34 COMMERCE OF LAKE SU- PERIOR. dhe annual report of L. C. Sabin, general superintendent, shows that the commerce of the Sault Ste. Marie ca- nal has been the heaviest in its. his- tory, reaching the great total of 58,- 217,214 net tons, an increase of 6,466,- 134 net tons, or 12 per cent over 1906. There is noted a decided increase in trafic through the Canadian lock. During December 1,131,646 net tons were moved through the canal. The United States canal opened on April 23 and closed Dec. 11. The Canadian canal opened April 22 and closed Dec. 15. Following is the comparative statement for the seasons of 1906 and 1907: TAE MarINE REVIEW will be ready for service before next March, although a big force of work- -ingmen are already working on her. The steamer was practically broken in two while lying at the bottom of the river. Eighty-five hull plates and 40 tank top plates are to be removed, quite a number of them having to be re- placed by new ones. The interior of the after cabins must be stripped of all the woodwork, the water having twisted the paneling out of position. There is a great hole on the port side of the steamer -and a break in the deck which extends from the hatch clear down to the bilge. The bottom of the ship is pushed upward about 4 ft. for a distance of 75 ft., beginning forward of amidships. Above this 'otal Trafic: Change. Items. Season 1906. Season 1907. Amount. Per Cent. Vessels: Steamers: MUdmber 2.5.5 .45 606 os! 18,138 17,245 893 -- 5 Silliness) solbhedloend Ve oa ene eae. 2,817 2,303 514 --18 Unregistered, number .............. 1,200 889 311 --26 Motale "number 6.5005... ss D2 AOS 20,437 1,718 -- 8 HeOCkKaces MIN DEn Cs. es cee eee ek see 14,523 14,020 503 -- 3 Tonnage: : WesishereGs Met. 6. ec ole eke 41,098,324 44,087,974 2,989,650 7 reigite Met 6A eke ee ee 51,751,080 58,217,214 6,466,134 12 Pacsenpenus, number =. ...76...60- 5. a. 63,033 "62,758 275 Pas Coal: ' : lard. tet fONS 4 0s. (hee oe oe 1041375 1,506,668 495,293 49 Sott, met tONS 6.32. sisson. 1;728;259 9,893,427 2:165,172 28 outs SODISi se ees i ee eae 6,495,350 6,524,770 29,420 as Woeat Dll 66 fe ee os a 84,271,358 98,135,775 13,864,417 16 Gia OU 2 es 54,343,155 43,463,338 10,879,817 --20 Manufactured and Pig Iron, net tons. 391,105 307,941 83,164 --21 edits Seo Sees ie ess ree sce esi 2 468,162 460,802 7,360 -- 2 Wopoer. net (Ons 2760... 107,633 89,959 17,674 --16 iron Ore, Het 10S |... se we ss 35,357,042 39,594,944 4,237,902 12, fecenber Nie tte Be ME ee oe 900,631 649,320 25153 Vl --28 Bioidine Stone, net. tons, ..2.......... 6,222 898 Bot --86 General Merchandise, net tons...-.... 1,134,851 1,022,654 112197, --10 REIS BADLY INJURED. The steamer Wm. E. Reis, of Mit- chell & Co.'s fleet, which collided with the steamer Monroe C. Smith in the Bi. Clair river on Nov. | and was raised on Dec. 7 after continuous hard debot, 1s tow in dry dock at. the Ecorse yard of the Great Lakes Engi- neering Works undergoing repairs. The repair job of the Reis will be the greatest on the lakes during the win- fe] 46 4 is mot expected that: she ' renewed, great hump in the bottom the tank top is similarly forced out of posi- tion and broken in one place, showing quite a quantity of ore on the boat's bottom where it has falien owing to the break. Near the boilers the bot- tom is again raised upward 4 in. for a distance of several feet. Two of the bulkheads must be taken out and and mine deck beants are buckled and several of them broken. It' will be necessary to cut the hull in two after adjusting the two parts to rebuild the portion which is so thoroughly destroyed. Great praise is given to Chief En- gineer Louis Minnie of the wrecked steamer for the excellent condition of the machinery. It is said that within two hours after the Reis was pumped Out and was at the. Sutiace of "the river, Engineer Minnie had the dyna- mo running and the electric lights burning. As soon as the water low- ered in the boat he turned steam into the pipes, which were covered with asbestos, the heat drying the fire-proof covering, and saving an additional cost of placing the vessel in condition for service. The machinery is said to be in first-class condition. CALENDARS. The Whitman Manufacturing Co., general machinists, 178-180 Ohio street, Buffalo, have just issued a calendar to the trade for 1908. The pictorial part of this catalog is a reproduction of a photograph showing the steamers Hurlbut W. Smith and Wm. Notting- 'ham on the beach upon which they were blown during the gale of Jan. 20, 1907. Eo. Osborn & Co,, marime insur- ance, 159 la Salle Street, -Chicaco, Ill, have sent out a beautiful cal- endar to the trade, under the title iof "The Last of the Frigates." Pune picture is a reproduction from an ori- ginal photograph by Enrique Muller of the United States warship Monon- gahela, while starting out on her last voyage just »dutside of Sandy Hook, New York, Dec. 17, 1902. Tt is a very clear engraving tinted in blue and mounted upon a blue background, mak- ing a striking picture. The calendar is representative of the excellent taste displayed by Osborn & Co. annually in selecting subjects for their calendars. Lakes. and Binnacles. THE DODD-ROGERS CO. COMPASS ADJUSTERS Ath Door from E.uclid on Bond St. NAUTICAL DEPARTMENT Largest dealers in Nautical Instruments on the Great Compasses, Binoculars, Sextants, Peloruses, We are the agents for the celebrated K. & E. Government line of Nautical Instruments. We have the most complete Nautical School on the Lakes. CLEVELAND