'TAE Marine. REVIEW 37 Modern Marine Boilers Write Johnston Brothers Ferrysburg, Michigan MARINE BOILERS. MARINE REPAIRS Newburgh Steam Boiler Works P, DELANY & CO, NEWBURGH, N. Y. A NEW BOOK The Lake Pilots' Hand-Book Complied By Capt. George Trimble. This book contains useful knowledge to the Great Lakes, and Great Lakes Piloting, that should be useful to the pro- fessional as well as the beginner. The need of a handy book of reference and of general information on the subject of the Great Lakes led the auther to undertake the prepar- ation of this work. The book is cloth bound, size 51-2 x8 inches and contains some 230 pages. The price is $1.25, carriage prepaid. BOOK DEPARTMENT The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, O. STEAM ALMY'S PATENT SECTIONAL Water Tube Boilers Bear Evidence of Their Excellent Qualities ALMY WATER-TUBE BOILER CO PROVIDENCE, R. I. THE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER-TUBE BOILER CO. Manufacturers of oS High Grade ------------------ Marine Water Tube Boilers Generators of the Highest Quality of Steam OVER 1500 IN USE Send for circulars and stock sheet @--------"----> MAIN OFFICB New York City 39 Cortlandt St. Phone 599 Cortlandt Cable Address Works: Red Bank, N. J. Ss '*Bruniva Phone. 49 Red Bank MARINE BOILERS OF ALL TYPES KINGSFORD FOUNDRY& MACHINE WORKS, Oswego, N. Y. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Mig. Co. DULUTH. MINN. & : Manufacturers of _ BOILERS, ENGINES AND MACHINERY Special facilities for Marine Work. Repairs promptly attended to Night or Day. We carry a complete line of Marine and Engineers' Supplies. LEPHONES: OFrFicE AND Works, 615. Rin Ce M. A. RYAN, Pres. and Gen'l Mer., T16-R. J. H. OPPERMAN, Secretary, 519-R 3 E. KRIZ, Superintendent, S51-M.