TAE MarINeE. REVIEW 11 "Fugene Zimmerman" Owned by Toledo S. S.Go. ae Dee EE Oy a Ao Se a Toledo Runs between Lake Erie Ports and Duluth Jones Stokers #233 A self contained and simple installation: _Feat- - . » extraordinary emergency of weather, etc. This ab- : ures essential in marine work. _. . solute regulation due to Automatic Control: Produce a saving in first cost 'of fuel: Substi- .. Means maintaining "a regular schedule with tution of cheap grades for higher priced grades. : consequent increase in earning power of vessel. A tonnage saving in fuel: Permits of an. -Lightens labors of firemen and secures a greater increase in cargo capacity. aS ae a degree of comfort in the firehold. Steady steam and plenty of steam for.every Clean decks and fittings due to smoke abatement: ordinary neduireinent, aud to quickly n meet EVERY. = 6 Desirable) in passenger traffic and while in port. send for our oe bulletins on marine orks THE UNDER-F FED STOKER Marquette uilding COMPANY OF AMERICA CHICAGO "OSSABAW" Ow ned by Brunswick S. S. Go. 32 Broadway New York Gity Runs between New York and