Dy, TAE MarRINE. REVIEW DO YOU WANT Safety-Economy-Strength IN YOUR VESSELS? Maytham's Hopper Bottom Construc- tion for Vessels will give it to you. -- \\ 1 i = 4 A 5 mG A iret 7 zi E Fy 1 : Fr z iE § | S q ie ay = tL i : - 'iL | Z | = == = | [. -- = tl lh) Se | = MH i Ata ee i HOPPER LAKE VESSEL: LOOKING DOWN UPON THE DECK. SOME OF THE ADVANTACES al, Practically non-sinkable. 1. Lower insurance. i 2. Cargo cannot shift, or get wet, 2. Less expense unloading. 3. Boat will not break intwo, -- | 3. Saving in time. 1. Truss construction prevents vibration. ren 2. Hopper frames brace hull in every direction. 3. Decks not weakened by numerous hatches. Automatic Transfer Company | Prudential Bldg. BUFFALO, N. Y.