36 THE MarRINE REVIEW i Hor Co! .6.05... e i *Le Moi Scientifique et Roelker, H. B..........- 50 Admiral Anchor Co 9 eee Salvage & Wrecking - i he? ee oo i | sRonee Steam Ot Separator Almy Water Tube Boiler Co.. 37 Os cot tars aos Nee ew ects ss : "es C i : ; Douclas,.<G. bie Jr. 48 | Levine. & (Co..25.. Mae ewes 38 ° gee ae mimerican Injector Co.s..3.5 2. 13] Deen. Thos, & Son-..c2 22... 43 | Lockwood Mfg. Co........6+- 50 | Root, Ws Osten. ee ceoeoce mmercan Wine; .4..5.05 <5 47 | Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging - Lorain Coal & Dock Co, .2... 49:1 Ross Valve Co. cree eee cees vee 50 American Sawdolet Co... 47 CO eee ce cee oes 39° | Lundin, "A; Bo. 52 ; Be ie American Ship Building Co... 4 ye Te Co. ae ey oe e ee American Ship Windlass Co.. 2 | Elphicke, C. W., & Co...... 48 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge mrinctrone Cork Cows. 6. 2... $2: 1. smetson Shoe Co, 2.6. a 22 MeCarthy, "Ty Rv... 48 COn bic ec cerenar nce. - 43 VArmstrone, Nite. Co... 5... .. 12 | tEmpire Shipbuilding. Co..... ---- | MeCurdy,..Geo, 15.4... ioe oo Schrader's AG: Son, laces 2. <7 50 Ashton "Valve Co.:.:..:... -- McKinnon Iron Works....... 41 | +Scoville Check Valve Co... -- Btlantic WOrks 22.00.00... 41 | Falls Hollow Staybolt Co..... 41 | MacDonald, Ray G..........- 48) Seneca 'Chain CO.. oes cases < -- Hats, 54 Sons: ic. 1c... 2s 50 | Mallory Line .........++.00- 47 | Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes 48 Fletcher, W. & oo Conse 41 | *Marine Iron Co............ 41 | *Shelby Steel Tube Co....... 1 Babcock & Penton........... AQ}: Bose; -M. Wee. 2k... ..e- 50 | ¢Marine Iron Works....... . -- | Sheriffs Mfg. Co. .. 43 Baker, Howard H., & Co.... 52 | Fore River Ship "Building Co. 41 | Marshall, Alexander ......... 48 | Shipping World Year Book.. 51 Belcher, Pred: Poo... vee... 45 +) Furstenau, Mic C.. .. 0.3. « 49 | Martin-Barriss Co. .........+ 43 | Siggers & Siggers............ 47 Boland. J.J... ee. 48 Maryland Steel: Co..5...0:2.. 10 | Smith Coal & Dock Co., *Boston &-Lockport Block Co. 12 Mehl, Edward ..........++-+- 48 Stanley By 34.5526 sss 6 3 + Boucher Mfo. Co., The H. E. -- | General Electric (Co.......... 52 | Milwaukee Dry Dock Co..... 5.4 Smooth-On. Mie. €o.......... 51 Bowers, °L, N. & Co... 52.) Gilehrist, Albert-Jic... -.. 02. 48°) Mitchell & Co... ...3--.22... 48 | #Spence Mig, Go..<s5ccss _ Breymann, G. H., & Bros..... 39 | {Goldschmidt Thermit Co..... -- | Morse, A. J., & Son....... 47 | Standard Varnish Works..... 35 Bricys,. Marvin: 55s... 05 cs 38 | Goulder, Holding & Masten... 49 Starke, C. H., Dredge & Dock pre ee Moses vie eens 48 Gree Lakes Dredge & Dock - £8 ee Ve oo 39 rown oisting Machinery On en een ceeds ck tee i acking Go... ... --_ COS es aso -- | Great Lakes Engineering Wks. 14 Nacey & Hyod.-- sets ae Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co... 43 +New Bedford "Boiler | & : ; Buttalo Dredging Co.......... 39 | Great Lakes Register........ 9 Machine Ca: ec Submarine Signal Company... 9 Buttalo Dry: Dock Co... .. S-\-*Great Lakes fowing Co...... Ut Newport News Ship Building Sullivan, Mes. oc sewn vee es « 39 2S? eu Chandlery & +Griscom-Spencer Co. ...... -- & Dry Dock Co....4.... 6 os y een Beiitie eee 48 MIDDAY | COs eine ce cee ss os oe New York Shipbuilding Co... 7 BERION DEON: NV OURS arent re Bunker, 6. A. ss ee oe 52 ae ae 'eae ae *Nicholson Ship Log Co..... -- Superior Ship Building Co... 4 Hardy Paint & Varnish Co.. 12 | Northern Dredge Co......... 39 oe Chase, Machine. Co... 35... 3. 36 | Hawgood, W. A., & Co...... 4g | Northwestern Steam Boiler & Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co. 50 Chicago Nautical School...... i | Belg, D. 7 & Co...:... 48 Mfg. Co. sssseeeeeeeeees Bey edo Piet OO ees 12 Chicago Ship Building Co... 4 | Holmes, Samuel ..........+. 48 Toledo Ship Building Co.. 5 Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley....... 48 Trout, H. G..sessenseeee vee 43 6s... 47 | Hunt, Robert W., & Co...... 49. OlConnog, J. 0. 6s. ce 4g | Truscott Boat Mfg. Co.. 3 Cleveland City Forge & Iron Hintchinson <& COs. ss.25. 6... 48.) Otis= Steel Coc. bcs tt CON ee eae se es St | Hyde: Windlass' -Co....2..5.. ae 92 U 1 5 ener ood pees Co: 9 . (oo Co = olumbian ope Osc s sie _ os 4 ete ee Cee te Work 2 oe eee Sree poe adr say a United States Graphite Co.. -- Com, Chas. & Sonisasac.o. 50 Maxine Co 47 Pick erthy Injector Co........ 3 Cramp, Win, & Sone S & eee eee e reese ickands, Mather & Co....... 41 E. eo 8 : Pittsburg Coal: Cot. 23. ca. 49°) Vance & Soya Co 3. = ag +Crescent Machine Co... -- | Jenkins Bros. ........... «se» 92 | Prindiville & Company....... 49 (Curr, Robert" 230. 00: oe 49 oe Eoibe Russell & 48 Ichelberger ...seseee eee ae Walker, Thomas, &: Son...... <3 dottaon ce 3p | etinintd tron Works Ca. -. SO UWaihy, Ceflton 2. 40 Dake. Engine Coos... .. 0. 3 : : *Watson-stillman Co; .<...... 51 Dearborn Drug & Chemical Kahnweiler's: Sons,: Davids... 5) | Red Star Line........... ..<- 47 | ¢}Wheeler Condenser & Engi- Wks 0 Bc Watzenstein, & Cov, saa. . 13 | Republic Belting & Supply Con a neering Co. 25... 65. ._-- Delany, Py & Cos. csc 3i ss =) 27 badd, Joseph -.....5..--3.... #9 | Richardson; W. Cs... ...< ---. 48 | Willcox, Peck & Hughes.....° 38 Detroit Ship Building Co.. 4 | Kingsford Foundry & Machine PRitchie, E. -S.. & Sons...°-. 11 | {Williams Gauge Co.:...... _-- Dixon, Joseph, Crucible Co: 43 WWiOtks (502.0 oe5 vsnivicc ess 37 | Roberts Safety Water-Tube WOOds We Jit e ccc cc cccceee 49 Dodd- -Rogers CO vi ois 50) Kremer, ©. Bic. asec ses 48 Boller. C0... ieee. wees as 37 + Woodhouse Chain Works... : -- : DOCKING ENGINES |||{ HOISTING ENGINES The Latest and ||| Mooring Winches |||| Ofall kinds and sizes | the Best Late st Improved || and for all purposes Positively guaranteed||| Types especially for ship use FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL KNOWN SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO. THE CHASE MACHINE CO. ENGINEERS:°MACHINISTS CLEVELAND, (0 '*The up-to-date manufacturer of to-day realizes y C the importance and value of space in his trade Our Ad Designing Department makes just this thing papers and exercises good judgment in the pre- possible. All you have to do is to give us a suggestion paration of his copy."--Printers Ink. and we put it into attractive shape