102 THE MARINE REVIEW cr : PROPOSALS. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SERVICE FOR SALE, MISCELLANEOUS, U. S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich., De- cember 16th, 1907. Sealed proposals for dredging Saginaw River, Mich., will be re- ceived at this office until 3 P. M. January 16, 1908, and, then publicly opened. Infor- mation furnished on application. Chas. E. L. B. Davis, Col. Engineers. STEAMERS FOR SALE. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER steamer for sale, 500 gross tons. Al- low 600 excursionists. Will sleep 75 night passengers. Address Box 123, THE Marine Review, Cleveland, O. GOULD'S NAUTICAL SCHOOL CAPA GOULD'S NAUTICAL School has opened. Established 1894. Room No. 15 Wick Block, Cleveland, Ohio. EARKCE FOR SALE. Sr pA tbe kG Pe OR > SALE Cheap, 145 ft. long, 24 ft. beam, 9 ft. 6 - in. deep. Boiler 7 x 14, allowed 90 Ibs. steam; engine new, 16 x 29 x 20; would sell machinery separate from hull. Also new yawl boat 16 ft. long, 5 ft. beam, 2 ft. deep, electric dynamos, 30 lights with engine. Address C. B. Moiles, Saginaw, Mich, « Steel and Iron By William Henry Greenwood, F. Cc. §. Comprising the practice and theory of the Several Methods Pursued in their Manufacture, and of their Treatment in the Rolling Mills, the Forge, and the Foundry. : 536 Pages, 97 Diagrams, 12mo.$1.75 BOOK DEPARTMENT The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland WILLCGOX, PECK & HUGHES SUCCESSORS CHAS. E. & W. F. PECK NEW YORK, No. 3 South William Street, Average Adjusters. BUFFALO MINNEAPOLIS CLEVELAND SEATTLE Insurance Brokers. NEW ORLEANS REPREGENTERD BY G. T. BOWRING & GO., (Insurance) Lta., 5 and 6 Billiter Ave., LONDON, and at '"LLOYD'S"" LONDON. HULLS AND CARGOES. NEAFIE & LEVY F & A COM- pound 26"-50" x 30" with Surface Condenser and Pumps. Will alter to 22"-50" x 30" for high steam. 1314 K. W. Electric Lighting Set. Williamson Steering Engine. Two Hawser Pullers (Capstans). Two Providence Steam Wind- lasses. Wheeler Surface Condenser. Blake Vertical Duplex Air Pum and Jet Condenser. 714" steam, 16 air, 12" stroke. Worthington Duplex Air Pump & Jet Condenser 9" x 12" x 10". | D. C. Sturtevant Blower & Engine. Two Scotch Boilers 12' x 12'. Two Scotch Boilers 11' x 12'. Two Scotch boilers 1314' x 12'. MARVIN BRIGGS, INC., 154 Nassau Street, New York. WANTED--TWO SOUND SECOND Hand Marine, Scotch or Fire Box Boil- ers, 8 to 12 ft. in diameter. In answer- ing, please state age of boilers, and where built, present condition, last U. S. steam pressure allowed and why aban- doned. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock @onaChicago, Ll MARINE ENGINE AND BOILER outfit for sale. Pain & Son's Fore and Aft Compound Engine, 10 x 20 x 16-in. stroke, shaft, bronze propeller wheel 4 ft. Injectors, (2) Duplex pumps, condenser, all fittings complete, Almy Boiler 8 ft. high--7 ft. 10 in. wide, 6 ft. 8 in. long, 250 pounds steam allowed. This equip- ment was only used (3) months, was re- placed by high speed Gasoline Engine. ~ Cost $7,000. Will sell for $1,650. R. W. Herfurth Company, 39 Cortlandt St, New York. aN Gaol. ee VC ANSa HORS o Adeab JEN first class condition. Rebuilt, November, 1907, hull of oak, 45 feet keel length, 12 feet beam, 6 feet depth, 14 gross tons, high pressure Sutton engine, cylinder 14 x 14 inches, fire box boiler, 5 x 9% feet, 100 Ibs. steam. Can be seen at Two Riv- ers, Wis. Address Hamilton Mfg. Com- pany, Two Rivers, Wis. TUGS FOR SALE. BEST PAYING TUG BOAT BUSI- ness for sale, on Puget Sound, including 5 tugs and 7 barges. Address Capt. Lee Wheeler, 410 Bell St., Seattle, Wash. MUGsROR- SALE 40 Br. x 10> br: beam, 3 ft. draught, engine 10 x 10, boiler 250 lbs. steam. This Tug is trunnelled, salted and coppered, cost $8,000. Price $1,500. Also one 50 x 15 ft. beam, 5 ft. draught, engine 15 x 15, 100 Ibs. steam. Price $1,600. R. W. Herfurth Company, 39 Cortlandt St.. New York. N. Y. A New Guide to the Sheet-iron and Boiler Plate Roller By Perkins and Stowe. Containing a Series of Tables showing the Weight: of Slabs and Piles to Produce Boiler Plates, and of the Weight of Piles and the Sizes of Bars to produce Sheet-iron; the Thickness of the Bar Gauge in decimals; the Weight per foot, and the Thickness on the Bar or Wire Gauge of the fractional parts of aninch; the Weight per sheet, and the Thickness on the Wire Gauge of Sheet- iron of various dimensions to weigh 112 lbs. per bundle; and the conversion of Short Weight into Long Weight, and Long Weight into Short. PRICE $1.50. BOOK DEPARTMENT The Penton Publishing Co. Cleveland. Kreer, N. A., M. E. CHICAGO arine Service. | We place insurances in the most advantageous markets, hav- ing unequaled facilities for procuring, in the interests of cur Clients, the best obtainable rates and termsfrom the strongest Foreign and Home companies, We Represent the Assured Engineering In charge of John G. Com LEARN RIGHT WHILE YOU ARE AT IT A full and complete course of instruction in Lake and Ocean Naviga- tion and Marine and Stationary Engineering. Also special branches taught those desiring to qualify themselves for better positions in the 3 Students taught by correspondence. Students may begin at any time. Diplomas will be issued to all graduates passing satisfactory final examination. CHICAGO NAUTICAL SCHOOL 22% Yew MASONIC TEMPLE, CHICAGO, ILL. W. J. WILSON, Principal (Late Lieutenant U.S. N.) Navigation In charge of W. J. WILSON, Graduate of U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Send for Circular.