1900 ..: 45 40 40 45 4314 1901 ... 49 46 38 4gr6. 48 isos ewe 4 A OS Cw isos © 2 50 45 Wie «50 46 1904 ... 47 40 37 ay AF 1800. 0:95 0.50. 1.08 -- 0:60 = 1297 0.00 1900... 0.69% 1.00 0.78% 1.10 0.84% 1.25 1001...-064.. 0.60 079 C70 039 OrsD 1902....059 0.00 0.66 070" O77 70.75 1903... 0.61 0.65, 0.72 075 0.8) | 085 19043... 0.53% 0.55 0.62 060 0.70 070 1905. 520.61 0:60. 0:70 0:70 3 077 05 1906). 0:60 0.00". 0:70 0:70.) 07555 075 1907.) 0.60. 20.60 0:70 2.0.70, 075. 0-75 Charge to vessels in 1907 for unloading iron ore was 20 cents per ton. The wooden vessels that required trimming paid an additional charge of about 3 cents per ton for that ser- vice. Average ore rates for the entire period of twenty years: Escanaba, contract 70% cents, wild 68 cents; Marquette, contract 84 cents, wild 82% cents; Ashland and other ports at the head of Lake Superior, contract 91 cents, wild 92 cents. Average for past ten years: Escanaba, con- tract 61 cents, wild 63 cents; Marquette, con- tract 17 cents, wild 73 cents; Ashland and other ports at the head of Lake Superior, con- tract 78 cents, wild 82 cents. LAKE FREIGHT RATES ON WHEAT, DULUTH TO BUFFALO, Year. Rate cts. Year. Rate cts. L907 eee: 1.86 LOO Gee 2.19 VO0S ee 2.31 1894 1% @3 TOOA Rae 1.81 1893 14%@3% 1903 ea 1.6 1892 2% @4 190 ones 1:9 1891 14@9% 1900 ee Do 1890 22-@5 TOO Sot eae 2.0 1889 2 @5 1800 vee ass 3.6 1888 2 @s TEOR se 1.3 1887 2 @8 1897 0 eae 175 1886 34%@8 1896. Pee 2A2 1895 a 3.50 Figures for 10 years past average of daily rates for full season; previous to 1895 rates given are highest and lowest of the year. AVERAGE RATES ON WHEAT PER BUSHEL BY LAKE FROM CHICAGO TO BUFFALO. Year. Cents. Year. Cents. Year. Cents. 1860... :, 9:89 1876... 2.90 18920 20 2:38 1869 202 11-53 187. oe Se 1893°<.. 1:66 1862.2 2.10.49 1878 33 3.07 189455. 122 1863552 2/451 1879.... 4.74 1895.52 1.97 1864... << 9:58 1880.2. 5:76 1896.-.. 1-70 1865.32. 9:78 1881.... 3.44 1897724-- 1556 29 7 TS66s 2. nb2.34 1882. 6052750 1898.65 Leo 1S67. 3 5 6:67, 1883... 3.41 1899 008 2A 1868... 1884.... 2.18 19007. 2.79 1869 <3. .6.80 18852253 62.02 LOOT ie. ee 1870... 5.88 1886... 23.68 1902 aie Aso 1871 e762 18840. 4013 1903.02.21 at 1872... .1U40.< 18880. 2 90 1904..... 1.32 1873.7, 0. 7.62 VSS ci 2701 19053) On 1874. . 23, 4:03 1890.21.96? A906... ls? 1879... 3.42 1891. 2.38 1907, 23 17, Average for 48 years, 4.36. Charges to vessels for shoveling, trimming and tallying weights of grain amounted to $4.12% -per 1,000 bu. in 1907. AVERAGE LUMBER RATES, DULUTH TO LAKE ERIE PORTS. Rate Rate Year per M. Vear. per M. TOOL VG ee $2.58 19020 Sea $2.54 1906 see 271 190 oe. 2.66 W905 ee as 2.45 19000 ice. 238 1904 oe. 2.54 1800 Ce aes 3.08 1903 Soe 2.57 LOOS a. 1.78 A REMARKABLE SEAFARING FAMILY. A history, if written, of the Dupuie- family of Marine City, Mich., would read like one of Clark Russell's ro- mances of the sea. Six sons and every one of them a satellite of Old Father Neptune is a part of the family rec- ord. George, the eldest, is master of the steamer C. C. Hand, of the Gil- christ fleet; Joseph, is mate of the steamer Hanna; John, mate of (ae steamer Coralia for the past seven or eight seasons; Fred A., master of the steel steamer Neptune, also of the Gilchrist fleet; Herbert, mate of tie steamer Butler for the past nine sea- sons, and Chatles is mate GF the steamer Corsica. All are young men and of sterling worth and character. The most tfemarkable thing of all, from the standpoint of a sailor, is that none of the boys use tobacco or in- toxicating liquors: [t is doubtidl there is another family of the kindon the lakes; if there is, the MARINE RE- view would be much interested to know it. EAST VERSUS WEST. That the states 'om tie Atlantic coast are planning to oppose the Lakes-to-the-Gulf deep waterway has become apparent through the forma- tion, recently, of a committee of seven to try to combine into a single or- ganization all the commercial bodies of the Atlantic coast region for the purpose of bringing about concerted action on behalf of the various inland waterways projects between Cape Cod and Beaufort, N. C. It is pro- posed that a three days' convention be held in Philadelphia in Novem- - ber, to decide upon a plan for the campaign for adequate appropriations for the contemplated waterway, in- cluded in which are the Cape Cod canal, a deeper channel at New York, the enlargement of the Raritan canal, the Delaware and Chesapeake canal, the Delaware channels and Philadel- phia's desire for a 35-ft. channel in the Schuylkill river. :