TAE Marine REVIEW "99 ESTABLISHED 1872 'Baltimore Oakum Works MANUFACTURERS OF ALL GRADES OF OAKUM Spun Cotton and Navy Pitch Correspondence Solicited 601-3 S. Luzerne St. BALTIMORE, Md. Sheriffs' Steam Steerer FOR TUG BOAT USE Hasy to adjust, and can be handled by any one. MANUFACTURED BY Sheriffs Mf g. Co. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Established 1854 ym FERRALL'S <3) HUB HOISTER AND Sheave for Same The sheaves of these hoisters are fitted with Star Metaline Bushings and Side Bearings, which keep the sheaves from heating, make them run true and together with the rounded edges of the shells, soon save more than their cost, by pre- serving the rope. BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK Co. 100-102 CONDOR ST., EAST BOSTON, MASS. THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE BUILDING Engines an d Propeller Wheels. H. G. TROUT, King Iron Works, 226 Ohio St., BUFFALO, N. Y. ' ment for iron ships. For sale by ship chandlers and nautical Ritchie Liquid -- Compass The Standard Liquid Compass used exclusive- ly by the U.S. Navy for over 35 years. Over 32,000 used in Merchant Service. Made in all sizes and styles, from 2 to 12 inches diameter of card. All compasses made by us have our name printed below the North point or prominently upon the card. None other are genuine. Latest form with four or six needles, the best instru- instrument dealers. Catalogue free. E. S. RITCHIE @ SONS, Brookline, Mass., U. S. A. MANUFACTURERS OF NAUTICAL AND PHYSICAL APPARATUS. The National and Inter- LATEST PATENT ANCHOR national THE NATIONAL aNGrenE: APPROVED BY LLOYDS. Manufactured by Furnished to ze Lake Trade L.M.BOWERS &CO., Binghamten, N. Y. Catalogue on Application. The Upson-Walton Ce., CLEVELAND, 0. EMPIRE SHIPBUILDING CO. Buffalo, New York Designers and builders of steel and wooden ships. Fully equipped for all kinds of repairs on steel and wooden vessels. SURFACE CONDENSERS, HEELER CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, FEED WATER HEATERS, Combined Auxiliary Condenser & Feed Water Heater. Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Co. Works, Carteret, N. J. New York Office, West Street Bldg.