the north end of the needle is drawn toward it; therefore, heading N with a starboard list, the heeling deviation is, as a usual thing, Wly. and Ely. with a port list. Heading south with a starboard list the heeling deviation is Ely. and Wly. with a port list. Under ordinary conditions the north end of the needle draws to the high side, but not in all cases. The best and sim- plest way of handling the heeling devia- tion is to list the boat. This is easily done with boats having water bottoms. ° List the ship, say 10 degrees, and find the heeling deviation for each point between Nand HE. List. the: ship, both ways. From this figure out the heeling co-effi- cient and see if the theory tallies with the practice. Heeling deviation is a per- plexing problem so that the best and sur- est way is to find it in practice. The heel- ing magnet should also be adjusted with the ship heeled both ways and the results compared with the ship swung on an even beam, : No, the heeling deviation is not a diffi- cult thing to understand by any means, and any lake master is equal to a full understanding of it. The subject must be treated practically and not so much theoretically. This subject as it is usu- ally explained becomes a difficult thing to understand by the ordinary person, but when it is boiled down to actual facts and as it comes up in practice there is not much about it that the average master cannot learn and very easily at that. No, I do not agree with you, it is a very essential thing to know and under- stand and the local inspector is to be commended for his good judgment. The only pity is that there are not more of them asking such questions. You must bear in mind that anything that tends to increase a man's knowledge of his work and to elevate the standard of his profession is a step in the right direc- tion. The government should be first of all in such matters. When an in- spector requires these things in his exam- ination the candidate sits up and pays at- tention, whereas, on the other hand, he would take no notice of such matters, thinking that they were unnecessary be- cause they were not asked. It is simply wonderful how much some men can learn when they are forced to it. The local inspector has done a wonderful good work for the lake marine in bringing the examination work up to its present high standard. We are living in an age of progress and to keep up with the pace set we too must progress corresponding- _ly. The lake ship has had a phenomenal growth in the past few years which has increased the difficulties and problems of her navigation to such an extent that many have been taken unawares, and are unable to cope with them without as- "TAE. MARINE. REVIEW sistance and the study of books on the subject. If you are right minded and can see any distance ahead you must ac- knowledge that this is the right and only course to pursue, QUESTIONS FOR MASTERS AND MATES.--NO. 53. 701. Does the earth rotate on its axis at a uniform rate of speed? 702. Does the earth revolve round the sun at a uniform speed? 703. Is apparent time regular or ir- regular, that is, does the sun come to the meridian every day at the same time? 704. Why is the sun's time irregular? 705. The sun is on the meridian every day at 12 o'clock, what kind of time? 706. What is mean time based upon? 707. Is the sun on the meridian every day at 12 o'clock mean time? 708. Why? 709. How does the sun bear at 12 o'clock apparent time? 710. How could you set your watch to mean time by knowing the sun's true bearing at true noon? 711. What is the difference between true or apparent time and mean or av- erage time? 712. Is the time from noon to noon each day the same by the actual time? 713, . Why? 714. Since the earth rotates on its axis at the same rate of speed, what is the actual time of rotation according to mean time? 715. Why is the sun's time used in- stead of star or siderial time? QUESTIONS FOR WHEELSMEN AND WATCHMEN. 319. What is the difference between a common fraction: and a decimal frac- tion? 320. What advantage is there in using decimals instead of. common fractions? 321. Write a decimal fraction. 322. Write a common fraction. 323. of a decimal fraction. 324. Write in figures five-tenths. 325. Three-hundredths. 326. Seven-thousandths. 327. Write two-fifths fraction. 328. Write seven-eighths as a com- mon fraction. 329. Express one-quarter as a deci- mal. 330. How do you know that three- quarter is 0.75? 331. What is the rule for changing a common fraction to its equivalent deci- mal? 332. What is the rule for turning a decimal fraction into a common frac- tion? / as a common safe. Name some of the denominators: 29 333. What is the principle of the deci- mal fraction based upon?' ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS FOR WHEELSMEN AND WATCH- MEN. 285. Get a copy of the government Rules of the Road, either from a locad inspector or from the United States Steamboat Inspection Service, Washing- _ ton, D. C. Also the government light- house books, either from a customs offi- cer or from the Lighthouse Board, Washington, D. C. Also government charts covering the waters for which I wish to be examined on. 286. The Rules of the Road and the laws upon which they are based; light- houses, fog signals, courses and. distances, shoals and how buoyed, ete. 287. Being able to distinguish one color from another. This is done by various colored yarns put in bunches promiscuously, the candidate being re- quired to match all those of the samd color. There are other tests, but this is the principal one. 288. By having another person give me a test in distinguishing colors. 289. Four or more short and rapid blasts of the whistle. 299. Three years. 300. The influence on the compass due to the iron and steel of the boat, such as the vessel being built of iron or steel, the boilers, engines, and all other equip- ment made of iron or steel. 301. If there is no danger of collision, the steamer that has the other on hen own starboard side may cross first pro- vided the steamer to starboard deems it If the steamer to starboard as- sents then she must keep out of the other one's way by putting her helm to, starboard, or to stop and back if neces~- sary. If the steamer to starboard does not assent to the other crossing first she must sound an alarm signal and if neces sary both steamers must stop and back until signals for passing in safety are made, answered and understood. 302. This situation is similar to the one just described. If the steamer which is to give way to the other under ordinary circumstances has room enough to cross ahead of a steamer which has the right: of way. in close quarters, without risk of collision, may cross ahead of the other steamer, after giving the necessary sig- nals, and receiving an assent from the other steamer which has the right of way' in close quarters. 303. When she is under the control of her rudder. . 304. The sideway drift of a vessel due to the pressure of the wind and sea. 305. By observing the wake astern; if this makes an angle with the keel'