THe Marine REVIEW Friction Devils Driven Into The Sea Marine engineers and large vessel owners recog- nize theabsolute supremacy of U.S. G. Co's Graphite Lubricants over all others for engine rooms and ship's ma- chinery. Two of these, unequalled and indispensible are U. S. 6. Co's No. 205 Lubricating Graphite -- U. S. G. Co's Mexican Graphite Cup Grease The former is a pure, soft graphite powder--not. 'flake' but air-floated and gritless - very adhesiveand working at all temperatures and under all frictional pressures. Mixes readily with oil and remains suspended therein sufficiently long to feed through lubricator tubes without clogging. The Cup Greaseis a combination of mineral lubricating oils carrying just the right propo:tion No. 205 Lubricating Graph- ite and is made in four consistencies suitable for every use. Result-- smooth, mirrorlike, almost frictionless bearing surfaces, always cool with minimum attention. For 20c in postage we will send once only to "the interested man" a one-pound canof either of these, or for 40c to pay post- age, two one-pound cans (one of each). Ask for Booklet B-2. Address, Look at this ¥ Automatic Injector meets the approval of every engineer. The illustration shows the construction in detail and is most. convincing evidence why it meets the needs of the steam user better than any other. Every part is accessible and. easily cleaned. All parts are inter- changeable. Duplicate parts can be quickly fur- nished and put in by the user. And don't forget that each U. S. Injector is guar- anteed up to the U.S. Standard--z00 per cent efficient. That's. why it has the practica) endorsement of the U. S. Government and over 300,000 engineers. Engineer' s Red Book free on request. If you are a steam user you want this valuable _book. Postal power brings it free of charge. Write now. AMERICAN INJECTOR CO., Detroit, Mich. Manufacturers of '"'Moon" Automatic Grease Cups, "Never Fail" Crank Pin Oilers and a full line of Water ' Heaters, Ejectors, Fire Plugs, etc. THE UNITED STATES GRAPHITE co. SAGINAW, MICH., U.S. A. Ashton Highest Grade Pop Salety Valves and Steam Gages Guaranteed to give Unequalled Efficiency, Durability and Perfect Satisfaction. Special Features in valves. Outside Pop Regulation. Ca MATT aT vines Cam Lever Attachment. Jessops Steel Spring. Gages have Non-Corrosive Movements. Accurately Graduated Dials. Seamless Drawn Springs. Specify the Ashton and Get the Best. THE ASHTON VALVE COMPANY. 271 Franklin St. .- BOSTON, MASS Branches : _ New York. Chicago. Philadelphia. _ San Francisco.