TAE MARINE REVIEW 101 General Flectric Company Electric Heat and Power on Board Ship are as safe, adaptable and convenient as electric light The Electric Wash Basinis acompact device for obtaining hot water quickly and conveniently in the stateroom. No leaky steam or hot water pipes are involved, and the complete apparatus folds snugly into asmall space. The motor driven deck winch is typical of the convenience ot electric power on shipboard. Blowers, Ice Machines, Dish Washers, Etc., are all driven by electric motors. Two 25K. W. Direct Current Turbine Generators in i fone i Hudson," of Hudson River Day Line, er eee har ore poner ice The Curtis Steam Turbine Generator furnishes the necessary current. It fits compactly into small space, and is free from vibration. 15138 Chicago Office: Principal Office: New York Office: Monadnock Building SCHENECTADY, N. Y. 44 Broad St. SUBMARINE SIGNALS Captain Watt, of the LUSITANIA, in an official report on Submarine Signals, says: The Dependable Marine Motor TRUSCOT "Nearly all my sea life I have been looking forward to getting the assistance of a reliable sound signal. Now I feel that we have Made to withstand the most severe and contin- got it, and all that is re- uous service. A practical design characterized quired, in my opinion, ts its by the accessibility, compactness and simple universal application." ignition gas producing and oiling features. Per- fect control. Four cycle type, two and four cylinders, from 8 to 65H.P. Smaller sizes of the two cycle type. Catalogue and copy of The Launch for the asking. Submarine Signal Company Department 46. Truscott Boat: Mfg. ST. JOSEPH, MICHIGAN. Full particulars on application to the . Boston, Mass. Co.